A State-of-the-Art Newswise Service - Campaign Wise


Sign Up for Your Campaign Now

If Campaign Wise fits your needs, consider signing up now.  Only 18 Campaigns are offered per quarter, and is currently being announced to all Newswise members.


For More Information

To receive more in-depth information, please send an email to (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), indicating your organization name, your name, title, and contact information. We will send you via email additional detailed information on Campaign Wise. To order, call Newswise at 434-296-9417.


Newswise is a news distribution service that has been fulfilling the dissemination needs of major organizations for over 20 years. Newswise delivers the latest knowledge-based news for more than 600 organizations to journalists representing all of the leading media outlets. 

About our New Service:  Newswise now offers an important new service called Campaign Wise. Campaign Wise is designed to solve a recurring marketing or communications challenge—how to publicize messages that cannot be effectively communicated in just one news release, but need to be sustained over time to key audiences. Each quarter, Newswise will offer a limited number of such sponsorships. Campaign Wise offers these highlights:

  • Your Campaign reaches our select audience of more than 7,300 subscribing journalists, public relations professionals and public users, as well as our 200,000 monthly website visitors.

  • Your Campaign enjoys continued visibility to our entire audience in the form of Frames (framed messages) that appear in our email wires and alongside relevant articles viewed on our website.


  • Your Campaign communicates important information collected on your landing page to create a comprehensive focused tool that will last for 3 months. Interested journalists and web visitors can easily find everything they need to know about your Campaign on this landing page.

Overview of the Campaign Wise Service—What it Does and How to Use It

Campaign Wise Features:  With Campaign Wise, we are adding a communications tool that allows our Members to promote any subject, event, or marketing objective they wish, and to do so with related content over a 90 day period. Content will be collated on your customized landing page and accessible on the Newswise website, in related articles, and in our wires.

With Campaign Wise, we now offer a solution for sustained visibility to address the challenges and limitations that exist with current tools. Newswise places your Campaign before over 7,300 opt-in journalists for 90 days where it can be easily found and accessed. Your Campaign is also displayed with relevant stories viewed on our website. Our database always shows your Campaign at or near the top in related articles.

Benefits of Campaign Wise:

  • Your Campaign is displayed front-and-center to our broad audience of journalists.

  • Premium Level Campaigns appear 3-4 times per week and Standard Level Campaigns appear once per week in our wires during the three month Campaign period.  This allows journalists multiple opportunities to view them.

  • Your landing page collates all related content (news, multimedia, blogs, and more) from your Campaign in one place for effective viewing and tracking.

  • Your Campaign lives for 90 days, as compared to a news release that may be viewed only once.

  • Your Campaign will appear with related articles accessed by a large audience searching the web for related content.

Campaign Wise is Ideal for Reaching Reporters about your:

  • Important news releases

  • Annual meetings or other events

  • Campaigns, causes, or advocacy messages

  • Brand

  • Publications

  • New websites

  • Recent products or devices

  • Unique services

  • Awards and prizes

  • Complex research results

  • Educational programs

  • Apps and social media efforts

  • Major accomplishments

  • Public policy initiatives

  • And other issues

Available Campaigns, Wire Appearances and Pricing

The table below lists each available Campaign, its wire appearances and frequency, its wire reach, the number of database article appearances, and the price.

rate table

About Newswise

Our blue chip “Member” List includes over 600 organizations that use Newswise to deliver their news. These members include hospitals, colleges and universities, non-profit associations, research institutes, government entities, research labs, for-profit companies, and PR agencies. We enjoy very high retention rates among our members. We deliver their latest news in the categories of medicine, science, life and business. The Daily Wire is broadcast five times per week, and the Medicine, Science, Life and Business Wires are broadcast twice weekly. Our wires reach more than 7,300 subscribing journalists, who represent major worldwide media outlets. All news releases permanently reside in our online database of more than 100,000 news releases, which is accessed by 200,000 interested parties each month. All articles are organized into Sections (Med, Life, Sci, or Biz), which are further divided into “Channels” (e.g. topics such as Cancer, Nanotechnology, Climate Change and many more), and by keywords. 

The Media Outlets We Reach:  Some of our major media outlets by category are shown here:

  • Newspapers:  Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post

  • Wire Services:  AP, Bloomberg, Reuters, Reuters Health, Medscape

  • Broadcast:  ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, CNN, Discovery, Fox News, Marketplace Radio, NPR

  • Magazines:  Family Circle, Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, National Geographic, Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, Science, Time, Woman’s Day, Better Homes and Gardens.

  • Freelance Reporters and Journalist Bloggers:  Our subscribers also include more than 1,000 published freelance reporters and journalist bloggers
