Dr. Philip T. Evers is an Associate Professor of Logistics Management at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park. Joining the faculty at Maryland's main campus in the fall of 1993, he received his B.S. in transportation and logistics from Tri-State University in 1987, his M.B.A. from the University of Notre Dame in 1988, and his Ph.D. in logistics management from the University of Minnesota in 1993. His primary research concentrates on exploring methods for achieving statistical economies of scale in logistics systems. Specifically, he has developed mathematical models that predict the reduction in inventory levels resulting from the consolidation of stock-keeping locations. These savings arise primarily as a result of the demand-pooling effect of inventory centralization. Further, Dr. Evers has examined the use of transshipments between locations, finding that in the case of emergency transshipments statistical economies arise not only from demand pooling but also from lead-time pooling. He has also performed research related to intermodal transportation, focusing mainly on actual and perceived levels of competitive service provided by affiliated carriers. Dr. Evers has had articles published in such journals as Computers and Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Inventory Management Journal, Transportation Research, Transportation Journal, International Journal of Logistics Management, and Journal of Business Logistics.

Dr. Evers is presently the Systems Section Editor for the Journal of Business Logistics and serves on the Editorial Review Board for the International Journal of Logistics Management. He has worked on projects with Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M), the Intermodal Association of North America, and with various major railroads. A member of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), he was a two-term president of CSCMP's Baltimore Roundtable and an advisor to six area roundtables. Dr. Evers was also a judge for the 1997 Distributor/Warehouser of the Year Awards given out by the Warehouse Education and Research Council's Baltimore/Washington Chapter and the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development. He has given presentations to numerous groups including CSCMP's Roundtable Officers Leadership Conference and various local roundtables, the National Association of Purchasing Management-Maryland, and the International Brotherhood of Teamster's Warehouse Division Leadership Academy. A past recipient of the Allen J. Krowe Award for Teaching Excellence, Dr. Evers teaches a number of undergraduate and graduate courses ranging from basic introductory logistics to advanced inventory management and purchasing.

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"It seems to me that when you forward-position stock at stores, as brick-and-mortar retailers have traditionally done, you could respond much faster to customer orders."

- https://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/news/walmart-counters-amazon-its-own-prime-service

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