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Released: 14-May-2015 7:05 AM EDT
Empathy Is Related to Sexual Orientation
University of Haifa

The study, led by Professor Simone Shamay-Tsoory of the University of Haifa found that, in addition to gender, differences in empathy between people is related to sexual preference and, therefore, this orientation is important when assessing differences in empathy among people

Released: 24-Dec-2014 8:40 AM EST
Where Is Israel's Natural Gas Sector Is Heading To?
University of Haifa

Prof. Brenda Shaffer, an expert on international oil and natural gas polices, claims that Israel’s natural gas and electricity sectors suffer from the government’s extreme free market approach.

Released: 22-Jun-2014 2:00 AM EDT
Internet Campaign to Release the Kidnapped Teens Goes Viral All Over the World
University of Haifa

University of Haifa's Ambassador Online program are the ones behind the #Bring Back Our Boys campaign.

Released: 22-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
University of Haifa to Award Eight Doctor of Philosophy Honoris Causa Degrees at the 42nd BOG Meeting
University of Haifa

The University of Haifa will award eight Doctor of Philosophy honoris causa degrees to: Frederik Willem de Klerk, Lady Irene Hatter, Dr. Ernest Strauss, Prof. Stefan Reif , Chaim Topol , Prof. Julia Kristeva, Uri Lubrani and Prof. Celso Lafer, in the course of the University's 42nd Meeting of the Board of Governors events.

Released: 6-Dec-2010 5:00 AM EST
Israel's Largest Fire in Decades: List of Experts
University of Haifa

Thousands of acres of the Carmel Forest, adjacent to the University of Haifa, Israel, were engulfed in flames in the fire that turned into a national tragedy - the largest forest fire in the history of modern Israel. Following is a list of experts.
