Newswise — Critics say ABC's miniseries is heavily fictionalized and presents a conservative bias by portraying the Clinton administration as responsible for bungling the capture of Osama Bin Laden. Tennessee Tech University's Russ Witcher honed his skills in contrasting and analyzing dramatization against documentary style filmmaking in a study of Oliver Stone's "Nixon." Witcher can speak to the way scenes are truncated and conversations are combined in dramatizations, as well as how actual words of a character may be used in a different place and time, or to a different audience, for effect.

Witcher received his doctorate in communication from the University of Tennessee in 2000. His dissertation was published in book form and released as "After Watergate: Nixon and the Newsweeklies," (University Press of America, 2000). He also edited "Articles, Interviews and Book Excerpts (1976-2000) on Richard Nixon's Legacy" (Edward Mellen, 2003).

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