Danielle M. Alm, PharmD, BCPS, BCPPS, is an Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (PCP). Additionally, she is a Pediatric Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper University HealthCare. In this role she practices in general pediatrics as well as pediatric intensive care unit patients. Here, Dr. Alm precepts learners, including introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experience (IPPE) and (APPE) students and a PGY2 Pharmacotherapy Resident. On campus, Dr. Alm’s didactic teaching responsibilities include pediatric content taught throughout the curriculum. Pediatric content includes pediatric infectious diseases, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences, pediatric enteral and parenteral nutrition, pediatric seizures, multiple sclerosis, drug information and literature evaluation, and hematology and oncology. She also coordinates the pediatric elective. Dr. Alm’s research interests include student run research, pediatric research focusing on medication safety, pharmacodynamics, and asthma. She is an active member of the Pediatric Pharmacist Association (PPA) where she has served in many different roles.
23-Mar-2023 02:55:12 PM EDT