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Released: 9-Jan-2008 12:40 PM EST
New Survey Suggests that Voter IDs Are Not the Problem
American University

Based on a random sample of registered voters in Indiana, Mississippi and Maryland, a new study by American University's Center for Democracy and Election Management (CDEM) finds, surprisingly, that only 1.2 percent of registered voters lack a government-issued photo ID, and more than two-thirds of all registered voters in the three states feel that the electoral system would be trusted more if people had to show an ID to vote.

Released: 9-Jan-2008 10:05 AM EST
Women for President: Media Bias in Eight Campaigns
 Johns Hopkins University

If the U.S. electorate has increasingly been ready for a woman president, why hasn't there been one? A new book alleges media bias against coverage of women candidates in eight past elections.

Newswise: Controversy Over Obama's Rhetoric: Energizing or Just Talk?
Released: 8-Jan-2008 2:00 PM EST
Controversy Over Obama's Rhetoric: Energizing or Just Talk?
University of Maryland, College Park

As voters go to the polls in New Hampshire, Barak Obama's rhetoric has become a "controversial, key storyline" says University of Maryland political communication expert Shawn Parry-Giles, who has been in New Hampshire observing media and candidates and citizens.

Newswise: Obama Reinvigorates Oratory; Hillary, the 2nd Comeback Kid
Released: 7-Jan-2008 1:50 PM EST
Obama Reinvigorates Oratory; Hillary, the 2nd Comeback Kid
University of Maryland, College Park

Latest dispatches from New Hampshire as University of Maryland political communication experts trail candidates and media: The power of Obama's oratory, what some consider a lost art, may well say as much about the state of the electorate in the post-Bush years; Hillary Clinton is working hard to be the 2nd 'come back kid' through old fashioned retail politics and citizen engagement...

Released: 6-Jan-2008 5:00 PM EST
Iowa Caucuses "Exciting Exercises in Democracy"
Western Illinois University

"The Iowa caucuses provided citizens rare opportunities to meet presidential hopefuls in person, to ask them questions and engage in meaningful dialogues with fellow citizens. It forced the candidates to fan out among the citizenry "“ at truck stops, churches, senior centers, factories, farms, wherever people gather "“ and listen to their concerns," said Rick Hardy, professor and chair of Western Illinois University's political science department.

Newswise: Aboard the Primary Express: A 2008 New Hampshire Diary
Released: 4-Jan-2008 1:00 PM EST
Aboard the Primary Express: A 2008 New Hampshire Diary
University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland political communication expert Kathleen Kendall is continuing a 20-year tradition: trailing presidential candidates through New Hampshire from an unusual vantage. Traveling and sitting with the press, Kendall carefully notes the interactions between the candidates, media and citizens. See her dispatches from the Granite State.

Newswise: Iowa's Special Role in Primaries May End in 2008, Expert Suggests
Released: 3-Jan-2008 3:10 PM EST
Iowa's Special Role in Primaries May End in 2008, Expert Suggests
Washington University in St. Louis

Today's Iowa Caucuses may be the last in which the largely rural, sparsely populated and predominately white conservative Midwestern state exerts such a huge influence on the presidential nomination process, predicts Steven S. Smith, a political expert at Washington University in St. Louis.

Released: 3-Jan-2008 11:55 AM EST
Casting a Vote for Workplace Civility in 2008
 Johns Hopkins University

Politicians may sling mud at one another, but wise workers will stay above the fray during the 2008 presidential election campaign by keeping heated political discussions out of the workplace, a civility expert says.

Released: 26-Dec-2007 2:00 PM EST
Primary School: Students Rub Elbows with Candidates, Media in New Hampshire
American University

From Saturday, Jan. 5 through Wednesday, Jan. 9, approximately 30 American University students will rub elbows with the presidential candidates, their campaign staffs and the news media in Manchester, N.H., for the 2008 New Hampshire Presidential Primary.

Newswise: Trailing Media and Candidates in New Hampshire: Experts Available
Released: 24-Dec-2007 8:00 AM EST
Trailing Media and Candidates in New Hampshire: Experts Available
University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland political communication experts Kathleen E. Kendall and Shawn Parry-Giles will be in New Hampshire to observe the final days of campaigning before the nation's first Primary. Kendall has chronicled the interactions between media, candidates and citizens in New Hampshire since 1988. Kendall and Parry-Giles will be available for media interviews and should be contacted directly.
