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Released: 15-Feb-2012 8:00 AM EST
United States Sees Highest Suicide Rate in 15 Years
Glendon Association

The latest data reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that the rate of U.S. suicide has been increasing since 2000, with 2009 marking the highest number of suicides in 15 years. The CDC’s recommended increasing counseling, job placement, and financial services that can help reduce the mental distress that can increase suicide risk. Services and education, like that provided by The Glendon Association, have been proven to prevent suicide and save lives.

Released: 23-May-2006 9:05 AM EDT
Sex and Love Actually
Glendon Association

Sex and Love Actually: New approach to sexual health helps individuals integrate sex and love in intimate relationships by addressing the core factors that inhibit sexuality and intimacy.

Released: 2-Aug-2005 2:05 PM EDT
Are Couples Starving Themselves Sexually?
Glendon Association

Recent studies show that after 2 years of marriage 20% of married couples and 40 % of non-married couples make love less than 10 times per year. When a person's sexuality is restricted, it negatively impacts their personal relationship and every aspect of their life.

Released: 8-May-2001 12:00 AM EDT
Beyond Marriage vs. Divorce: Overcoming the Fear of Intimacy for the Sake of Our Children
Glendon Association

Couples need to develop intimacy "for the sake of the kids", staying married or divorced is secondary. This finding is outlined in the newly released white paper on intimacy prepared by the Glendon Association. The statement describes in depth what is called the "third way beyond marriage or divorce" which outlines effective methods couples and parents can learn in order to maintain and develop healthy relationships.

Released: 26-Jul-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Fear of Intimacy, Satisfaction in Couple Relationships
Glendon Association

Overcoming the fear of intimacy may be the key toward achieving more satisfaction for couples in distress, says clinical psychologist and author of Fear of Intimacy Robert Firestone and co-author Joyce Catlett.

Released: 22-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Experts Offer a More Realistic Look at Intimacy
Glendon Association

Fear of Intimacy, a new book by Joyce Catlett and Dr. Lisa Firestone, addresses how psychological defenses formed in childhood can act as a barrier to closeness in adulthood.
