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Released: 2-Dec-2024 8:20 PM EST
Cedars-Sinai Experts at Annual Epilepsy Meeting

Experts from the departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, as well as Cedars-Sinai Guerin Children’s, are attending the American Epilepsy Society 2024 Annual Meeting Dec. 6-10 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

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Released: 26-Nov-2024 11:40 AM EST
Perfect Match: Woman Donates Lifesaving Kidney to Her Identical Twin

Identical twins Linda Thomas and Karen Rodman, 56, have shared everything from the moment they were born. The Las Vegas residents live less than five miles from each other. They work together, carpool together, shop together. Their phone numbers would be identical, save for the last digit.

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Released: 26-Nov-2024 11:00 AM EST
Using AI To Intercept Pancreatic Cancer in Black Patients

Cedars-Sinai investigators who previously developed an imaging tool that used artificial intelligence (AI) to predict pancreatic cancer are now working to adapt that tool specifically for Black patients, who have disproportionately high rates of the disease.

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Released: 21-Nov-2024 11:40 AM EST
Cedars-Sinai to Lead International Study on How the Placenta Affects Heart Health

Ananth Karumanchi, MD, professor of Medicine, director of the Renovascular Research Center and the Medallion Chair in Vascular Biology at Cedars-Sinai, will lead a multicenter, international research team to study how the placenta affects the heart health of mothers and babies and whether it is predictive of heightened lifelong cardiovascular disease risk.

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Released: 21-Nov-2024 10:00 AM EST
Robotics and Beyond: Advances in Lung Cancer Surgery

As director of the Division of Thoracic Surgery in the Jim and Eleanor Randall Department of Surgery at Cedars-Sinai, Harmik J. Soukiasian, MD, and his colleagues are on the forefront of surgical innovations for patients with early-stage lung cancer.

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Released: 20-Nov-2024 10:35 AM EST
Updated Stroke Guidelines Focus on Women, Medications

Newly updated stroke prevention guidelines from the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association say women with endometriosis and women with early-onset menopause are at greater risk.

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Released: 19-Nov-2024 10:45 AM EST
New AI Method Measures Cancer Severity Using Pathology Reports

A group of investigators led by Cedars-Sinai have developed and successfully tested a new artificial intelligence (AI) method to make launching cancer clinical trials easier and faster.

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Released: 18-Nov-2024 11:10 AM EST
Cómo Mantener a los Mayores Fuera del Hospital Durante la Temporada de la Gripe

La influenza puede ser una enfermedad desagradable de una semana de duración y un inconveniente para muchas personas, pero puede tener consecuencias graves para los adultos mayores.

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Released: 18-Nov-2024 10:45 AM EST
How to Keep Older Adults Out of the Hospital During Flu Season

The flu might be a miserable weeklong illness and inconvenience for many people, but it can have serious consequences for older adults.

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Released: 15-Nov-2024 11:10 AM EST
November Research Tip Sheet

Cedars-Sinai has published a summary highlighting its research advances for November 2024.

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Released: 14-Nov-2024 11:30 AM EST
One Year After Landmark Report, Cedars-Sinai to Host The Lancet Commission on Medicine, Nazism and the Holocaust

Cedars-Sinai’s Center for Medicine, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, in cooperation with the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet, will host a free event, open to the public, focusing on how the history of medicine, Nazism and the Holocaust is influencing the practice, students and practitioners of today’s health professions.

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Released: 14-Nov-2024 10:45 AM EST
New Stem Cell Data From Space

Cedars-Sinai investigators are one step closer to manufacturing stem cells in space, which could speed up the development of new medical therapies on Earth. The first published data from the experiments conducted on a private space mission appeared in the peer-reviewed Nature portfolio journal NPJ Microgravity.

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Released: 12-Nov-2024 3:40 PM EST
Smidt Heart Institute Experts Will Give Key Presentations at AHA Scientific Sessions 2024

Physicians and investigators from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai will give more than 30 presentations at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions Nov. 16-18 in Chicago.

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Released: 12-Nov-2024 2:55 PM EST
Cedars-Sinai Leads Growth Initiative for Diverse-Owned Businesses

In an effort to foster economic growth throughout Southern California’s diverse communities, Cedars-Sinai has taken a lead role in creating a first-of-its-kind centralized resource directory designed to help diverse-owned vendors secure business opportunities with Southern California hospitals.

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Released: 12-Nov-2024 10:25 AM EST
Study: Antibiotics Can Cause Harm to Flu Patients

Taking antibiotics during an influenza infection can be harmful and increases the risk of developing a bacterial pneumonia while sick with the flu, according to new research led by Cedars-Sinai.

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Released: 11-Nov-2024 1:00 PM EST
Estudio: Los Adultos Mayores con Cáncer de Próstata Reciben Más Tratamientos Excesivos

Según un nuevo estudio dirigido por Cedars-Sinai, un porcentaje de hombres estadounidenses de edad avanzada con cáncer de próstata de riesgo intermedio y alto se someten a tratamientos que conllevan riesgos de efectos secundarios que pueden reducir significativamente la calidad de vida sin prolongarla.

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Released: 11-Nov-2024 11:25 AM EST
Study: Older Adult Prostate Cancer Patients Are Increasingly Being Overtreated

Increasing percentages of some older U.S. men with intermediate-risk and high-risk prostate cancers are undergoing treatments that carry risks of side effects that can significantly reduce the quality of life without extending life, according to a new study led by Cedars-Sinai.

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Released: 11-Nov-2024 10:00 AM EST
Cedars-Sinai Taps New Director of F. Widjaja Inflammatory Bowel Disease Institute

Cedars-Sinai has appointed prominent inflammatory bowel disease physician-scientist Maria T. Abreu, MD, to be the executive director of the F. Widjaja Inflammatory Bowel Disease Institute. Abreu will succeed longstanding director Stephan Targan, MD, her mentor and a former research colleague from more than two decades ago.

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Released: 8-Nov-2024 1:30 PM EST
Setting New Research Vision for Cedars-Sinai Guerin Children’s

Cedars-Sinai Guerin Children’s is building a formidable pediatric research enterprise aimed at identifying the genetic underpinnings of childhood diseases and developing novel therapies.
