Advance Press Registration for ACS Clinical Congress Closes Sept. 29: 2 p.m. (CDT)

Media Alert!

CHICAGO: Advance press registration to cover the 2011 Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) closes this coming Thursday, Sept. 29 at 2:00 pm (CDT). The Clinical Congress takes place October 23-27, in San Francisco and is one of the largest international meetings of surgeons in the world. While onsite press registration is available at the Moscone Center, ACS recommends that reporters register in advance to avoid standing in long lines at the convention center.

•For press credentials criteria visit:

•For the press credentials application, visit:

The Clinical Congress program includes guest lectures by prominent leaders in surgery; panel sessions in theme- and discipline-based tracks; dozens of video-based education selections; a selection of didactic postgraduate courses and hands-on skills courses; leading-edge, research-in-progress papers in all surgical specialties for presentation during the Surgical Forum and Papers Sessions; daily town-hall meetings; a series of press conferences; and a peer-reviewed poster session. Additionally, more than 200 companies will display products or services that improve the quality of surgical patient care or enhance management practices within the surgical profession. The preliminary program can be viewed online at:

If you have further questions please contact the ACS Office of Public Information at [email protected]