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Newswise: Managing epilepsy in older adults
Released: 25-May-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Managing epilepsy in older adults
International League Against Epilepsy

What special considerations must physicians make when managing epilepsy in older adults? Who is considered an “older adult,” anyway? Dr. Anca Arbune interviews two authors of a recent critical review by an ILAE task force.

Newswise: Soutenir les personnes atteintes d’épilepsie aves des outils pour réduire la stigmatisation
Released: 22-May-2023 4:15 PM EDT
Soutenir les personnes atteintes d’épilepsie aves des outils pour réduire la stigmatisation
International League Against Epilepsy

La stigmatisation affecte tous les aspects des soins de l’épilepsie, du diagnostic au traitement en passant par la législation et aux allocations budgétaires. Elle affecte la vie des personnes atteintes d’épilepsie lorsqu’elles n’ont pas un accès égal à l’éducation, à l’emploi et aux mêmes droits sociaux.

Newswise: Tiempo, educación, persistencia para reducir la brecha en el tratamiento de la epilepsia: la historia de China
Released: 11-May-2023 1:05 PM EDT
Tiempo, educación, persistencia para reducir la brecha en el tratamiento de la epilepsia: la historia de China
International League Against Epilepsy

El Plan de Acción Mundial Intersectorial sobre Epilepsia y Otros Trastornos Neurológicos (IGAP) tiene como objetivo reducir las brechas de diagnóstico y tratamiento de la epilepsia en todo el mundo para 2031. Muchas personas en la comunidad de la epilepsia se preguntan: "¿Cómo hacemos mejorar el acceso a la atención?"

Newswise: Empowering people with epilepsy to lead the way in reducing stigma
Released: 27-Apr-2023 1:55 PM EDT
Empowering people with epilepsy to lead the way in reducing stigma
International League Against Epilepsy

Stigma affects all aspects of epilepsy care. It affects the lives of people with epilepsy when they are not given equal access to education, employment, and social opportunities. In a US study, one-third of respondents identified stigma—not seizures—as the most difficult part of living with epilepsy.

Newswise: Moving epilepsy care closer to home: Dr. Gagandeep Singh and Dr. Meenakshi Sharma
Released: 27-Apr-2023 1:20 PM EDT
Moving epilepsy care closer to home: Dr. Gagandeep Singh and Dr. Meenakshi Sharma
International League Against Epilepsy

Can bringing epilepsy care to people’s homes improve outcomes? ILAE spoke with two researchers who conducted a randomized trial of home-based care versus clinic-based care in northern India. Those receiving the home-based care, delivered by community health workers, had better outcomes.

Newswise: Comment les soins de santé primaires peuvent-ils aider à combler les lacunes dans le traitement de l’épilepsie? Un voyage à travers l’Andhra Pradesh, Inde
Released: 11-Apr-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Comment les soins de santé primaires peuvent-ils aider à combler les lacunes dans le traitement de l’épilepsie? Un voyage à travers l’Andhra Pradesh, Inde
International League Against Epilepsy

Le rôle des soins de santé primaires dans l’identification, le diagnostic et le traitement des personnes atteintes d’épilepsie est de plus en plus important. Cependant, les attitudes sociétales et la stigmatisation entourant l’épilepsie peuvent constituer des obstacles majeurs à l’amélioration des soins.

Newswise: Tratamiento inadecuado de primera línea para el estado epiléptico: el problema y las soluciones
Released: 3-Apr-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Tratamiento inadecuado de primera línea para el estado epiléptico: el problema y las soluciones
International League Against Epilepsy

A pesar de las directrices, el tratamiento de primera línea para el estado epiléptico a menudo es inadecuado. Los estudios sugieren que hasta dos tercios de los pacientes reciben dosis subclínicas de benzodiazepinas, ya sea antes de llegar a un hospital o durante el tratamiento hospitalario de emergencia. ¿Hay soluciones?

Newswise: Epilepsy care in Ukraine, one year later: Some crises have subsided, but others loom large
Released: 21-Mar-2023 2:15 PM EDT
Epilepsy care in Ukraine, one year later: Some crises have subsided, but others loom large
International League Against Epilepsy

When the full-scale war in Ukraine began, anti-seizure medication supplies disappeared and some families left the country for safety. How has the past year affected people with epilepsy in Ukraine and their families, as well as the physicians who care for them?

Newswise: Time, education, persistence to reduce the epilepsy treatment gap: China’s story
Released: 15-Mar-2023 9:50 AM EDT
Time, education, persistence to reduce the epilepsy treatment gap: China’s story
International League Against Epilepsy

In some countries, more than 90% of people with epilepsy are not receiving treatment. Over the past two decades, epilepsy diagnosis and treatment have evolved in China as the country has focused on multiple aspects of care, including stigma and access to specialists.

Newswise: Shining a light on stigma and discrimination in epilepsy
Released: 10-Mar-2023 9:50 AM EST
Shining a light on stigma and discrimination in epilepsy
International League Against Epilepsy

Stigma leads to discrimination and can affect all aspects of a person’s life. Dr. Bruna Nucera talked with Mary Secco from the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) about addressing stigma through listening to people with epilepsy and their lived experiences.

Newswise: “Living with epilepsy should not be a secret”: Jessie Nyirenda
Released: 7-Mar-2023 8:05 AM EST
“Living with epilepsy should not be a secret”: Jessie Nyirenda
International League Against Epilepsy

Jessie Nyirenda's seizures began in her early teens. She was dismissed as attention-seeking and told she might be cursed. Years later, Jessie discovered information about her condition through library research and was formally diagnosed. She now works as a financial educator and is a mother of three children.

Newswise: Sleep and epilepsy: Dr. Birgit Frauscher
Released: 6-Mar-2023 4:25 PM EST
Sleep and epilepsy: Dr. Birgit Frauscher
International League Against Epilepsy

Bidirectional links between epilepsy and sleep have been known for thousands of years. Despite nearly a century of research using EEG investigations, the relationships are still not well understood.

Newswise: Detener el estigma, comenzar a hacer ejercicio: cómo pueden los médicos alentar a las personas con epilepsia a participar en actividades físicas
Released: 1-Mar-2023 9:30 AM EST
Detener el estigma, comenzar a hacer ejercicio: cómo pueden los médicos alentar a las personas con epilepsia a participar en actividades físicas
International League Against Epilepsy

El ejercicio ayudó al estudiante universitario Vinay Jani de Delhi, India, a ganar fuerza y perder peso. Pero en 2005, comenzó a tener crisis epilépticas. El control de las crisis epilépticas era difícil de alcanzar, y Jani entró en una depresión. Dejó de hacer ejercicio y recuperó más de la mitad del peso que había perdido.

Newswise: February 13 is International Epilepsy Day
Released: 9-Feb-2023 4:15 PM EST
February 13 is International Epilepsy Day
International League Against Epilepsy

The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) are calling for greater understanding and intersectoral action to tackle the stigma and discrimination faced by people with epilepsy worldwide.

Newswise: Dr. Andres Kanner: A career in the psychiatric aspects of epilepsy
Released: 6-Feb-2023 2:30 PM EST
Dr. Andres Kanner: A career in the psychiatric aspects of epilepsy
International League Against Epilepsy

He is one of the best known researchers in the behavioral aspects of epilepsy, and has authored more than 250 papers and book chapters. Dr. Kanner sat down with ILAE to talk about his original goal of becoming an artist, his path to epileptology, and what has shaped him into an excellent clinician.

Newswise: Traitement de première intention inapproprié de l’état de mal épileptique : problématique et solutions
Released: 30-Jan-2023 3:45 PM EST
Traitement de première intention inapproprié de l’état de mal épileptique : problématique et solutions
International League Against Epilepsy

Malgré les recommandations, le traitement de première intention de l'état de mal épileptique est souvent inapproprié. Des études suggèrent que jusqu'à deux tiers des patients reçoivent des doses subcliniques de benzodiazépines, soit avant d'arriver à l'hôpital, soit pendant un traitement hospitalier d'urgence. Existe-t-il des solutions ?

Newswise: Exercise is beneficial for people with epilepsy. Many physicians still don't encourage it.
Released: 24-Jan-2023 2:05 PM EST
Exercise is beneficial for people with epilepsy. Many physicians still don't encourage it.
International League Against Epilepsy

Other than in rare cases, physical activity does not increase the risk for seizures in people with epilepsy. But people with epilepsy are less active than the general population and have poorer objective physical fitness than the general population. How can we change that?

Newswise: Como puede la atencion primaria de salud ayudar a cerrar la brecha en el tratamiento de la epilepsia? Un viaje por Andhra Pradesh, India
Released: 19-Jan-2023 4:20 PM EST
Como puede la atencion primaria de salud ayudar a cerrar la brecha en el tratamiento de la epilepsia? Un viaje por Andhra Pradesh, India
International League Against Epilepsy

Un equipo de investigadores visito dos centros de atencion primaria de salud en Bhimaravam para evaluar la atencion proporcionada a las personas con epilepsia a traves del sistema de atencion primaria de salud.

Newswise: Automated epilepsy lesion detection on MRI: The MELD Project
Released: 9-Jan-2023 10:05 AM EST
Automated epilepsy lesion detection on MRI: The MELD Project
International League Against Epilepsy

In this episode of Sharp Waves, the ILAE podcast, Dr. Maryam Nabavi Nouri talks with Dr. Konrad Wagstyl about the MELD Project, an open-science consortium using deep learning principles to develop automated lesion detection of clinical MRI data.

Newswise: Podcast: From bedside to industry: Epilepsy career profile of Dr. Caroline Neuray
Released: 3-Jan-2023 4:30 PM EST
Podcast: From bedside to industry: Epilepsy career profile of Dr. Caroline Neuray
International League Against Epilepsy

Dr. Alina Ivaniuk talks with Dr. Neuray about her career path from medical school to industry CEO. They discuss the power of peer mentoring, ways to improve medical education, and finding the courage to accept change.
