Newswise — The Science of Consciousness (TSC) is the largest and longest-running interdisciplinary conference emphasizing conceptual, empirical, cultural and even artistic approaches to the study of consciousness. Key areas include the philosophy of mind, cognitive science, neuroscience, anthropology, biology, physics, computer science and mathematics.

Held annually since 1994, the TSC conferences alternate yearly between Tucson, Arizona, and various locations around the world. TSC conferences continue to bring together various perspectives, orientations, and methodologies within the study of consciousness. These include not only academic subjects within the sciences and humanities, but also contemplative and experiential traditions, culture and the arts. TSC aims to integrate viewpoints and bridge gaps, appreciates constructive controversy, and pursues the spirit of genuine dialogue. The format of the conference includes plenary sessions, pre-conference workshops, concurrent sessions, poster sessions, arts and book exhibits, and social events.


TSC19 will include themes such as: updating

  • anesthetics and psychedelics
  • evolution of consciousness
  • plant cognition
  • quantum approaches to consciousness
  • the brain as a connectome
  • placebo research
  • dual-aspect monism
  • first-person experience
  • phantom limbs
  • consciousness in religious studies
  • bistable perception
  • embodiment, time and consciousness
  • and others

Confirmed speakers to date: (updating)

  • Michael Anderson (University of Western Ontario at London)
  • Harald Atmanspacher (Collegium Helveticum Zurich)
  • David Chalmers (New York University)
  • Thomas Filk (University of Freiburg)
  • Christopher Fuchs (University of Massachusetts at Boston)
  • Monica Gagliano (University of Western Australia at Perth)
  • Kathryn Hall (Harvard University)
  • Stuart Hameroff (University of Arizona at Tucson)
  • Nicholas Humphrey (Cambridge University)
  • Eva Jablonka (Tel Aviv University)
  • Jeffrey Kripal (Rice University Houston)
  • Chauncey Maher (Dickinson College, Carlisle)
  • George Mashour (University of Michigan Medical School) 
  • Martine Nida-Rumelin (University of Fribourg)
  • Felix Scholkmann (University of Zurich)
  • William Seager (University of Toronto)
  • Olaf Sporns (Indiana University Bloomington)
  • Eors Szathmary (Ecological Research Ctr. Tihany, Parmenides Ctr. Pullach)  


Important Dates 


  • 05 November 2018 - registration, hotel reservation system, and abstract submission opens


  • 11 January 2019 - deadline for abstract submission & early registration
  • 01 February 2019 - author notification 
  • 22 March 2019 - hotel reservation system closes 
  • 10 May 2019 - registration closes   
  • 25-28 June 2019 - The Science of Consciousness, Congress Center Interlaken

Conference Program - updating 


Conference Website  


  • Harald Atmanspacher (Collegium Helveticum Zurich)
  • Stuart Hameroff (Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona)

Local Organizing Committee

  • Harald Atmanspacher (chair; Collegium Helveticum Zurich)
  • Norman Sieroka (co-chair; Turing Center Zurich)
  • Gundel Jaeger (conference manager) 

International Program Committee

  • Selen Atasoy (Oxford University)
  • Harald Atmanspacher (Collegium Helveticum Zurich)
  • Anne Giersch (University of Strasbourg)
  • Stuart Hameroff (University of Arizona at Tucson)
  • George Mashour (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
  • Paavo Pylkkanen (University of Helsinki)
  • William Seager (University of Toronto) 

Workshops/Symposia - updating

  • June 25, 2019  - East-West Forum

The Integrated East West Forum at TSC 2019 


Additional Information 

Contact in Switzerland

Contact in the US 


Additional Links:

Join the TSC Mail List:

CCS - TSC conference updates 


Video from past TSC Tucson Conferences

Center for Consciousness Studies - Tucson

Center for Consciousness Studies - Since 1994

[email protected] -text / tel:     520-247-5785   or  tel:   520-621-9317



Save the Date - TSC Interlaken - Switzerland

June 25-28, 2019 


Save the Date -  TSC Tucson, Arizona - US 2020

April 12-18, 2020

Register for reporter access to contact details

The Science of Consciousness 2019 Conference June 25-28, 2019

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