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Newswise:Video Embedded vivid-portrait-of-interacting-galaxies-marks-webb-s-second-anniversary
Released: 12-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Vivid Portrait of Interacting Galaxies Marks Webb's Second Anniversary
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

The James Webb Space Telescope operates around the clock, frequently astonishing researchers with its highly detailed — and incredibly precise — infrared images and data. These wavelengths of light, which lie beyond what our eyes can see, were largely out of reach at this level of detail until Webb began taking science observations July 12, 2022.

Newswise: NASA's Hubble Traces Dark Matter in Dwarf Galaxy Using Stellar Motions
Released: 11-Jul-2024 10:00 AM EDT
NASA's Hubble Traces Dark Matter in Dwarf Galaxy Using Stellar Motions
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Measuring the dynamic movements of stars can help us improve our understanding of dark matter and how this invisible “glue” is dispersed in galaxies. A team of astronomers set their sights on the Draco dwarf galaxy, a system located about 250,000 light-years from Earth.

Released: 11-Jul-2024 7:20 AM EDT
A cosmic tool for studying twisters and other severe storms
Ohio State University

Cosmic rays could offer scientists another way to track and study violent tornadoes and other severe weather phenomena, a new study suggests.

Newswise: La IA se une a la búsqueda de tesoros cósmicos en un océano de datos
Released: 10-Jul-2024 3:05 PM EDT
La IA se une a la búsqueda de tesoros cósmicos en un océano de datos

Uno de los desafíos más difíciles a los que se enfrentan los astrónomos modernos consiste en cómo son capaces de descubrir los tesoros cósmicos que se ocultan entre los enormes set de datos astronómicos. Con cada vez más estudios del cielo en marcha, los astrónomos necesitan aplicar técnicas innovadoras para buscar entre los datos de forma rápida y eficaz.

Newswise: La IA se une a la búsqueda de tesoros cósmicos en un océano de datos
Released: 10-Jul-2024 3:05 PM EDT
La IA se une a la búsqueda de tesoros cósmicos en un océano de datos

Uno de los desafíos más difíciles a los que se enfrentan los astrónomos modernos consiste en cómo son capaces de descubrir los tesoros cósmicos que se ocultan entre los enormes set de datos astronómicos. Con cada vez más estudios del cielo en marcha, los astrónomos necesitan aplicar técnicas innovadoras para buscar entre los datos de forma rápida y eficaz.

Newswise: AI Aids in Search for Cosmic Gems in Ocean of Data
Released: 10-Jul-2024 3:05 PM EDT
AI Aids in Search for Cosmic Gems in Ocean of Data

A new kind of quandary faced by modern astronomers is how to uncover cosmic gems within vast treasure troves of data. With increasingly large sky surveys underway, astronomers need innovative techniques to sift through the data quickly and effectively.

Newswise: AI Aids in Search for Cosmic Gems in Ocean of Data
Released: 10-Jul-2024 3:05 PM EDT
AI Aids in Search for Cosmic Gems in Ocean of Data

A new kind of quandary faced by modern astronomers is how to uncover cosmic gems within vast treasure troves of data. With increasingly large sky surveys underway, astronomers need innovative techniques to sift through the data quickly and effectively.

Newswise: NASA's Hubble Finds Strong Evidence for Intermediate-Mass Black Hole in Omega Centauri
10-Jul-2024 11:00 AM EDT
NASA's Hubble Finds Strong Evidence for Intermediate-Mass Black Hole in Omega Centauri
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Astronomers have identified the nearest black hole to Earth–weighing an estimated 8,200 solar masses–using 20 years of Hubble telescope observations. It is in the heart of the globular star cluster Omega Centauri, located 17,700 light-years away.

Newswise:Video Embedded astronomers-find-missing-link-in-massive-black-hole-formation
9-Jul-2024 11:00 AM EDT
Astronomers find missing link in massive black hole formation
University of Utah

Newly identified fast-moving stars in the star cluster Omega Centauri provide solid evidence for a central black hole in the cluster. With at least 8,200 solar masses, that black hole is the best candidate for a class of black holes astronomers have long believed to exist: intermediate-mass black holes, formed in the early stages of galaxy evolution.

Newswise:Video Embedded producing-space-brick-for-moon-base-using-microwave
Released: 10-Jul-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Producing ‘Space Brick’ for Moon Base Using Microwave
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT), has developed technology for producing construction materials using in-situ resources from the moon.

Newswise: XL-Calibur telescope launched to study black holes
Released: 9-Jul-2024 11:05 PM EDT
XL-Calibur telescope launched to study black holes
Washington University in St. Louis

Scientists from Washington University in St. Louis have launched a balloon-borne telescope to unlock the secrets of astrophysical black holes and neutron stars, some of the most extreme objects in the universe. The device known as XL-Calibur was launched from the Swedish Space Corporation’s Esrange Space Center, situated north of the Arctic Circle near Kiruna, Sweden, July 9.

Newswise: Laura Boon’s accelerator experience moves beyond the Advanced Photon Source
Released: 9-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Laura Boon’s accelerator experience moves beyond the Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory

The Advanced Photon Source (APS) recently went through a year’s long shut down and upgrade. Technical facilities and systems specialist Laura Boon is applying the skills from her experience working on the APS Upgrade Project to other accelerators across Argonne’s campus.

Newswise: Found with Webb: a potentially habitable icy world
Released: 9-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Found with Webb: a potentially habitable icy world
Universite de Montreal

A team of astronomers has made an exciting discovery about the temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b: it could be a promising "super-Earth" covered in ice or water.

Newswise: NA-ROAD Announces 2024 Cohort of 10 Women and Girls in Astronomy for Development Projects
Released: 8-Jul-2024 6:05 AM EDT
NA-ROAD Announces 2024 Cohort of 10 Women and Girls in Astronomy for Development Projects
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA)

The North American Regional Office of Astronomy for Development (NA-ROAD) is pleased to announce the selection of 10 astronomy for development projects as part of the 2024 cohort. These projects will receive funding as part of the Women and Girls in Astronomy Program (WGAP).

Newswise: NA-ROAD Announces 2024 Cohort of 10 Women and Girls in Astronomy for Development Projects
Released: 8-Jul-2024 6:05 AM EDT
NA-ROAD Announces 2024 Cohort of 10 Women and Girls in Astronomy for Development Projects
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA)

The North American Regional Office of Astronomy for Development (NA-ROAD) is pleased to announce the selection of 10 astronomy for development projects as part of the 2024 cohort. These projects will receive funding as part of the Women and Girls in Astronomy Program (WGAP).

Newswise: BDS High-precision service: current state, achievements, and future directions
Released: 4-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
BDS High-precision service: current state, achievements, and future directions
Chinese Academy of Sciences

The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) is undergoing a significant upgrade to meet the burgeoning needs for high-precision positioning across various sectors. The new services aim to provide decimeter-level accuracy within minutes, a substantial improvement over the current capabilities.

Newswise: BadenesCarlos_0-680x600-0_0-680_600.jpg
Released: 3-Jul-2024 9:05 AM EDT
A nova is coming: learn more about this stellar explosion
University of Pittsburgh

Astronomers expect a “new” star will be visible in the sky by September following an explosion in the constellation Corona Borealis

Newswise: LLNL delivers compact dual-band telescope for launch this summer aboard NASA satellite
Released: 2-Jul-2024 12:05 PM EDT
LLNL delivers compact dual-band telescope for launch this summer aboard NASA satellite
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) space hardware team has delivered a payload for NASA’s Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator-R (PTD-R) satellite.

Newswise: Machine learning could aid efforts to answer long-standing astrophysical questions
Released: 2-Jul-2024 10:30 AM EDT
Machine learning could aid efforts to answer long-standing astrophysical questions
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL physicists have developed a computer program incorporating machine learning that could help identify blobs of plasma in outer space known as plasmoids. In a novel twist, the program has been trained using simulated data.

Newswise: NASA’s Webb Captures Celestial Fireworks Around Forming Star
Released: 2-Jul-2024 10:10 AM EDT
NASA’s Webb Captures Celestial Fireworks Around Forming Star
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is celebrating U.S. Independence Day with an observation of the protostar, hidden inside the dark molecular cloud L1527 in mid-infrared light, as it evolves. This vibrant new view highlights the behavior of this young object and traces the different concentrations of gas and dust surrounding the protostar.

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