Latest News from: Rowan University

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Released: 10-Sep-2006 12:45 PM EDT
9/11 Five Years Later: Expert Can Address Preparedness on Local Through National Levels
Rowan University

"The importance of ensuring readiness of local first responders cannot be overemphasized in that they will be on the scene long before regional, state and federal resources arrive, and the operational and command decisions that they make will significantly influence the incident outcomes," says Dr. Robert Fleming a terrorism preparedness expert involved in emergency preparedness at the local through national levels.

Released: 7-Sep-2006 5:30 PM EDT
9/11 in the Classroom: A Valuable Teaching Moment
Rowan University

Teachers who address the fifth anniversary of 9/11 with their classes have an opportunity to help their students develop some important analytical skills, according to Rowan University education professor John Spencer.

Released: 25-Aug-2006 6:20 PM EDT
Continuity in Behavior of Bullies, Victims
Rowan University

Remember that bully on the playground in elementary school? A Rowan University study has found that it's not uncommon for elementary school bullies to continue bullying throughout their high school and college years. And the same apparently goes for people who have been targets of bullies, according to the study's lead author.

Released: 22-Aug-2006 4:10 PM EDT
9/11: Events Warranted Changes in Everyday Language, Prof Says
Rowan University

One reason terms associated with 9/11 have become part of our lexicon is that there was little in our language beforehand to ably describe the event, a Rowan University professor says.

Released: 17-Aug-2006 4:30 PM EDT
High Gas Prices Here to Stay, Says Engineering Professor
Rowan University

While an engineering professor and alternative fuels researcher predicts we're stuck with high gas prices, he has some tips to ease drivers' burden.

Released: 2-Aug-2006 5:20 PM EDT
Sociologist Sees Similarities Between Experiences of College Freshmen, Immigrants
Rowan University

The experiences college freshmen have--and the challenges they face--are akin to immigrant experiences, according to Rowan University sociologist Jay Chaskes, founder and director of the University's Center for the Study of Student Culture.

Released: 2-Aug-2006 5:10 PM EDT
New School Year Means New Experiences, Challenges for Students, Parents Teachers
Rowan University

Education experts at Rowan University are available to discuss a host of back-to-school issues, including building learning communities in classrooms, parents' roles in fostering school success, challenges facing beginning teachers, and the importance of special education assessments.

Released: 2-Aug-2006 5:05 PM EDT
9/11 Changed Culture, Attitude of Street Cops
Rowan University

One of the most significant changes in policing since 9/11 may be how the nation's lowest ranking officers approach their daily patrols, according to a new Rowan University study.

Released: 19-Jul-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Transition Into College Can be Smooth
Rowan University

It's good to remember recent high school grads are about to head to college, not the North Pole. Here are some tips to make that transition easier.

Released: 29-Jun-2006 2:35 PM EDT
New Engineering Education Research Program Quite Sporting
Rowan University

Forget lunch. Carrots, celery and chickpeas at Rowan University are just some of the items faculty and student researchers, in conjunction with teams from two other area institutions, are using to craft labs that tap into sports to teach engineering principles.

Released: 19-Jun-2006 4:20 PM EDT
Clinic Helps Middle School Teachers Build Tomorrow's Engineers
Rowan University

An Altoidsâ„¢ box may be just what it takes to inspire the next Bill Gates. Middle school teachers who attend Rowan University's "Engineering Clinics for Teachers""”aimed at introducing them to techniques they can use to foster interest in engineering among their students"” will use everyday items like the mints' box for tech-related projects. The ultimate goal? To help the U.S. build a better technology workforce.

Released: 12-Jun-2006 2:35 PM EDT
At 60, 'Highlights' Still Resonates with Kids, Families
Rowan University

How does "Highlights" magazine, first published in 1946, fit into 21st century childhood? Very well, says Donald Stoll, a writing arts professor in the College of Communication at Rowan University.

Released: 8-Jun-2006 4:55 PM EDT
Preparedness Is Crucial in the Aftermath of al-Zarqawi’s Death
Rowan University

Emergency management and terrorism preparedness expert Dr. Robert Fleming says the U.S. cannot let its guard down after the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Released: 23-May-2006 5:45 PM EDT
PDAs Foster Learning
Rowan University

A two-year Rowan University study shows that clicker-like devices can improve classroom outcomes.

Released: 16-May-2006 9:20 AM EDT
Energy Issues: Engineering Prof Says U.S. Has a Lot of Catching Up to Do
Rowan University

Gas prices keep rising, people keep grumbling. A Rowan University professor and a colleague believe there are things Americans should do"”from exploring alternative fuels to changing habits"”that may make a difference.

Released: 26-Apr-2006 8:35 PM EDT
Prof Homes in on Pigeons for Insight into Human Diseases
Rowan University

A Rowan University professor is hoping homing pigeons hold the key to Alzheimer's and other human diseases.

Released: 26-Apr-2006 8:30 PM EDT
Engineering Student Hopes for Home Run
Rowan University

Rowan University's softball team catcher knows what it's like to play in pain. An engineering student, she's now looking for a solution.

Released: 4-Apr-2006 4:55 PM EDT
Couric’s Move to CBS Anchor Bucks Latest Trends in Network News
Rowan University

In considering Katie Couric as the lone anchor for the "CBS Evening News," CBS is going against the network news grain in more ways than one, says Rowan University journalism professor Candace Kelley.

Released: 30-Mar-2006 5:25 PM EST
Filmmakers Focus on Crystal Meth Abuse, Over-40 Punkers and Jazz
Rowan University

Since 1990, the 35 documentaries produced in Rowan University professor Ned Eckhardt's classes have won more than 50 national awards. While students often focus on topics of social concern, they delve into other interesting, sometimes offbeat, subjects as well.

Released: 30-Mar-2006 5:05 PM EST
Students Examine Communication Challenges in Nation's Shopping Centers
Rowan University

Rowan University communication studies professor Ed Streb once spent 96 straight hours inside a shopping mall. This semester, Streb is challenging his students to develop communication strategies to address the greatest challenges facing malls in the next decade.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 12:35 PM EST
Supreme Court Nomination Expert Available
Rowan University

Author and Rowan University political science professor Dr. Larry Butler thinks Judge Samuel Alito's nomination may trigger a political bloodbath.

Released: 29-Aug-2005 2:45 PM EDT
Rowan University Dogged in Volunteer Effort
Rowan University

Rowan University welcomed 13 Seeing Eye puppies for the fall semester. Students, alumni and staff will help socialize the dogs before they return to The Seeing Eye for formal training. In its second year, the Rowan program involves the campus in a volunteer effort that will benefit others.

Released: 21-Jul-2005 3:40 PM EDT
Rowan University: Terrorism Preparedness Expert Available
Rowan University

Dr. Robert S. Fleming of Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, is an expert on terrorism preparedness and is available to speak to the media regarding the recent events in London.

Released: 7-Jul-2005 3:45 PM EDT
The Truce May Be Over
Rowan University

In May, Senate Democrats and Republicans called an uneasy truce in their war over judicial nominations, narrowly avoiding a filibuster showdown. But that ceasefire may have ended with the retirement announcement of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

Released: 17-May-2005 2:40 PM EDT
Rowan University Professor: “It’s 'High Noon' in the Senate”
Rowan University

The Senate showdown over President Bush's judicial nominations is about to come to a head and neither side is backing down, says Rowan University political science professor and presidential scholar Dr. Larry Butler.

Released: 31-Jan-2005 11:00 AM EST
Bush’s “State of the Union” to Focus on Social Security, War in Iraq
Rowan University

Rowan University political science professor and presidential scholar Dr. Larry Butler believes the president's February 2 "State of the Union" will further Bush's efforts to gain support for his plan to reform Social Security.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Big Changes, “Big Fights” Ahead During President Bush’s Next Four Years
Rowan University

The recent Cabinet resignations and nominations are just the beginning of the stormy times ahead for the White House and Congress, said Rowan University political science professor and presidential scholar Dr. Larry Butler.

Released: 18-Nov-2004 5:10 PM EST
What’s On Your Face? Makeup Reveals Bacterial Contamination
Rowan University

Those free makeovers women flock to at counters all over the country may leave them with more than the latest shade of eye shadow or a great new foundation. They also may leave them with a colony of bacteria swarming over their faces.

Showing results 251–278 of 278
