Newswise — How can educators inspire more U.S. students to succeed in mathematics?

Television star S. James Gates Jr., a self-described "simple country theoretical physicist," former Congressman Rush Holt, a five-time Jeopardy! winner who now heads the world's largest general scientific society; and Ohio State University's David Manderscheid will share their thoughts on advancing math literacy during a special science policy panel at MAA MathFest.

The panel will explore what Gates calls "the magic of mathematics," and the role that educators can play in advancing national priorities related to science and math literacy as well as college graduation rates.

It will take place Wednesday, August 5, from 2:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. in Salon 2/3 of the Marriott Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Road, N.W., Washington, DC 20008. Credentialed reporters can request a free press pass by contacting Alexandra Branscombe at [email protected].

The MAA MathFest is the annual summer meeting of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). This year the MAA is celebrating its centennial as an organization. MAA MathFest--featuring six centennial lectures by distinguished mathematicians as well as many other sessions designed to celebrate mathematics and collegiate mathematics education--will run August 5-8. Evening events will highlight MAA members and mathematical culture.


Speaker bios for the MAA MathFest policy panel are available here:

For more information on MAA MathFest, see:

For information on the science-policy panel, see: