Al Gore Unveils Agenda to Improve Health Care for Working Families

Contact: Kiki Moore of Gore2000, 202-263-6141

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 7 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Al Gore today unveiled his vision to improve health care coverage for Americans who currently have access, and expand coverage for those who do not, including ensuring that all children have access to affordable health coverage by 2005.

"The steps I am proposing today will guarantee access to affordable health coverage for every child in America -- and will provide more affordable health care options for millions more adults," said Al Gore. "But let me be clear: we cannot rest until every single American has affordable health coverage."

In his remarks today at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Al Gore outlined the following steps to improve health coverage for insured Americans:

Assuring rights for patients by keeping medical records private; passing a real enforceable Patients' Bill of Rights that gives patients critical protections, such as access to specialists, access to emergency room services and ensures health plans are accountable for harming patients; and improving fairness for people with mental illness.

Expanding access to prevention and wellness programs, by establishing new public-private partnerships and promoting prevention and wellness initiatives in the workplace.

Making progress in new research but protecting patients by outlawing genetic discrimination.

Strengthening care for our nation's seniors, by making affordable prescription drugs available under Medicare, fighting to use the surplus to keep Medicare solvent, and providing new, targeted, affordable tax cuts to ease the burden of providing long-term care to loved ones.

Working towards the goal of assuring all Americans have access to quality health care coverage.

Al Gore then detailed his plan to expand health care coverage for America's families. Specifically, he proposed:

Extending access to affordable health coverage to every American child. "Let me be crystal clear on this point: If you elect me President, I will ensure that by the year 2005, every single child in our country has full access to fully affordable health coverage."

Al Gore is expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to children up to 250 percent of poverty (about $41,000 for a family of four) to increase the number of uninsured children eligible for the program.

Gore would also allow families who currently do not qualify for CHIP and do not have access to health coverage through work to buy into the program, so their children may have access to coverage -- regardless of their parents' income.

Gore is proposing aggressive new incentives for states to identify and enroll the millions of children who are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP, but have not yet signed up, including an unprecedented outreach and enrollment campaign through schools.

Extending health care coverage for America's working parents. "As we reach out to every uninsured child, we cannot forget that there are seven million uninsured parents whose children are eligible for coverage."

Al Gore would empower states to expand coverage to the seven million uninsured parents whose children are eligible either for Medicaid or CHIP. This proposal will also help assure that more uninsured children enroll in coverage.

Providing affordable health care options for Americans between the ages 55 to 65. "And we should enable all those between the ages of 55 and 65 -- the fastest-growing group of uninsured Americans, to buy into Medicare early."

Al Gore supports allowing those between the ages of 55 and 65 -- the fastest-growing group of uninsured -- to buy into Medicare early and use his proposed 25 percent tax credit to make it more affordable. This would give over three million uninsured Americans, many dropped by their employers or who had coverage through a spouse, access to the affordable health care option under Medicare. Allowing people with disabilities to keep health insurance when they return to work.

"Next we will focus on the disabled, who too often can't return to the workplace because they can't get affordable health care."

Al Gore will continue to advocate legislation to let people with disabilities to keep their Medicare and Medicaid coverage when they return to the workplace.

Making health insurance more affordable and more accessible for small businesses. "If we want to knock down the barriers to affordable health care, we must also address this fundamental fact: one of the fastest-growing sectors of our economy -- small business, which has accounted for the vast majority of new jobs these past seven years -- has become one of the hardest places for a working family to find health care."

Al Gore would help small businesses band together to negotiate rates for their employees' coverage. And for businesses that join in this effort, Gore would provide a 25 percent tax credit for the health insurance policies they offer.

Making health care tax credits available to individuals as well as businesses. "Today, companies that provide coverage get a tax break, but not individuals who have to get coverage on their own. That's just not fair, and we have to change it."

Al Gore is proposing a 25 percent refundable tax credit for those individuals who are not covered in the workplace and who purchase coverage in the individual market, to buy into the CHIP plan, or Medicare if they are ages 55 to 65. Gore would also work to improve the individual insurance market to help make it a more affordable, accessible option for Americans.

Maintaining and strengthening health care delivery systems serving the uninsured. "My plan will strengthen America's community health centers, public hospitals and other safety net providers and empower them to do this job."

Al Gore is proposing new investments to community health centers, public hospitals and other safety net providers that treat the millions of uninsured Americans. Strengthening these centers would allows them to develop comprehensive systems of care, develop links financial and telecommunication systems, and fill the service gaps that exist in many communities, especially in the areas of primary health care, mental health services, and substance abuse services.

"We must use our prosperity now to bring new change to our health care system, to make our families healthier and more hopeful for the new century ahead," Al Gore said. "That's the kind of change that works for working families -- and that is why I am running for President of the United States."


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