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Fowl Play: Why the Hunt for Thanksgiving’s Favorite Bird Could Get Tougher

If hunters continue to follow their current strategies and prey continue their same routine, turkeys may become tougher to harvest in the future, according to new research from the University of Georgia.
27-Nov-2024 9:50 AM EST Add to Favorites

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The Metaverse Lets Audiences Watch Sports in a New Way

A new study from the University of Georgia suggests that users value the unique virtual interactions with others offered by digital events in the metaverse.
19-Nov-2024 9:40 AM EST Add to Favorites

The Women and Stress Behind Rural Farming in America

Recent research from the University of Georgia suggests the unique stresses from farm life may be taking a toll on one of the pillars of the families that make your dinners possible: the women who keep farming families running.
18-Nov-2024 9:15 AM EST Add to Favorites

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New Mixed Reality Game May Help Kids Be More Active

Mixed reality gaming may be the motivation kids need to stay active, according to a new study from the University of Georgia.
12-Nov-2024 11:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

People Engaging in Self-Harm Find Support on Reddit. But Is That Community Helping Them?

A new study from the University of Georgia suggests people posting in Reddit’s r/selfharm community are likely seeking support for negative emotions.
6-Nov-2024 11:25 AM EST Add to Favorites

High Levels of Omega-3, Omega-6 May Protect Against Cancer

In addition to lowering your cholesterol, keeping your brain healthy and improving mental health, new research from the University of Georgia suggests omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids may help ward off a variety of cancers. The study relied on data...
4-Nov-2024 9:10 AM EST Add to Favorites

Nearly 6% of Pregnant Women Report Marijuana Use

A new study from the University of Georgia College of Public Health found that about 6% of pregnant women reported using marijuana during the last month, and many did not associate it with health risks.
1-Nov-2024 9:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Thermal imaging may help fruits, veggies stay fresher longer

A recent University of Georgia review suggests new temperature measuring technologies could make that process much simpler, amid growing agricultural challenges fueled by fluctuating climates.
28-Oct-2024 9:15 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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The University of Georgia, a land-grant and sea-grant university with statewide commitments and responsibilities, is the state's oldest, most comprehensive, and most diversified institution of higher education. Its motto, "to teach, to serve and to inquire into the nature of things," reflects the university's integral and unique role in the conservation and enhancement of the state's and nation's intellectual, cultural and environmental heritage.

