Feature Channels: Winter Holidays

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Released: 14-Dec-2011 4:00 PM EST
Got Holiday Leftovers? Tips for Safely Savoring Foods a Second Time Around
Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)

When it comes to holiday leftovers, many of us secretly relish that slice of cold turkey or ham the next morning, and savor how reheating just enriches the flavor of those candied yams. Before you take that first bite, it’s important to remember that proper care can help ensure the leftovers you love stay safe, edible and bacteria-free.

Released: 14-Dec-2011 2:50 PM EST
Toys for Girls, Toys for Boys: Psychologist Gives Developmental Dos and Don'ts
Wake Forest University

Preschool girls are more likely to head toward the play kitchen and boys are more likely to pick up the toy trucks, says Deborah Best, professor of psychology at Wake Forest University. So, is it a mistake to buy “girl” toys for girls and “boy” toys for boys? “Yes and no,” says Best, a developmental psychologist who studies gender roles and young children.

Released: 14-Dec-2011 11:00 AM EST
Experts Issue Warning About Cold Medications in Pregnancy
UC San Diego Health

Experts in pregnancy and breastfeeding health at the California Teratogen Information Service (CTIS) Pregnancy Health Information Line warn expectant moms about the potential dangers of common cold medicines during pregnancy.

Released: 14-Dec-2011 10:25 AM EST
Holiday Suicide Myth And Holiday Blues Truths
Loyola Medicine

Tips to spot and help someone who is depressed from Loyola University Health System Emergency Department medical director.

Released: 14-Dec-2011 9:00 AM EST
May Your Holiday Season Be Light – How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain in 2011
Calorie Control Council

It's that time of year when extra calories lurk around every corner – baked goods at the office, cocktails and snacks at holiday parties, chocolates in stockings and holiday dinners that can average more than 4,500 calories and 220 grams of fat, according to the Calorie Control Council. All these extras can add up to weight gain during the holiday season.

Released: 13-Dec-2011 3:25 PM EST
The Hearst Burn Center at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell and the New York City Fire Department Offer Tried and True Holiday Fire Prevention Tips
New York-Presbyterian Hospital

The activity and excitement of the holidays tend to make people less careful when they should be more cautious. In the United States, there are an estimated 47,000 fires every holiday season that claim more than 500 lives a year.

Released: 13-Dec-2011 11:00 AM EST
IU Health & Wellness: the Holiday Issue
Indiana University

Indiana U. experts discuss holiday indoor air quality concerns, the importance of shared family meals regarding adolescent alcohol and drug use, online shopping security, healthy eating on the go, holiday travel, and do-it-yourself kits for kids that tap creativity.

Released: 12-Dec-2011 5:00 PM EST
Dana-Farber Offers Healthy Holiday Recipes and Food Tips to Fight Cancer with Your Fork This Holiday Season
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Experts from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute offer some tips to pick festive foods that may even fight cancer.

Released: 12-Dec-2011 5:00 PM EST
Simple Tips Ease Holiday Travels for Diabetics
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Diabetes expert says being over supplied, preparing for security checks and anticipating time zone changes can make travelling easier and safer.

Released: 12-Dec-2011 1:25 PM EST
Lose The Fat Not The Fun This Holiday
Loyola Medicine

Real weight loss patients share how they are navigating the holdiays and keeping the pounds off.

Released: 12-Dec-2011 12:30 PM EST
The Paradox of Gift Giving: More Not Better
Virginia Tech

Gift givers follow a “more-is-better” logic; recipients evaluate the overall package.

Released: 12-Dec-2011 11:00 AM EST
Preventing Holiday Weight Gain –10 Tips to Help You Stay on the Healthy Track
Greenwich Hospital

If the festive season tempts your tastebuds to overindulge, learn to prevent holiday weight gain with these 10 tips from the team of medical experts at Greenwich Hospital’s Weight Loss & Diabetes Center

Released: 12-Dec-2011 10:55 AM EST
Employee Recognition Importantduring Holidays (And the Rest of the Year)
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)

Parties and bonuses improve morale, but employers should also consider other factors when giving.

Released: 9-Dec-2011 2:15 PM EST
Do You Hear What I Hear?
House Ear Institute

Jingle bells, carols, and holiday greetings are all the sounds that help make the holiday season special. But, those holiday sounds also give people an opportunity to recognize if they are having trouble hearing.

Released: 8-Dec-2011 4:40 PM EST
Resolutions Are a Waste If You Don’t Plan to Achieve Them
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Frame your behavior changes for the New Year so they become a habit, instead of forgotten until next year.

Released: 8-Dec-2011 2:10 PM EST
Remember to Care for the Caregivers This Holiday Season
Rutgers University

Stress, anxiety and burnout are never far from the doorstep of family caregivers and the holiday season can intensify their burdens. An expert from UMDNJ offers tips on how to help caregivers - and how caregivers can ask for help - during the holidays.

Released: 8-Dec-2011 12:15 PM EST
Minimize Your Stress This Holiday Season: Ryerson Expert
Toronto Metropolitan University

The holidays are a festive time of year filled with friends and family. But with our focus so much on others, we can forget ourselves and become inexplicably stressed and sad. The key to enjoying the upcoming season is being aware of the things (and people) that affect us.

Released: 8-Dec-2011 9:30 AM EST
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Reminds Parents to Stay Alert During Holidays
Nationwide Children's Hospital

The holidays are an exciting and busy time of year as parents race to finish the shopping, decorating and baking. As the number of days left in the calendar year winds down, be sure to allow plenty of time in that hectic schedule for playing with your child and sharing holiday traditions as a family. Nationwide Children’s Hospital reminds parents to keep alert to various holiday dangers.

Released: 7-Dec-2011 1:45 PM EST
’Tis the Season for Nostalgia: Holiday Reminiscing Can Have Psychological Benefits
American Psychological Association (APA)

Question and answer release on psychological benefits of nostalgia during the holidays.

Released: 7-Dec-2011 1:35 PM EST
Enjoying the Holidays with Elderly Or Aging Family Members
Toronto Metropolitan University

Holiday tip sheet from Ryerson University on celebrating the holidays with intergenerational families.

Released: 6-Dec-2011 4:25 PM EST
New Year's Deadliest Day For Pedestrians: Drunk Walking As Lethal As Drunk Driving
Loyola Medicine

New Year's Day is the most deadly day of the year for pedestrians; Loyola trauma surgeon explains emergency department statistics and why "drunk walking" is more dangerous than drunk driving.

Released: 6-Dec-2011 2:20 PM EST
Holiday Leftovers: Smart Tips to Control Overeating
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Holiday weight gain doesn’t result from overeating one or two meals. It’s usually from feasting on leftovers for days or even weeks, which can pack on hundreds of extra calories. Adults can avoid holiday weight gain by following advice shared by experts at MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Released: 6-Dec-2011 12:20 PM EST
Favorite Holiday Song A Gift To St. Lawrence U
St. Lawrence University

St. Lawrence University Class of 1924 graduate J. Kimball Gannon, the composer of "I'll Be Home For Christmas," left the University a portion of the royalties from his compositions.

Released: 6-Dec-2011 7:35 AM EST
Researcher Explains How Santa Delivers Presents in One Night
North Carolina State University

Don’t believe in Santa Claus? Magic, you say? In fact, science and technology explain how Santa is able to deliver toys to good girls and boys around the world in one night, according to a North Carolina State University researcher.

Released: 5-Dec-2011 3:50 PM EST
Have You Winterized Your Kids?
Loyola Medicine

Loyola University Health System child safety expert gives winter safety tips.

Released: 5-Dec-2011 2:00 PM EST
Pass On The Perfume And Go For The Grabber This Holiday
Loyola Medicine

1 out of 2 Americans have chronic health conditions: pill cutters, compressed stockings and more are holiday gifts that make life easier for those who can't button a sweater, eat candy or spray perfume bottles.

Released: 5-Dec-2011 10:55 AM EST
In ‘I Want It, I Buy It’ World, What Makes a Great Gift?
Wake Forest University

In a culture that’s growing accustomed to immediate gratification – “If I want it, I buy it” – picking out the perfect present for someone who buys what they want when they want it can bring stress rather than happiness to the holiday season.

Released: 5-Dec-2011 10:45 AM EST
Professor Offers Holiday Tipping Advice During the Economic Downturn
University of New Hampshire

With pocketbooks stretched even more during the holidays this year, Americans may find it difficult to tip their service providers as much as they would like to, but according to a University of New Hampshire professor who researches service expectations, consumers should do their best to give something.

Released: 2-Dec-2011 1:10 PM EST
American Hanukkah Traditions Focus on Children
Rowan University

Hanukkah isn't a hugely important holiday on the Jewish calendar, but modern day celebrations of the Festival of Lights do work to get today's children--and adults--excited about Judaism, Rowan University Professor Dianne Ashton says.

Released: 2-Dec-2011 12:00 PM EST
Holiday Hazard Tips from the Drug and Poison Information Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

-- The holiday season is usually a time of joy but it also brings the potential for poisonings, according to doctors and experts at the Drug and Poison Information Center (DPIC) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

Released: 2-Dec-2011 11:45 AM EST
Doctors at Cincinnati Children’s Offers Toy Safety Advice for Children During the Holidays
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

With the excitement of the holidays, parents and relatives eagerly purchase the hottest toys and latest items for their children. But it’s during the hustle and bustle of the season that many fail to buy age appropriate gifts for their children, and they tend to disregard warnings on these toys and gifts to ensure they are safe. Doctors at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the American Academy of Pediatrics give tips on toy safety this holiday season.

Released: 1-Dec-2011 3:45 PM EST
New Free Smartphone App Aims to Help Stranded Motorists
North Dakota State University

A new free smartphone application from the North Dakota State University Extension Service, Fargo, aims to help stranded motorists. The Winter Survival Kit app is available free for both Android and iOS systems.

Released: 1-Dec-2011 10:25 AM EST
Innovative Metabolic Weight Loss Program Perfect Way to Shed Holiday Pounds
LifeBridge Health

The Metabolic Weight Loss Program at LifeBridge Health & Fitness near Baltimore, Md., can help a person shed pounds through knowledge of his or her metabolic rate.

Released: 29-Nov-2011 4:40 PM EST
Canisius Professor is Expert on Origins of Santa Claus
Canisius University

Frank Riga, PhD, professor emeritus of English at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY, has conducted extensive research into the origins of Santa Claus, including investigating how Santa's look has evolved over the years into the big jolly man in the red suit that we know and love.

Released: 29-Nov-2011 12:35 PM EST
Digital Downtime
Wake Forest University

During the holidays, you might look forward to the time away from work – unless you feel connected by the nagging need to check emails and voice mails. You wouldn’t be alone. A recent survey says 68% of Americans with work emails check them during their holiday vacations. How can you unplug and find the digital downtime you need to recharge or focus on your family?

Released: 29-Nov-2011 9:00 AM EST
Trimming Your Student Holiday Budget
Toronto Metropolitan University

With the holiday shopping season now in full swing, it’s very tempting to open up your wallet and buy expensive gifts for all of your family and friends, especially for students who are on a tight budget. Keeping the following tips in mind will help you trim your holiday spending but still enjoy giving to others this festive season.

Released: 28-Nov-2011 4:50 PM EST
"Green" Holiday Saves Cash, Environment
Baylor University

A Baylor professor suggests alternative ways families can decorate for Christmas and save money in a year when Christmas trees may be smaller and more expensive because of droughts.

Released: 28-Nov-2011 8:00 AM EST
Timely Cyber-Monday Tips from Internet Security Analyst
University of Virginia

With the continued growth of online shopping and this year's "Cyber Monday," a University of Virginia expert is available to help your audience or readers keep their computers, their identities and their credit cards safe.

Released: 25-Nov-2011 9:00 AM EST
Staying Festively Flu-Free
Toronto Metropolitan University

Holiday tip sheet from Ryerson University on staying flu-free this holiday season.

Released: 23-Nov-2011 2:00 PM EST
Parenting and the Holidays: Professors Offer Advice for the Season
Wake Forest University

For the holidays, professors offer expertise on parenting-related topics such as gender and toys, sharing family history, video games and children, encouraging generosity, and how to make the holidays happier for divorced parents

Released: 23-Nov-2011 12:25 PM EST
Sharing Family History to Make Holidays More Meaningful
Wake Forest University

During the holidays, Wake Forest University Professor of Counseling Samuel Gladding and his family will walk through the “halls of remembrance” at their home. Hanging on the walls are the picture collages Gladding and his wife, Claire, have created for every year since they’ve been married. The collages include highlights from each year: trips, soccer games, plays, family outings.

Released: 23-Nov-2011 10:45 AM EST
Don’t Get ‘Frosted’ Over Heating Your Home This Winter
Temple University

Now is the time to turn your attention to getting your home prepared to keep you warm this winter, says a Temple University expert in heating, ventilating and air conditioning.

Released: 22-Nov-2011 5:05 PM EST
Vanderbilt Doctors See Increase in Burn Injuries, Offer Tips for Safe Holiday Season
Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt doctors offer burn safety tips for the holiday season.

Released: 22-Nov-2011 2:45 PM EST
Let’s Talk Turkey…and Squash, Potatoes and Corn
Smithsonian Institution

Millions of people across the United States will sit down Nov. 24 to a traditional Thanksgiving meal, including turkey, potatoes, squash, corn and cranberries. These foods have become synonymous with Thanksgiving, but how did they end up on tables from Maine to California? According to Bruce Smith, senior scientist at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, much of what is eaten at Thanksgiving today came from Mexico and South America.

Released: 22-Nov-2011 2:10 PM EST
'Healthy for the Holidays' - 10 Tips for Cancer Survivors
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Surviving the holidays with one’s waistline, bank account and sanity intact can be challenging for everyone, but the season affords specific pitfalls – and opportunities – for cancer survivors who are mindful of staying healthy throughout the season and beyond.

Released: 22-Nov-2011 12:10 PM EST
When Holiday Shopping Online, It’s Buyerbeware.com
Temple University

Online shopping has become so popular that it now accounts for nearly half of all holiday shopping, but even savvy online shoppers should take a few extra moments to ensure their online safety, say Temple University cyber security expert.

Released: 22-Nov-2011 10:40 AM EST
Banishing the Perfectionista in You: Ryerson University Expert
Toronto Metropolitan University

Throwing the perfect holiday party for your closest friends means planning months ahead, sending out customized invitations, finding the perfect appetizer plates with matching serving platters and table décor and so on – or does it?Organizing a party or hosting a family dinner doesn’t have to be flawless, just relaxing and enjoyable. Here is how you can banish the perfectionist in you during the holidays.

Released: 21-Nov-2011 3:05 PM EST
Holiday Eating by the Numbers; Good Choices Equal Less Weight Gain, UAB Expert Available
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB wellness expert offers tips on cutting calorie corners while celebrating.

Released: 21-Nov-2011 1:50 PM EST
Christmas Trees and the Environment: Greening the Options
Saint Joseph's University

It’s that holiday time of year again, and many people shopping for Christmas trees are facing a perennial question: which is the greener choice – real or fake? Climate change expert Clint Springer, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, says that while he prefers real trees because of their environmental benefits, consumers who buy artificial trees can find other ways to "green" their holidays.

Released: 21-Nov-2011 12:45 PM EST
Man Fries Leg in Turkey Fryer Injury
Loyola Medicine

Thanksgiving Day is the top day for cooking injuries - three times more than a normall day - and more than 141 serious fires and hot-oil burns have been reported from the use of turkey fryers over the last decade. Patient story and Loyola medical experts share tips to have a safe holiday.
