Feature Channels: Story Ideas: Business

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Released: 7-Jul-2008 5:00 AM EDT
Study Suggests Role of Chief Economist May Be Inflated
University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business

Before becoming chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke said it was a "top priority" to "maintain continuity" with Alan Greenspan's leadership. However, a new UC Berkeley study questions the power structure of the Federal Reserve and determines a single, powerful leader may not be the wisest way to create sound economic policy.

Released: 3-Jul-2008 2:00 PM EDT
Study Finds Better Way to Interpret Analysts' Earnings Forecasts
Dick Jones Communications

Differences among earnings forecasts and changes in earnings forecasts are separate matters with separate implications. This is counter to previous thought and holds implications for the trading decisions of equity investors.

Released: 26-Jun-2008 5:00 PM EDT
One-Two Marketing Punch Best for Product Launches, Say Researchers
Tulane University

A two-phased marketing approach works best for a new product launch, according to researchers at Tulane University's A.B. Freeman School of Business.

Released: 25-Jun-2008 3:15 PM EDT
Employer Web Sites Greatly Influence African American Applicants
American University

Attributes of employers' Web sites, such as design and content, influence prospective employees' job search intentions"”especially African American job seekers"”finds a recent study by Caren B. Goldberg, a management professor at American University's Kogod School of Business.

Released: 19-Jun-2008 1:30 PM EDT
Do Innovations Ever Pay Off? the Value to Investing in Innovation
University of Southern California (USC)

Gerard J. Tellis, a professor of marketing at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business, and Ashish Sood, an assistant professor at the of marketing at Emory University's Goizueta Business School have devised a new metric for evaluating the total stock market returns to an innovation project.

Released: 12-Jun-2008 11:00 AM EDT
Women Make Management Strides When Firms Downsize, Restructure
American Sociological Association (ASA)

Women can make inroads into male-dominated management ranks as companies that downsize restructure their scaled-back workforces, according to new research by a University of Illinois sociologist.

Released: 10-Jun-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Father and Son Business Professors Co-Write Book on Changing Business Trends
Appalachian State University

Companies can gain by sharing techniques across the manufacturing/services boundary. Manufacturing companies typically perform well in areas such as supply chain management, production transformation and outbound logistics, three areas that help reduce the cost of the final product. What they have not been as good at is servicing their customers well and offering realistic customization of products in a timely fashion.

Released: 10-Jun-2008 12:00 AM EDT
IU's Kelley School Hopes to Attract More Women Into Business Careers
Indiana University

The Kelley School of Business' Young Women's Institute provides women who have just completed their junior year in high school with a sample of what it's like to attend a world-class business school and, in the process, build their confidence in pursuing a career in business.

Released: 4-Jun-2008 2:40 PM EDT
Law Professor Outlines ‘Early Offer’ Reform Plan for Injury Claims Against Business
University of Virginia

There are strong advantages to a system in which businesses facing personal injury lawsuits could promptly pay injured parties for out-of-pocket medical expenses and lost wages while avoiding long court battles, high legal fees and "pain and suffering" damages, according to a new study.

Released: 2-Jun-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Free Trade Agreement Helped U.S. Farmers
Virginia Tech

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which has re-entered national politics as the U.S. presidential election approaches, has increased U.S. agricultural exports to Mexico and Canada even though most of this increase occurred a decade after its ratification.

Released: 22-May-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Chief Financial Officers of Earnings-Restatement Firms Experience Higher Turnover
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Accounting researchers at the University of Arkansas have found higher turnover rates and severe labor-market penalties for chief financial officers of so-called restatement firms "“ firms asked to restate their earnings "“ compared to a control group of similar firms. The researchers also examined whether the passage of 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act had an impact on turnover and labor-market penalties imposed on CFOs of restatement firms.

Released: 21-May-2008 12:15 PM EDT
Double-Digit Growth of Nonwoven, Technical Textile Industry in India
Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University researchers predict a yearly growth of 13.3 percent for India's nonwoven and technical textile industry.

Released: 21-May-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Salespeople Should Tune In To TV Buyer Traits
University of New Hampshire

As the official end of the age of analog television nears, many Americans will be shopping for new digital televisions this year. New research from the University of New Hampshire shows that salespeople would be wise to tune in to certain cognitive skills of shoppers so that they don't turn them off.

Released: 20-May-2008 4:15 PM EDT
Companies Increasingly Provide Humanitarian Relief Through Partnerships with Aid Organizations
Conference Board

Corporations are playing a more active role in humanitarian relief, especially by forming partnerships with relief organizations, The Conference Board reports today. Successful corporate-humanitarian partnerships have the potential to deliver fast, effective support during a crisis.

Released: 20-May-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Wal-Mart's Effect on Retailers Weaker in City
University of Illinois Chicago

An urban Wal-Mart store is less likely to drive nearby stores out of business than is a suburban or rural Wal-Mart store, according to a preliminary study led by a researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Released: 14-May-2008 8:00 AM EDT
IT Budget Levels Connected to Performance and Shareholder Returns
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

In the first study to systematically investigate the effect of various contextual factors "“ growth, market diversification, vertical integration and type of industry, to name only a few "“ that influence information-technology budget decisions, an accounting researcher at the University of Arkansas found that information-technology budget levels were positively connected to subsequent firm performance and shareholder returns.

Released: 13-May-2008 1:00 AM EDT
Is It Ever Okay for Employers to Monitor Workers?
Washington University in St. Louis

There is an appropriate time and place for employers to monitor employees, according to a business professor at the Olin Business School. If done wrong, firms can lose their worker's trust and willingness to go above and beyond.

Released: 9-May-2008 10:50 AM EDT
Current State of Businesses Owned by Women of Color
Babson College

Women of color are starting businesses at rates three to five times faster than all other businesses. However, once in business, their growth lags behind all other firms, according to the results of a multi-year study conducted by the Center for Women's Business Research in partnership with Babson College exploring the impact of race and gender on the growth of businesses owned by women who are African-American, Asian, Latina and other ethnicities.

Released: 6-May-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Don't Shake Off the Handshake: Research Confirms a Firm Grip Is Key to Successful Job Interview
University of Iowa

New research by University of Iowa business professor Greg Stewart confirms that a firm, solid handshake is an important part of a successful job interview, while a dead fish can end the interview before it even begins.

Released: 6-May-2008 8:45 AM EDT
Strong Relationships Increase Commitment of Information-Technology Personnel in Public Sector
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

In one of the first studies to focus specifically on state government information-technology personnel, researchers at the University of Arkansas found that key interpersonal relationships "“ both mentoring and different types of exchanges between supervisors and subordinates "“ have a major impact on employees' commitment to an organization.

Released: 5-May-2008 3:35 PM EDT
Researcher: As Gas Prices Climb, Employee Productivity Plummets
Florida State University

Rising gas prices are affecting more than the family budget. More pain at the pump results in more employee stress on the job, says Wayne Hochwarter, the Jim Moran Professor of Management at Florida State University's College of Business.

Released: 5-May-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Researcher Finds Good Management, Open Market Stock Buy-backs Deter Takeover Attempts
University of Iowa

The best way for companies to avoid becoming takeover targets is to engage in regular stock buy-backs on the open market, according to research by a University of Iowa business professor.

Released: 5-May-2008 11:20 AM EDT
While Foreign Workers Continue to Move into US Job Market, Few Companies Are Effectively Dealing with Language Limitations
Conference Board

As foreign-born workers make up a larger share of the U.S. workforce, more employers will be dealing with language limitations. But a new survey by The Conference Board finds that a majority of employers are doing very little to overcome this challenge.

Released: 2-May-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report on Women and Entrepreneurship Released
Babson College

Women's entrepreneurship matters, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2007 Report on Women and Entrepreneurship released today by The Center for Women's Leadership at Babson College.

Released: 30-Apr-2008 1:30 PM EDT
A Certification Standard Has Not Emerged In Emergency Preparedness Plans
Conference Board

The majority of U.S. companies have a formal, written plan for emergency preparedness, according to a report released today by The Conference Board. But a widely adopted certification standard for such plans does not exist yet.

Released: 25-Apr-2008 11:40 AM EDT
Professor Authors Book On Lean Transformation Of Defense Industry
Babson College

Babson Professor Dennis F.S. Mathaisel's Sustaining the Military Enterprise: An Architecture for a Lean Transformation (Auerbach Publications) describes a Lean Enterprise Architecture (LEA) strategy to transform maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) enterprises in the defense industry.

Released: 16-Apr-2008 8:55 AM EDT
Trade Pessimism Grows: Global Study
University of Adelaide

A global survey of trade experts has found a marked increase in pessimism on the outcome of current world trade negotiations.

Released: 16-Apr-2008 8:45 AM EDT
Global Social Venture Competition and Symposium on Social Entrepreneurship
University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business

Ten international business student teams to compete at the 9th annual Global Social Venture Competition to be held at the University of California's Haas School of Business, followed by a one-day symposium on social entrepreneurship in San Francisco.

Released: 14-Apr-2008 1:00 PM EDT
CEO Confidence Declines Again
Conference Board

The Conference Board's Measure of CEO Confidence, which had posted a sharp decline in the final quarter of 2007, fell again in the first quarter of 2008 and is now at 38 (a reading of more than 50 points reflects more positive than negative responses). The last time the Measure posted a weaker reading was in the final quarter of 2000 when it was at 31.

Released: 10-Apr-2008 3:35 PM EDT
More Companies Are Creating Programs to Help Alleviate Worldwide HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Conference Board

Major companies are creating a wide variety of programs to help employees deal with the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, according to a report released today by The Conference Board, the global business research and membership organization.

Released: 10-Apr-2008 8:30 AM EDT
Economic Woes Weigh on Franchising Index
University of New Hampshire

Fears of a recession and economic woes pushed the Rosenberg Center Franchise 50 Indexâ„¢ down in the fourth quarter of 2007, with the index of the top 50 U.S. public franchisors falling 5.5 percent amid a broad market decline.

Released: 8-Apr-2008 1:25 PM EDT
In Emerging Tech Markets, “Get Real” by Talking about the Competition
University of Southern California (USC)

Innovators trying to establish new markets would be wise to try to attract attention by publicizing not only themselves, but also the competition, according to a new sociological study by a faculty member at the University of Southern California's (USC) Marshall School of Business. Mark Thomas Kennedy, assistant professor of Management and Organizations at USC, used breakthrough research methods to reduce tens of thousands of pages of media coverage into "mental maps" of technology market competitors.

Released: 8-Apr-2008 1:20 PM EDT
When Words Get Old: Ageist Language Undercuts Workers and Companies
University of Southern California (USC)

The wrong language ­ denigrating older workers, even if only subtly ­ can have an outsized negative impact on employee productivity and corporate profits, says Bob McCann, an associate professor of management communication at the USC Marshall School of Business. While demographic trends point to a more age-diverse workforce, said McCann, ageist language is still to be found in many workplaces, and can have severe repercussions for both older workers and their employers.

Released: 8-Apr-2008 9:30 AM EDT
Emerging Tech Markets Gain Credibility by Talking About the Competition
American Sociological Association (ASA)

New sociological research shows that, when trying to create new markets for technology products, firms that dare to publicly mention their competitors in their public positioning actually do better for it.

Released: 8-Apr-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Habit Plays Major Role in Continued Use of Information Technology
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

In one of the first studies to thoroughly examine the role of computer-user behavior beyond the adoption stage, an information-systems researcher at the University of Arkansas developed and tested a model of information-systems behavior and found that habit "“ rather than intention or conscious decision toward behavior "“ plays a much more significant role than previously thought.

Released: 3-Apr-2008 8:55 AM EDT
Rensselaer Hosts Inaugural Forum on Business, Technology, and Ethics
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

In an ever-changing world of increased turbulence, uncertainty, and global competition, how can today's business leaders learn, grow, adapt, and lead through unknown business challenges? Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Lally School of Management & Technology today hosted an inaugural program titled "Forum on Business, Technology, and Ethics." The program focused on the theme of leadership in controversy.

Released: 2-Apr-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Two Weeks Until Tax Deadline; Iowa State Professor Provides Last-Minute Filing Tips
Iowa State University

With the April 15 tax deadline just two weeks away, an Iowa State University accounting professor says last-minute filers can still find tax savings. But his best tip this year is simply to make sure you file on time to receive full benefit from the government's recently-announced tax rebate.

Released: 25-Mar-2008 7:00 AM EDT
Research Looks at Media Multitasking Behavior of Young Consumers
Northeastern University

Northeastern University professors have been studying the media multitasking behavior of teens on a global level. Their recent study has recently been completed in the U.S. and results will be compared to data they plan to collect in Europe and Asia where they will repeat the study.

Released: 24-Mar-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Innovative Warehouse Design Concept Implemented by Wisconsin Generator Manufacturer
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

An innovative, alternative warehouse-design concept developed by a University of Arkansas researcher and his colleague at Auburn University has been implemented by a Wisconsin generator manufacturer. In its newly designed warehouse in Whitewater, Wis., Generac Power Systems built a non-traditional aisle and rack system based on concepts created by Russell Meller and Kevin Gue.

Released: 24-Mar-2008 10:35 AM EDT
Smart Brake Light System Would Provide More Information
Virginia Tech

An intelligent brake light system has been invented that communicates slowing and urgent stopping "“ rather than simply that the brake pedal is being touched.

Released: 21-Mar-2008 12:45 PM EDT
Entrepreneurs Key to Growth in Developing Nations
University of Chicago

Some of the nation's leading economists have formed The Enterprise Initiative, based at the University of Chicago, to assemble data and develop models based on the role of enterprise in emerging economies. The models will be used to evaluate the impact of factors such as occupational choice, education and the availability of credit and insurance.

Released: 18-Mar-2008 1:45 PM EDT
Conference Board Governance Center Issues a Report on Hedge Fund Activism
Conference Board

The Conference Board Governance Center convened a Working Group on Hedge Fund Activism which today released a set of proposed recommendations for public companies and institutional investors who might find themselves involved in an activism campaign mounted by hedge funds. The proposed recommendations are supported by a research report discussing the Working Group's findings.

Released: 13-Mar-2008 8:00 AM EDT
RFID Improves Inventory Accuracy
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

A preliminary analysis of the effect of radio frequency identification on retail-inventory accuracy demonstrated that an automated, RFID-enabled inventory system improved accuracy by about 13 percent in test stores compared to control stores.

Released: 11-Mar-2008 8:55 AM EDT
'Click Fraud' Legitimate Concern
University of Southern California (USC)

Advertiser concerns about online search engines' commitment to battle "click fraud" may be justified, and the industry should consider creating third-party verification groups to quell those concerns, according to a new study by two University of Southern California researchers.

Released: 6-Mar-2008 4:40 PM EST
Consumers More Open To Marketing Messages If Persuaded To Doubt Their Knowledge About A Brand
Kansas State University

Consumers are less likely to hold onto existing ideas about a brand if they are made to feel a sense of difficulty thinking about it, especially when they are time-pressured.

Released: 6-Mar-2008 9:00 AM EST
New Study Shows Good Jobs for Hourly Workers Benefit All
University of Kentucky

One of the first major studies to focus on employee engagement among lower-wage hourly workers, the "CitiSales Study" finds that six workplace dimensions are essential components to employee engagement and customer satisfaction in the retail industry.

Released: 5-Mar-2008 4:10 PM EST
Researchers Link Questionable Mergers to CEO Arrogance
University of Iowa

Research by two University of Iowa business professors reinforces the adage that CEOs should not believe their own hype. The work provides the first evidence suggesting that CEOs fall victim to their own perceived success when making merger and acquisition decisions, suggesting CEOs give too much credit to their own ability when they initiate a successful acquisition.

Released: 5-Mar-2008 3:00 PM EST
2008 FAPRI Outlook Shows New Bioenergy Mandates Sustain Historically High Commodity Prices
Iowa State University

Continuing high crude-oil prices and new bioenergy mandates are expected to sustain prices at historic highs across all agricultural commodities over the next decade, according to the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI).

Released: 5-Mar-2008 8:50 AM EST
Wooing Foreign Investment Comes At A High Price For Some States
University of New Hampshire

New research from the University of New Hampshire shows that the states spending the most to woo foreign companies to their communities -- millions of dollars -- do not have the educated or skilled workforce that would allow them to fully capitalize on the investment made by foreign companies.

Released: 3-Mar-2008 11:50 AM EST
Online Job Ads Continued Slowdown in February
Conference Board

Online posted job vacancies in February 2008 grew only 3 percent from the February 2007 level, according to The Conference Board Help-Wanted OnLine Data Seriesâ„¢ released today.
