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Released: 24-Nov-2020 12:30 PM EST
$2.5 million DOE grant to help MSU researchers measure benefits of growing trees for biofuel
Mississippi State University

A $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy will benefit Mississippi State researchers in the university’s Forest and Wildlife Research Center studying the economic and ecological benefits of growing trees for biofuel production.

Released: 1-Oct-2020 12:25 PM EDT
MSU, USDA Agricultural Research Service celebrate new partnership, “Atlas” supercomputer housed in Starkville
Mississippi State University

Building on decades of successful collaborations, Mississippi State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service celebrated the new “Atlas” supercomputer Wednesday [Sept. 30] with a virtual event.

Released: 10-Jun-2020 11:05 AM EDT
$5.7 million to fight global hunger awarded by Mississippi State-based Fish Innovation Lab
Mississippi State University

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish at Mississippi State University is awarding $5.7 million in grants to develop innovative approaches for helping solve hunger affecting more than 800 million people worldwide.

Released: 4-Feb-2020 1:25 PM EST
MSU partners to establish network to help coastal birds
Mississippi State University

A Mississippi State researcher is co-leading a new network of more than 100 wildlife scientists and land managers from across the U.S. to monitor and aid birds along the Gulf of Mexico.

Released: 24-Jan-2020 5:05 PM EST
NSF Career Grant recipient advances physics research, outreach efforts at Mississippi State
Mississippi State University

With help from a prestigious National Science Foundation Career Grant, a Mississippi State faculty member is working to advance his nuclear physics research and provide a new summer school experience for Mississippi students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Released: 19-Dec-2019 10:35 AM EST
New MSU study corrects ‘fake news’ on social media
Mississippi State University

A Mississippi State University researcher and a recent graduate are publishing their new study on how the dissemination of correct information on social media platforms can shift public perception amid a wave of “fake news.”

Released: 6-Nov-2019 5:05 PM EST
MSU physics faculty’s breakthrough research resolves years-old proton size puzzle
Mississippi State University

This research, titled the “Proton Radius Experiment” and performed by a national scientific team including three MSU physicists, publishes today in Nature, the international journal of science.

Released: 6-Nov-2019 10:05 AM EST
MSU president addresses international food and agriculture agency, expands partnerships in Rome
Mississippi State University

Mississippi State University’s work to address key challenges of the 21st century was the focus of a speech delivered by MSU President Mark E. Keenum in Italy today [Nov. 6].

Released: 30-Aug-2019 5:05 PM EDT
Opinion: Why I Celebrate National Wildlife Day
Mississippi State University

I have been blessed these last three decades to pursue a career as a wildlife scientist at a land-grant university, working daily at the nexus of my vocation and advocation. So, celebrating National Wildlife Day comes naturally. However, in our increasingly urban society, many people may not understand my affinity for wildlife or even why we would celebrate a national day for wildlife.

Released: 26-Jul-2019 8:05 AM EDT
As Bonnet Carré Spillway closes, impact to seafood industry continues to linger, MSU economist says
Mississippi State University

While the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is closing the Bonnet Carré Spillway this week, economic impacts of its months-long opening are expected to be felt in the seafood industry for years to come.

Released: 24-Jun-2019 5:00 PM EDT
Treasures From Site of John the Baptist’s Martyrdom Brought to New Light Through Mississippi State’s Cobb Institute of Archaeology
Mississippi State University

E. Jerry Vardaman was the first to lead an excavation of the ancient site of Machaerus—the place in modern-day Jordan near the Dead Sea where John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded by Herod Antipas. The excavation was in 1968 when Vardaman was affiliated with Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, before joining Mississippi State in 1972 as a professor of religion and the Cobb Institute’s first director. Some of the palace’s treasures uncovered by the archaeologist only now are being rediscovered with the help of passionate scholars and the late professor’s family.

Released: 29-Apr-2019 1:05 PM EDT
Nature Ecology & Evolution publishes MSU study on marine exotic species
Mississippi State University

An associate director of Mississippi State’s Northern Gulf Institute is receiving international attention for his eye-opening study on the impact exotic species have on native marine communities.

Released: 28-Feb-2019 12:05 PM EST
MSU biologist’s fossil study garners international attention
Mississippi State University

Research developed using an $832,000 National Science Foundation grant in a Mississippi State University biologist’s lab is gaining international attention this week in Current Biology, a premier bi-monthly scientific journal.

Released: 19-Feb-2019 3:05 PM EST
MSU Technologies Lead to Better Survival, Bigger Catfish for Mississippi Producers
Mississippi State University

Mississippi State-developed vaccination technologies are being commercialized to help the catfish industry save millions for the state that leads the nation in production.

Released: 19-Feb-2019 3:05 PM EST
Mississippi State Develops Smartphone App to Test Lumber
Mississippi State University

Determining the stiffest piece of lumber is now easier with a new smartphone app created by scientists in Mississippi State University’s Forest and Wildlife Research Center.

Released: 14-Jan-2019 4:05 PM EST
MSU faculty member calls for data utilization to augment community resilience after lessons learned from Camp Fire
Mississippi State University

A Mississippi State civil engineering faculty member who researches resilience against extreme events and natural hazards is responding to lessons learned from California’s deadly Camp Fire by outlining how to utilize the power of data to improve disaster response and minimize economic loss and human harm in similar events.

Released: 5-Dec-2018 12:05 PM EST
Cage-free unit added to Mississippi State poultry department
Mississippi State University

A new poultry research facility at Mississippi State University is addressing the growing consumer and corporate demands for cage-free eggs.

Released: 19-Oct-2018 4:10 PM EDT
MSU Sociologist Investigates Community Impacts of Reduction of Goose Population
Mississippi State University

A Mississippi State sociologist’s upcoming book explores how one rural community is adapting as shifting climatological conditions have eliminated more than 100,000 geese from a traditional wintering ground.

