Director of Science Programs with IAFNS managing the programs of several Nutrition Science Committees and developing new concepts into larger scale programs. Has over 20 years of experience in addressing emerging nutrition issues and application of evidence to policy development. Passionate about engaging stakeholders with diverse perspectives to facilitate dialogue and address issues of common concern to improve health. Previously served as Study Director for the Review of Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Food Packages at the National Academies’ Food and Nutrition Board. Registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) with Masters degrees in Nutrition Science (MS) and Business Administration (MBA).

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Ensuring Research Tools Measure Brain Benefits from Nutrition that Consumers Actually Seek

Advances will aid research designs that reflect potential day-to-day benefits of nutrition, including attention, memory, anxiety and other benefits.
20-Jun-2024 11:05:58 AM EDT

Register for Food and Nutrition Institute’s Fourth Annual Conference on Science, Regulation

Event at National Press Club features nutrition, food safety scientists and leaders addressing major issues with a research and regulatory lens.
01-May-2024 10:05:07 AM EDT

New Study Seeks to Integrate Data from Multiple U.S. and European Studies to Improve Nutritional Guidance for Cognitive Health

By merging the findings of several diet-brain studies, researchers hope to better understand the association between dietary intake and cognitive decline or impairment.
16-Apr-2024 09:00:31 AM EDT

Register Today for Food and Nutrition Institute’s Fourth Annual Conference on Science, Regulation

Registration is open for what promises to be an exciting scientific program with important technical updates for those curious about science in the food and beverage sector.
26-Mar-2024 10:05:09 AM EDT

Review Shows Promise of Live Dietary Microbes in Supporting Health

A review of hundreds of experiments focused on health impacts lays the groundwork for future research in cancer prevention, weight management and other areas.
08-Jan-2024 01:05:07 PM EST

Joint IAFNS-USDA Webinar Series Tackles Gut Health, Immune Function

Collaborative webinars to focus on key scientific trends and findings related to gut microbiome and nutrition, and the interaction of diet, stress and immune function.
02-Oct-2023 11:05:12 AM EDT

Abstracts Due Nov. 13 for IAFNS 3rd Annual Science Innovation Showcase

Everyone is invited to participate in this exchange of science related to innovative ingredients, products and processes in the food and beverage ecosystem.
14-Aug-2023 10:05:33 AM EDT

Linking Gut Microbiome to Health Conditions

Associations between the human microbiome and health outcomes are facilitating the development of microbiome-targeted recommendations and treatments to help prevent and treat disease.
15-Jun-2023 11:40:54 AM EDT

Join Us As IAFNS Convenes Food Science, Regulatory Experts at National Press Club June 13-14

Annual conference speakers to address cutting-edge nutrition and food safety topics.
11-May-2023 04:35:52 PM EDT

Experts Move Toward Solutions for Understanding How Diet Can Impact the Brain

Scientists that study cognition often use different approaches, tests and even ways of thinking about the area. But a new paper answers a call from the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report to address “inconsistent validity and reliability of cognitive test methods.” These limitations constrain the ability to make firm conclusions about diet and cognition over the life course.
13-Apr-2023 09:15:52 AM EDT

Registration Opens for Food and Nutrition Institute’s Annual Conference on Science, Regulation

A June 13-14 gathering of scientific and regulatory experts at the National Press Club
06-Apr-2023 11:05:18 AM EDT

IAFNS Invites Food Service Professionals to Sodium Reduction Webinar

March 23 webinar to address sodium reduction needs in restaurants and other away-from-home venues.
03-Mar-2023 01:05:53 PM EST

IAFNS Supports Building Evidence on Live Dietary Microbes Impact on Health

New funding opportunity for microbes and health research.
28-Feb-2023 10:35:39 AM EST

Study Finds Non-Nutritive Sweeteners Do Not Affect Blood Glucose or other Endocrine Responses

Research shows non-nutritive sweeteners are similar to water in their impacts.
21-Feb-2023 02:05:18 PM EST

New Analysis Finds Low-Calorie Sweeteners Do Not Affect Blood Glucose

Reporters invited to briefing on Low- and No-Calorie Sweeteners and glycemic response research
13-Feb-2023 11:05:40 AM EST

Top 15 Sources of Sodium Updated in Bid to Reduce Intake

New study of sodium content in foods may assist in reducing heart disease.
13-Feb-2023 10:15:02 AM EST

Join in Building the Evidence to Support Consuming Beneficial Live Microbes in Yogurts and Other Foods

Food manufacturers can now enter data on the safe, live microbes in their products into a global database to support a recommended amount for the diet.
02-Feb-2023 10:45:03 AM EST

Evidence Map of Gut Metabolites Identifies Links to Cancer, Digestive Disorders

Review of over 300 studies sifts out relationships between metabolites and health worth a further look.
12-Jan-2023 10:35:21 AM EST

Diverse Speakers Confirmed for Second Annual IAFNS Science Symposium

IAFNS June 21-23 Second Annual Meeting and Science Symposium still open for online registration
03-Jun-2022 10:05:39 AM EDT

Registration Opens for Food and Nutrition Science Institute’s Annual Conference

Leading food safety and nutrition scientists are meeting June 21-23, 2022, at the National Press Club.
18-Mar-2022 02:20:45 PM EDT

Chemical Experts Say It Is Not Possible to Analyze For ‘Sweet Taste’

New paper finds no accurate analytical method for evaluating sweetness.
01-Feb-2022 04:05:06 PM EST

Is Avoiding Sweet Foods a Path to Weight Loss?

Collaborative North American Research Institute explores the evidence by mapping studies.
24-Jan-2022 03:40:24 PM EST

Reduction of Salt in Bread Reviewed for Impact on Taste, Feasibility

Scientists focus on nutritional and sensory quality research.
28-Sep-2021 01:35:07 PM EDT

Collaborative Research Institute Kicks Off Canadian Food Safety and Science Series Featuring McGill University Scholars

Fall and winter 2021 IAFNS webinar series highlights topical research from Canadian universities on polymers in sustainable packaging, antioxidants in cereal grains, and many other presentations.
21-Sep-2021 09:00:39 AM EDT

Setting the Stage for Controlling Hypertension: New Paper Outlines Study Elements Needed to Address Dietary Contributors to Risk

Carefully designed research is key to understanding the role of the dietary sodium-to-potassium ratio in blood pressure changes
07-Sep-2021 10:35:54 AM EDT

Welcome: Submissions of New Ideas on Food Safety or Nutrition Research Projects

IAFNS’ “Idea Portal” is open to pitches for science-focused projects from the public
24-Aug-2021 08:50:52 AM EDT

No Clear Evidence Low-Calorie Sweeteners Harm Gut Microbiome but More Studies Warranted

New paper explores links among the diet, gut microbiota and health status.
10-Jun-2021 01:35:10 PM EDT

More Care Needed in Interpreting ‘Acceptable Daily Intakes’ in Low-Calorie Sweetener Research

Review of over 100 studies finds mostly correct usage but some slips in interpretation
26-May-2021 09:05:28 AM EDT

Collaborative Nutrition and Food Research Institute Welcomes New Project Ideas

The Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences (IAFNS) today is opening a free online portal for the public to submit ideas on science projects related to nutrition and food safety.
11-May-2021 09:00:32 AM EDT

Predicting Impact of Salt Substitute Suggests Health Gains and Movement Closer to FDA Goal

Replacing sodium chloride (NaCl) in food with potassium chloride (KCl) could be one tool to help the country reduce sodium intake in line with federal recommendations.
23-Mar-2021 10:45:07 AM EDT

Collaborative Research Institute Offers March 3, March 24 Webinars on Gut Microbiome

Research on the relationship between the gut microbiome and diet can provide insights into diseases like depression and other health conditions.
26-Feb-2021 08:45:00 AM EST

Upcoming 4-Part Webinar Series to Address Aging, Nutrition and Extending the Healthspan

What are some of the critical determinants of a healthy and independent lifestyle for older adults?
25-Feb-2021 11:05:43 AM EST

Dec. 14-15 Vahouny Fiber Symposium Taps International Experts

The 12th Annual Vahouny Fiber Symposium will cover immune system, cognitive and GI tract issues at the forefront of international food-fiber research.
19-Nov-2020 10:25:49 AM EST

What Can the Gut Microbiome Tell Us About Health?

ILSI North America hosts Dr. Jaeyun Sung of the Mayo Clinic to discuss with participants the development of a gut microbiome-based health index.
13-Nov-2020 09:25:43 AM EST

What Does the Gut Microbiome Tell Us About Health?

ILSI North America hosts Dr. Jaeyun Sung of the Mayo Clinic to discuss with participants the development of a gut-microbiome-based health index.
13-Nov-2020 09:00:23 AM EST

Webinar Series on the Gut-Brain Axis and the Microbiome

There is currently much interest in the gastrointestinal microbiota and its modulation as it relates to implications for host health. A notable aspect is the bidirectional communication between the gut microbiota and brain, referred to as the gut-brain-axis. Nutritional interventions have powerful effects on the gut microbiota but another significant and often overlooked factor is the influence of physical activity.
19-Aug-2020 11:10:35 AM EDT

Updated ILSI Nutrition Reference Captures Latest Research in Context

The 11th edition of Present Knowledge in Nutrition, the latest update of ILSI's major nutrition reference source will be useful to dieticians, librarians, medical nutritionists and others in the nutrition field.
03-Aug-2020 08:10:25 AM EDT

Nutrition Researchers Say There is Nothing to Eat to Protect Against Covid-19

Global ILSI organized a science webinar with experts from the U.K. on nutrition and immunity.
12-May-2020 02:55:05 PM EDT

Dietitians Anticipate New Era of 'Personalized Nutrition’ Based on Emerging Science

New science on patients will allow registered dietitian nutritionists to enhance care.
14-Apr-2020 09:25:51 AM EDT

By bringing together scientists from industry, academia, and government, the IAFNS model ensures that nutrition science questions of importance to all sectors are addressed. For example, academic scientists exchange with industry to learn about practical implementation of findings, and government scientists point to the data required to ensure sound policy. Together, these individuals identify research gaps that, when addressed, have the potential to affect the health of the public from bench to consumer product.

Discoveries related to gut microbiota have exploded over the past 10 years. Although the field holds great promise for understanding more about human physiology, this excitement must be tempered by the fact that there do not yet exist best practices for gut microbiome research and methodologies vary from lab to lab. We are at the stage of detecting changes without being able to definitively state the cause or consequence, and in turn, the degree to which any findings can be linked to a measurable health effect.

Two facts are indisputable: intake of added sugars is excessive, and humans have an innate liking for sweet. For some individuals, cutting back on sugars will suffice; for others, such as people with diabetes, careful attention to intake of sugars is imperative. Low-calorie sweeteners are the only tool currently available that provide a sweet taste without added sugars. As a result, it is important to continue to build scientific clarity around the health effects of low-calorie sweetener intake with a critical eye to the quality of the science conducted.

The field of sodium and health is extremely polarizing. It is important to identify solutions through cross-stakeholder dialogue. This means bringing together public health experts, food industry scientists, and government representatives, all who have an interest in optimizing sodium intake of the public. IAFNS provides a neutral space for perspective-sharing around the latest scientific developments related to sodium intake and health.

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