Feature Channels: Family and Parenting

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Newswise: Do Institutions Support Partner Hiring? A New Tool Ranks Universities
Released: 24-Jun-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Do Institutions Support Partner Hiring? A New Tool Ranks Universities
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

To raise awareness and assist couples with job searches, UNC-Chapel Hill researchers launched an evidence-based tool showing how research-intensive institutions rank in partner hiring – providing insights on where they may be excelling and where they may be deficient. Jill Fisher, PhD, professor of social medicine at the UNC School of Medicine, co-led the project.

10-Jun-2024 8:05 PM EDT
Allowing children to sip and taste alcohol leads to increased drinking during late adolescence and young adulthood
Research Society on Alcoholism

Despite evidence that allowing children to try alcohol with parental supervision can increase risk for later drinking, many parents continue to do so in the belief that their children are more likely to develop responsible drinking habits.

Newswise: Kids deserve a say on use of digital media
Released: 23-Jun-2024 10:05 PM EDT
Kids deserve a say on use of digital media
University of South Australia

As Australian governments continue to debate social media risks for children, new research from the University of South Australia suggests that an all-out ban could have detrimental effects for tweens.

Newswise: Bedtime battles: 1 in 4 parents say their child can’t go to sleep because they’re worried or anxious
12-Jun-2024 9:10 AM EDT
Bedtime battles: 1 in 4 parents say their child can’t go to sleep because they’re worried or anxious
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

1 in 4 parents describe getting their young child to bed as difficult – and these parents are less likely to have a bedtime routine, more likely to leave on a video or TV show, and more likely to stay with their child until they’re asleep.
