Newswise — Fox's "American Idol" is back for another season and will again present "Idol Gives Back," its multimillion-dollar philanthropic fund drive, in 2008. Central Michigan University School of Broadcast and Cinematic Arts faculty member Patty Williamson is available to comment on the results of the show's previous charity campaign and what is likely to occur during the current "Idol" season. Williamson is an expert on reality television, media criticism, popular culture and more.

A few of Williamson's initial thoughts on the subject:

* "Expect to see more video of an overly manicured and out-of-place Ryan Seacrest interacting with the poverty-stricken African children. While no one can question his sincerity or commitment, there's something about the visual that is telling of American popular culture and its lack of substance."

* "Extending the 'Idol Gives Back' concept to a second season and, perhaps, making it an annual Idol event, makes sense for the franchise, despite the fact last year's 'Idol Gives Back' was the lowest-rated performance episode of the season. The goodwill the episode creates for both Fox and the series is nothing but positive. It creates an impression that the show is not just a ratings juggernaut, but a cultural touchstone for our time."

* "While some may have been surprised the Fox network capped the dollar amount of matching funds it would supply 'Idol Gives Back' last year, word of the continuation of the campaign puts this fact in a new light. What seemed like a rather paltry sum for an internationally operated conglomerate, if matched this year, looks generous. While donations from last year's campaign totaled $75 million, Fox itself only donated $5 million of those funds. The rest of the money was collected from other corporate monies and private, individual donations."

Among other topics, Williamson also can discuss audience research and the film and television rating systems. She specializes in film criticism and theory. Williamson also can talk about television and radio programming.