ASN foundation for kidney research announces 2019 grant recipients

The ASN Foundation for Kidney Research provides more than $3 million in funding for clinical and basic research for members at all stages of their careers.


  • The ASN Foundation for Kidney Research announced the 2019 recipients of research grants to advance new understandings of—and treatments for—kidney diseases.
  • The Foundation will fund 46 leading researchers working to cure kidney diseases. These include 27 new projects, with 19 continuing from 2018.
  • Established in 2012 by the American Society of Nephrology, the Foundation funds research that will help improve the health of approximately 40 million Americans burdened by kidney diseases, the 9th leading cause of death in the United States.

Newswise — Washington, DC (June 20, 2019)—The ASN Foundation for Kidney Research has announced the 2019 research grant recipients who are working to improve understanding of kidney diseases and develop new and advanced treatment options. Among the research projects being funded are investigations into gut microbiota modulation of oxalate, pediatric peritoneal dialysis and uremic solutes, and deprescribing interventions for older adults with chronic kidney disease.

Established in 2012, the ASN Foundation for Kidney Research funds the Career Development Grants Program, the Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program, the William and Sandra Bennett Clinical Scholars Program, the Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Award Program, and the American Society of Nephrology-Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program.

“For seven years, the ASN Foundation has been proud to support and nurture creative young investigators who are leading the charge to develop better therapies and treatments for kidney diseases,” said Mark D. Okusa, MD, FASN, Chair of the ASN Foundation Board of Directors. “It is our hope that research supported by these important grants will ultimately lead to discoveries that will improve the lives of kidney patients.”

Career Development Grants Program

The ASN Foundation’s Career Development Grants Program helps young investigators achieve independent research careers and is supported by contributions provided by ASN, Akebia Therapeutics, Inc., Amgen, and individual donors.

Carl W. Gottschalk Research Scholar Grant Recipients

Subhashini Bolisetty, PhD

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Targeting Ferritin in Sepsis-Associated Acute Kidney Injury


Louise Evans, PhD

University of Minnesota Pathological Role of T-Cells in Salt-Sensitive Hypertension


Naoka Murakami, MD, PhD

Brigham and Women’s Hospital Roles of Immune Checkpoint Signaling in Autoimmune Kidney Diseases


Sagar Nigwekar MD, MMSc

Massachusetts General Hospital

Novel Determinants of Calcific Uremic Arteriolopathy


Tengis Pavlov, PhD

Henry Ford Health System Mechanism and Role of ATP Release in Polycystic Kidney Diseases


Fahad Saeed, MD

University of Rochester Pilot Testing of a Communication Intervention to Promote Shared Renal Replacement Therapy Decision Making in Older Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (RRT-SDM Trial)


Tomokazu Souma, MD, PhD

Duke University

Harnessing Antioxidative Stress Pathways in Renal Epithelial Progenitors to Prevent AKI-to-CKD Transition

John Merrill Grant in Transplantation

Sarah Panzer, MD

University of Wisconsin Madison

Impact of B Cell Survival Cytokines on Transplant Glomerulopathy

Norman Siegel Research Scholar Grant

Brian Becknell, MD, PhD

The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital Therapeutic Urothelial Remodeling: A Novel Strategy to Limit Obstructive Kidney Injury

Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation (OHF)-ASN Foundation for Kidney Research Grant

Dylan Dodd, MD, PhD

Stanford University

Gut Microbiota Modulation of Oxalate

Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program

The Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program supports nephrology fellows who will advance the understanding of kidney biology and disease and is fully endowed by contributions provided by Fresenius Medical Care, ASN, the American Renal Patient Care Foundation, Inc., Amgen, Baxter, and the PKD Foundation.

Ben J. Lipps Research Fellows

Lakshmi Ganesan, MD, MAS

Stanford University Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis and Uremic Solutes


Kana Miyata, MD

University of Montreal Hospital Research Center

Novel Role of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein F (hnRNP F) in Regulation of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) Expression in Diabetes


Nabin Poudel, PhD

University of Virginia

Pannexin1 and Acute Kidney Injury


Katherine Scovner, MD

Brigham and Women’s Hospital Acid-Base Status of Hospitalized Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis as a Predictor of Hospital Outcomes


Seyedmohammad ebrahim Tahaei, PhD

University of Maryland, Baltimore Illuminating the Mechanisms that Control Salt Balance in the Face of NCC Inhibition

Sharon Anderson Research Fellow

Sri Lekha Tummalapalli, MD, MBA

University of California, San Francisco Screening Strategies for Chronic Kidney Disease in US Populations

Jared J. Grantham Research Fellow

Ken Sutha, MD, PhD

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Patient-Derived Kidney Organoids

Dimitrios G. Oreopoulos Research Fellow

Aneta Przepiorski, PhD

University of Pittsburgh

Modeling Kidney Fibrosis and Testing Therapeutic Compounds in Human Kidney Organoids

George B. Rathmann Research Fellow

Michael Holliday, MD, PhD

Baylor College of Medicine

From Bedside to Bench: Gramoxone and Mesoamerican Nephropathy

Donald E. Wesson Research Fellow

Xiao-Tong Su, PhD

Oregon Health and Science University Dietary Potassium Causes Chloride-Induced Distal Hypertension

William and Sandra Bennett Clinical Scholars Grant Program

The William and Sandra Bennett Clinical Scholars Program provides funding to clinician educators to conduct a project to advance all facets of nephrology education and teaching.

Tushar Chopra, MBBS, FASN

University of Virginia Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) Curriculum Development to Improve PD Prescription Writing Amongst Nephrology Trainees

ASN Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Award Program

The ASN Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Award Program provides funding to early career-stage PhD students to conduct original research projects and make contributions to the understanding of kidney biology and disease.

Benjamin Bowe

St. Louis VA Health Care System

Identification of Inpatient Acute Kidney Injury and Phenotypes Using Large Scale Electronic Medical Records


Yijiang Chen

Case Western Reserve University

Computational Pathology Approach for Characterizing Kidney Biopsies and Predicting APOL1 Risk Variants


Pei-Ju Liu

SUNY Upstate Medical University

The Role of Myo1e- and Clathrin-Dependent Endocytic Trafficking in Podocyte Health and Disease


Franco Puleo

Boston University

Sympathetic Nervous System Regulation of the NCC in Salt Sensitive Hypertension


Annie Ryan

UT Southwestern Medical Center

Elucidating Vascular Signals in Nephron Formation Using Human Organoids


American Society of Nephrology–Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program

Rasheeda Hall, MD, MS

Duke University

Establishing Evidence to Manage Geriatric Syndromes in Hemodialysis Patients

To learn more about the 2019 recipients, please visit Kidney News Online:

The ASN Foundation for Kidney Research was established in 2012 and funds the Career Development Grants Program, the Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program, the William and Sandra Bennett Clinical Scholars Program, Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Award Program, and the American Society of Nephrology-Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program. For more information on the ASN Foundation for Kidney Research or its Grants Program, please visit or contact [email protected], 202.640.4660.

Since 1966, ASN has been leading the fight to prevent, treat, and cure kidney diseases throughout the world by educating health professionals and scientists, advancing research and innovation, communicating new knowledge, and advocating for the highest quality care for patients. ASN has more than 20,000 members representing 131 countries. For more information, please visit or contact the society at 202-640-4660.


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