Newswise — Aaron Kall, director of the University of Michigan Debate Program and Debate Institute, can discuss speeches given by elected officials.

The Republican National Convention will be a watershed moment for the Trump campaign. The fallout from Secretary Clinton's email scandal has caused national polls to tighten and Trump has pulled ahead in some swing state battlegrounds. The upcoming selection of a Vice-Presidential candidate will provide additional political momentum for Trump before the beginning of the Convention. The big event is still shrouded in mystery, as the release of the official speaking list is now a week late. Trump has promised a more exciting and star-studded Convention and it will be interesting to see whether he can deliver. Ratings for the Republican primary debates were exponentially higher because of Trump's presence and there is a good chance his celebrity and media savvy could positively assist this event as well.

Secretary Clinton and the Democrats have the advantage of following the GOP Convention. Clinton will know exactly what she needs to and formulate the appropriate rebuttal. Her Vice-Presidential pick will be strongly influenced by any political bump Trump receives from his selection and the Convention aftermath. Clinton must rebuild her honest and trustworthy polling numbers with the American public following the recent conclusion of the FBI's email probe. Bernie Sanders' formal endorsement should help bring some wayward Democratic voters back into the fold, but Clinton can use the Convention as a great opportunity to win over remaining undecided voters and those Republicans those not inclined to support Trump.

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