Dr. Raouf E. Nakhleh has been practicing medicine for 29 years. Dr.Nakhleh graduated from the Wayne State University School of Medicine in 1985. He practices medicine in Jacksonville, FL, and specializes in Anatomic Pathology & Clinical Pathology. Dr. Nakhleh is affiliated with Mayo Clinic. His interest includes Transplantation, Liver disease, Quality Improvement, Laboratory Medicine, Pathology.
The College of American Pathologists (CAP), in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, released a new proficiency testing (PT) program for the detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2).
09-Apr-2020 02:55:19 PM EDT
“If you were infected and you’ve gotten over the illness, we want to see if you have immunity so the illness won’t affect you again. That's one reason. Another reason we do this testing is to potentially use the individual’s plasma to treat other patients with active infections. The other, the last point I want to make about having antibodies is that this is one of the mechanisms that’s used to check the response to a potential vaccine.”
- Testing, Testing, and More Testing: Newswise Live COVID-19 Expert Panel
“Part of the problem is even if you have good tests if the prevalence of the infection is low, your accuracy really drops. If the prevalence is very high then the accuracy gets better and that’s why it can be false, you get the wrong results in up to 50% of the cases.”
- Testing, Testing, and More Testing: Newswise Live COVID-19 Expert Panel