Newswise — After a long cold winter, nothing is more comforting than thoughts of spring: flowers in bloom, the great outdoors, and invigorating recreation and travel. Authentic vintage posters celebrating springtime activities such as gardening, bicycling, motorcycling, sports and travel will be among the posters featured in the International Vintage Poster Dealers Association's (IVPDA) latest online gallery show on the association's website,, from March 8 through April 30, 2006.

A combination of factors at the turn of the century influenced the production of travel posters. Changes brought about by the industrial revolution made it possible for the general public to enjoy their leisure time more fully. A new appreciation for the outdoors and sports such as golf and tennis gained in popularity. With the development of the motor car, people took to the road and traveled by air and sea to new destinations. There was a greater sense of adventure than ever before, and this attitude is captured in the great posters of the era.

Additionally in this era, the middle class came to stop regarding gardening exclusively as a source of food, but also began to appreciate the simple pleasure of gardening—the soil, the sun, and the beauty of the blooms. Attendance at flower shows grew and travel lines responded by making these attractive events important destinations. As a result, posters were produced that advertised specific events and settings such as bulb time in Holland, the famous Loire Valley chateau gardens including Chaumont sur Loire, which now hosts France's annual avant-garde landscape design and garden festival, and London's renowned Kew Gardens, among others.

Artists represented in this show include: Leslie Regan, known for his classic railroad images, Roger Broders and his beautiful French travel posters, Tom Purvis and his gorgeous British scenes, and Jean-Gabriel Domergue, whose images of Monte Carlo, French films and sporting events have become iconic.

The focus of the online gallery changes every two months. The site provides an opportunity for collectors, dealers, and museum curators to view authentic vintage posters by various noted artists from around the world and purchase these works of art online. It also contains useful information for the consumer on how to identify and purchase certified vintage posters. Authentic vintage posters, including examples seen in this show, can be found in IVPDA member galleries worldwide. Visually arresting and often evocative of classic periods in modern design, posters are often the perfect addition to corporate and residential décor.

"We developed the Online Gallery to help collectors as well as the general public gain access to many of the world's most important and highly valued vintage posters and provide an opportunity to purchase these works of art. By putting a different exhibit online every two months, we will be bringing the world of international vintage poster collection to anyone with a computer," says Lars Larsson, president of the IVPDA.

The International Vintage Poster Dealers Association was founded in 1996 by a group of highly respected poster dealers from the United States and Europe. The Association was created to inform and educate the public, collectors and other buyers, and to help promote the appreciation of the wide variety of vintage posters from around the globe. The Association, with more than 60 members, provides strict guidelines to ensure the authenticity of the posters they offer for sale and to promote ethical and fair business practices.