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New Open Access Journal Expands Publishing Opportunity for Psychological Scientists

The Association for Psychological Science and Sage announce the launch of Advances in Psychological Science Open, a fully open-access journal that will publish high-quality empirical, technical, theoretical, and review articles, across the full...
14-Aug-2024 1:25 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Programs to Prevent Sexual Violence Show No Evidence of Curbing Assaults

Sexual violence prevention programs effectively change ideas and beliefs that underscore assaults, but show no evidence of reducing their actual occurrence, a new analysis shows.
4-Jun-2024 1:30 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Teens Who View Their Homes as More Chaotic Than Their Siblings Have Poorer Mental Health in Adulthood

Many parents ponder why one of their children seems more emotionally troubled than the others. A new study in the United Kingdom reveals a possible basis for those differences.
8-May-2024 1:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Talking Politics With Strangers Isn’t as Awful as You’d Expect, Research Suggests

Individuals underestimate the social connection they can make with a stranger who disagrees with them on contentious issues, a new research paper suggests.
3-Apr-2024 2:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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People Are Inclined to Hide a Contagious Illness While Around Others, Research Shows

A startling number of people conceal an infectious illness to avoid missing work, travel, or social events, new research at the University of Michigan suggests.
29-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Detention Fails to Help Young Lawbreakers Avoid Further Offenses, Report Shows

Youth who are caught stealing, using illegal drugs, or committing other moderate crimes are far less likely to reoffend when they receive therapy, life-skills training, and other rehabilitative help rather than legal punishment, a growing body of...
23-Jan-2024 7:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

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Substance-Abuse Stigma Impedes Treatment in Various Ways, Scientists Say

Addiction is one of society’s most misunderstood and rebuked health conditions. That stigma discourages many people from seeking treatment for substance dependence, according to a new scientific report.
15-Dec-2023 9:30 AM EST Add to Favorites

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Artificial Intelligence Systems Excel at Imitation, but Not Innovation

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are often depicted as sentient agents poised to overshadow the human mind. But AI lacks the crucial human ability of innovation, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have found.
12-Dec-2023 1:05 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

The Littlest Linguists: New Research on Language Development

How do children learn language, and how is language related to other cognitive and social skills? Psychological scientists have researched these questions for many decades. Here’s a look at some recent research (2020–2021) on language...
1-Sep-2021 3:55 PM EDT

APS Backgrounder Series: Psychology and COVID-19

Through an ongoing series of backgrounders, the Association for Psychological Science (APS) is exploring many of the psychological factors that can help the public understand and collectively combat the spread of COVID-19. Each backgrounder...
30-Mar-2020 2:50 PM EDT

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APS is the leading international organization dedicated to advancing scientific psychology across disciplinary and geographic borders. Our members provide a richer understanding of the world through their research, teaching, and application of psychological science. We are passionate about supporting psychological scientists in these pursuits, which we do by sharing cutting-edge research across all areas of the field through our journals and conventions; promoting the integration of scientific perspectives within psychological science and with related disciplines; fostering global connections among our members; engaging the public with our research to promote broader understanding and awareness of psychological science; and advocating for increased support for psychological science in the public policy arena.


