The Northeastern founded student group, Hammered, focused on demonstrating that having fun on the weekends need not depend on alcohol or drugs, is hosting their third annual Wimpy Body Contest on September 30 at 8 pm. Instead of the usual ballroom gowns and jewel tiaras that come along with typical pageants, this event is focused on crowning the lankiest kid on campus.

"Soft-bodied" contestants will compete in three categories: the flex, the talent, and the "bucket of fun." The flex is an opportunity for the contestants to shed their shirts and show off their wimpy biceps to the panel of judges. Acts of talent are displayed in the second stage of the competition. Previous performances include such antics as playing a tin whistle to doing belly rolls.

"The best talent is a mix of something that actually takes talent, and is also wimpy," said Josh Breckman, the Vice-President of Hammered and winner of the first annual Wimpy Body Contest. "My talent was solving a rubix cube in under 60 seconds. We've had people jump really high, sing songs, do skateboard tricks, put their feet behind their heads, juggle, and break out of a cardboard box," Breckman said.

The third event in the Wimpy Body Contest is called the "bucket of fun." In previous contests, the wimps were dared to exhibit their skills in such challenges as using their best pick-up line on a lady from the audience, catch grapes in their mouths, find their shoes hidden in the audience, or put on as many t-shirts as possible in under 30 seconds.

Last year, the Northeastern field hockey team served as judges during the competition and Husky cheerleaders served as escorts to the wimps. The winner is awarded a "wimpiest" sash and awarded a gift certificate to a local store.

All events and outings planned by Hammered are intended to emphasize that fun can be had without a beer in hand. The staff of Hammered does not preach about abstaining from alcohol and drugs, but rather provides students with options for a fun night other than the stereotypical keg party. Weekly trips to places around Boston, such as skating at the Frog Pond or being hosts at Blue Man Group, are part of Hammered's Do-Stuff Thursdays program.

"Every Thursday we try to find somewhere new in Boston to go and have fun," said Breckman. " Hammered provides alternatives to drugs and alcohol, but that's where the drugs and alcohol line ends. We put on 'stupid' events and have 'stupid' get-togethers, and just try to have fun."

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