The Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute studies the value and role of radiology and radiologists in evolving health care delivery and payment systems. Neiman Institute research provides a foundation for evidence-based imaging policy to improve patient care and bolster efficient, effective use of health care resources.
Radiologists are being asked/required to participate in alternative payment models without data to ascertain their appropriate share of such payments and without knowledge of how to function appropriately in these non-traditional environments. The information needed to respond to the challenges posed is not currently available. The Institute helps all stakeholders understand the “value of radiology” and its role in the healthcare continuum.
The Institute provides accurate data to lawmakers, regulators and payers to help them make informed policy decisions that actually improve care and make it more efficient – rather than rely on current subjective, arbitrary, and blind cost-cutting. The Institute provides radiologists with data helpful in interactions with payers, hospitals and ACOs for capitation contracts and/or bundled episodes of care or other novel payment systems.