Newswise — Rockville, MD (July 1, 2024) - The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) proudly announces Stephen Jameson, Ph.D., as its 2024-2025 president following his election to the office this past spring. Jameson, a distinguished immunologist, has been a member of the AAI Council since 2019 and will assume his new role on July 1, 2024.

"It is my distinct honor to represent you as this year’s president of the American Association of Immunologists," said Jameson. "I am excited to contribute to the continued success of AAI and its mission to improve global health and well-being by advancing immunology and elevating public understanding about the immune system."

Jameson has been a dedicated and active member of AAI for more than 27 years and has contributed significantly to the organization through various roles, including serving on the AAI Publications Committee and the AAI Nominating Committee. His editorial contributions to The Journal of Immunology as associate editor and section editor, along with his role as an instructor and past director of the AAI Advanced Course in Immunology, underscore his commitment to advancing the field and preparing the next generation of immunologists for success.

Jameson currently serves as a professor and holds the Harry Kay Chair in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Minnesota (UMN) Medical School. He is also an integral member of the university’s Center for Immunology and Masonic Cancer Center and a former Director of Graduate Studies for the Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology graduate program.

Jameson's research explores how our immune system, particularly a type of immune cell called CD8+ T cells, works to keep us healthy. His team studies how CD8+ T cells are maintained, how they move around the body, and how they develop into different subtypes that can remember past infections or stay in specific tissues to guard against future threats.

Jameson’s illustrious career has been recognized with several awards, including the Frederick W. Alt Award for New Discoveries in Immunology, NIH MERIT Award, Special Fellowship from the Leukemia Society of America, and election to the UMN Academic Health Center Academy for Excellence in Health Research.

Jameson has served on the National Cancer Institute Board of Scientific Counselors (Basic Sciences) and numerous NIH grant review panels. He is a senior editor for Cancer Immunology Research, serves on the editorial board for Immunity, and reviews for various scientific journals.

Jameson earned his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and conducted postdoctoral research at the Research Institute of Scripps Clinic and the University of Washington. He joined the UMN faculty in 1995 and has since risen through the ranks to his current professorship.

“I am thrilled to welcome Dr. Jameson into the role of 2024-2025 AAI president,” stated AAI CEO Loretta Doan. “Dr. Jameson has been a leader for many years, in both the association and the field of immunology. His foresight, vision, and passion for advancing the field will elevate the role AAI plays in amplifying the impact of our members’ work.”

About the American Association of Immunologists (AAI): The American Associationof Immunologists (AAI) is one of the world’s largest organizations of immunologists and scientists in related disciplines. Our mission is to improve global health and well-being by advancing immunology and elevating public understanding about the immune system. AAI members are responsible for some of the most significant biomedical discoveries of the past century, including the development of life-saving cancer immunotherapies, antibody therapies, transplant technologies, and vaccines. We support scientists across the field of immunology through knowledge dissemination, community building, advocacy, and public outreach. For more information, please visit or contact Gwen Fortune-Blakely, Chief Membership and Engagement Officer, [email protected].