Newswise — Starbucks workers at more than 100 U.S. stores are planning to strike for Red Cup Day, one of the company's busiest days.

Cathy Creighton, director of the Buffalo Co-Lab at Cornell’s ILR School, previously worked for the NLRB, as well as with dozens of labor unions in New York.

Creighton says:

“Starbucks Workers United is stepping up its pressure. Having 100 stores strike will have a financially negative impact on business, while at the same time, draw public support to the workers’ efforts to bargain a contract which is fair and improves working conditions for workers across the U.S.  

“The government has found merit to hundreds of alleged labor law violations against Starbucks. The strikes are in response to Starbucks’ campaign to annihilate its workers’ efforts to unionize.”


Angela Cornell, professor of law, is an expert on employment law and director of the Labor Law Clinic at Cornell’s Law School.

Cornell says:

“Starbucks has been engaged in pattern of unfair labor practices against union supporters around the country, according to the NLRB, which has filed a nationwide cease and desist order in federal court against the company. The conduct included retaliation and termination of union supporters. These and other very serious violations of workers’ fundamental rights have motivated a strike affecting a couple thousand employees nationwide.

“Starbucks – a company that once promoted socially conscience policies – has now reached a new low with its anti-union campaign.”

Cornell University has dedicated television and audio studios available for media interviews.

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