Newswise — For managers, there’s nothing spookier than not knowing how to handle a sticky situation, motivate employees or find new ways of doing things so an organization can improve. A new type of “BAT” might hold some answers.

The BAT book series — short for Business Aha! Tips — is a collection of snappy, easy-to-read books with tips and “Use it Now” sections for immediate application of ideas. Written by two Boise State University authors, the first book focuses on creativity and is now available for $14.95 at

“If you think bats are scary, think again,” said co-author Nancy K. Napier. “We’re using the bat as a symbol for these books for several reasons. Bats are good at hearing and ‘seeing’ things others don’t, just like good leaders need be. Bats range widely, just as good leaders should do when they seek ideas. Bats are adaptable to new and different environments, just like good leaders must be.”

Other books in the series will focus on ethics, hiring, global business and performance, all topics that managers face daily.

“We wanted to offer managers some tips they could read fast and use right away,” Napier said. “That’s what we’ve been hearing from managers for years – ‘we need the ideas but we don’t have a lot of time to get them. How can you help?’ This is a way.”

Gundars Kaupins is co-author on the books. Kaupins is a professor and chair of the Department of Management at Boise State. His publications include more than 300 articles on many of the topics that the books will cover, from ethics and international human resource issues to hiring and experiential training.

Napier is executive director of the Centre for Creativity and Innovation at Boise State, a professor of strategy, a regular blogger for Psychology Today, contributor to the Idaho Statesman’s Business Insider, and guest on KTVB’s It’s Your Business segment. Her most recent book is “Insight: Encouraging Aha! Moments for Organizations.”

Both authors also were the creators of Boise State Public Radio’s long-running radio feature program, “Idaho Business Matters.”

Find out more about the books and the Centre for Creativity and Innovation Press at

About Boise State UniversityA public metropolitan research university with more than 22,000 students, Boise State comprises seven academic colleges, serving undergraduate and graduate students in nearly 200 majors and programs. Located in Idaho’s capital city, the university plays a crucial role in the region’s knowledge economy and famed quality of life. Learn more at