The House of Representatives is slated to vote today on a plan brokered by President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to lift the debt ceiling for the next two years. The package squeaked through House Rules Committee yesterday afternoon amid backlash from both sides of the aisle. The bill will likely garner enough bipartisan support to make it through the House, sparking a scramble for Senate approval and President Biden’s signature before next Monday’s default deadline.

Sarah Binder, professor of political science, is an expert on the intersection between legislative politics and the economy. Professor Binder can comprehensively analyze the key components of the debt ceiling package and the political tug-of-war on Capitol Hill.

Casey Burgat, director of the Legislative Affairs master’s program at the GW Graduate School of Political Management, can provide further insight into the machinations taking place in Congress to pass or kill the debt ceiling agreement.

Joseph Cordes is a professor of economics, public policy, and public administration at GW. Professor Cordes is an expert on budgetary policy who can delve into the details of the debt ceiling agreement and lay out the potential consequences of a federal default.