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Released: 3-Jun-2021 4:35 PM EDT
ACSM Announces 2020 Paper of the Year Selections
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

The ACSM Publications Committee established an annual Paper of the Year Award in 2020 to recognize one scientific article from each of ACSM's five journals. Award-winning articles are selected based on impact, research significance, conceptual design and/or technical innovation.

Released: 3-Jun-2021 3:20 PM EDT
Obrusnikova Honored
University of Delaware

Iva Obrusnikova, an associate professor in the Department of Behavioral Health and Nutrition, has been selected as a Fellow with the International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA). The IFAPA Fellows Recognition Program recognizes and promotes outstanding accomplishments in scholarship and service by IFAPA members.

Released: 3-Jun-2021 7:05 AM EDT
ACSM Annual Meeting Research Highlights for June 3
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

ACSM's comprehensive sports medicine and exercise science conference takes place virtually from June 1 to 5 with programming covering the science, practice, public health and policy aspects of sports medicine, exercise science and physical activity.

Released: 2-Jun-2021 1:15 PM EDT
New study explores link between economic shock and physical inactivity
Dickinson College

A new study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine finds critical links between job loss and physical inactivity in young adults during the U.S. Great Recession of 2008-09 that can be crucial to understanding the role of adverse economic shocks on physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Released: 2-Jun-2021 11:50 AM EDT
'Prescription' to sit less, move more advised for mildly high blood pressure & cholesterol
American Heart Association (AHA)

A "prescription" to sit less and move more is the optimal first treatment choice for reducing mild to moderately elevated blood pressure and blood cholesterol in otherwise healthy adults, according to the new American Heart Association scientific statement published today in the American Heart Association's journal Hypertension.

Released: 2-Jun-2021 7:05 AM EDT
ACSM Annual Meeting Research Highlights for June 2
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

ACSM's comprehensive sports medicine and exercise science conference takes place virtually from June 1 to 5 with programming covering the science, practice, public health and policy aspects of sports medicine, exercise science and physical activity. View program highlights.

28-May-2021 2:30 PM EDT
Study suggests tai chi can mirror healthy benefits of conventional exercise
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

A new study shows that tai chi mirrors the beneficial effects of conventional exercise by reducing waist circumference in middle-aged and older adults with central obesity.

Released: 28-May-2021 4:35 PM EDT
ACSM Annual Meeting Research Highlights for June 1
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

ACSM's comprehensive sports medicine and exercise science conference kicks off June 1 with programming covering the science, practice, public health and policy aspects of sports medicine, exercise science and physical activity. View program highlights.

Released: 28-May-2021 1:35 PM EDT
COVID-19 kept our parks busy, but not everyone ventured outside
University of Queensland

Public use of parks and reserves increased only slightly during last year's COVID-19 national lockdown despite gyms and sports facilities shutting down, a University of Queensland study found.

Released: 27-May-2021 3:10 PM EDT
Levels of Certain Blood Proteins May Explain Why Some People Derive More Benefits from Exercise than Others
Beth Israel Lahey Health

A new study led by investigators at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) provides insights into the mechanistic links between physical fitness and overall health, as well as the reasons why the same exercise can have different effects in different people.

Released: 27-May-2021 11:10 AM EDT
The Medical Minute: Can exercise lessen the severity of COVID-19?
Penn State Health

For years, researchers have studied the benefits of exercise in preventing dozens of health conditions. But can regular physical activity also help people lessen the impact of viruses like COVID-19?

Released: 24-May-2021 2:30 PM EDT
American College of Sports Medicine and Parkinson’s Foundation Announce Exercise Recommendations for Parkinson’s Disease
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

ACSM and the Parkinson’s Foundation released new exercise recommendations to provide safe and effective guidance on physical activity to people with Parkinson’s and to certified exercise professionals working with them.

Released: 24-May-2021 11:35 AM EDT
Game on: Game-Based Program Boosts Physical Activity Among Diabetes Patients
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Researchers showed that adding gamification with either competition or support increased physical activity for patients with Type 2 diabetes

20-May-2021 1:50 PM EDT
Vast under-treatment of diabetes seen in global study
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Nearly half a billion people have diabetes, but only 1 in 10 of those in low- and middle-income countries are getting the kind of care that could make their lives healthier, longer and more productive, according to a new global study of data. Many don’t even know they have the condition.

Released: 20-May-2021 2:20 PM EDT
Research Highlights from Upcoming 2021 Virtual ACSM Annual Meeting: Athlete Care and Clinical Medicine
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

If you're looking for new story ideas, here is a selection of talks on athlete care and clinical medicine-based topics that will be presented during ACSM's Virtual Annual Meeting, June 1-5.

Released: 20-May-2021 1:50 PM EDT
Research Highlights from 2021 ACSM Virtual Annual Meeting: Exercise in Regenerative Medicine
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

The 2021 Virtual ACSM Basic Science World Congress focuses on regenerative medicine. Chaired by Marcas M. Bamman, Ph.D., FACSM, from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, this world congress brings together researchers to discuss cutting-edge science in this rapidly developing field.

Released: 19-May-2021 5:25 PM EDT
Journalists: Be our guest at the 2021 Virtual ACSM Research Conference
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Gain story ideas and learn about cutting-edge science at ACSM's comprehensive sports medicine and exercise science conference that covers the science, practice, public health and policy aspects of sports medicine, exercise science and physical activity.

10-May-2021 8:30 AM EDT
Two-Fifths of U.S. Seniors with COPD Have Poor Access to Pulmonary Rehabilitation
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Approximately two-fifths of Medicare beneficiaries with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have limited access to pulmonary rehabilitation services due to their distance from rehab centers, according to research presented at the ATS 2021 International Conference. More than 24 million U.S. adults suffer from COPD, a smoking related disease.

Released: 17-May-2021 8:50 AM EDT
Stair climbing offers significant cardiovascular and muscular benefits for heart patients, researchers find
McMaster University

A team of McMaster University researchers who studied heart patients found that stair-climbing routines, whether vigorous or moderate, provide significant cardiovascular and muscular benefits.

Released: 13-May-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Race Across the U.S. with this New Healthy Monday Program
Monday Campaigns

We all know maintaining healthy habits can be challenging, whether you are starting a new routine, or finding exciting and novel ways to keep up your momentum. One way to make health-related goals more manageable, sustainable, and fun is to commit or recommit to your health on Mondays. By checking in with yourself every week, you can more easily stay on track and achieve your goals.

Released: 13-May-2021 7:00 AM EDT
Lung Damage Not the Culprit for Post-COVID Exercise Limitations
American Physiological Society (APS)

A new study suggests the lungs may not be the main factor that reduce exercise ability in people recovering from severe COVID-19. Anemia and muscle dysfunction also play a role. The study is published ahead of print in the Journal of Applied Physiology. It was chosen as an APSselect article for May.

Released: 12-May-2021 3:45 PM EDT
Parks not only safe, but essential during the pandemic
Drexel University

Parks played an important role for people seeking respite from the toll of social isolation during the pandemic, and according to new research from Drexel University, they did so without increasing the spread of COVID-19.

Released: 11-May-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Hackensack Meridian Mountainside Medical Center to Start Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Program
Hackensack Meridian Health

Mountainside Medical Center will begin a new Post-COVID exercise program designed for those who have had COVID-19 to improve strength, flexibility, endurance and activities of daily living. The program goal is to improve quality of life and promote lifestyle changes through education and exercise.

Released: 10-May-2021 3:40 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic

呼吸气溶胶是呼吸气体的常见组成部分,也是COVID-19等呼吸道病毒传播给他人和各种表面的常见途径。在妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic) 对心脏病患者进行运动负荷试验的研究人员发现,随着运动强度的增加,房间周围气溶胶的浓度也会增加。他们还发现,高效微粒空气过滤器(HEPA)可有效地过滤气溶胶,减少患者之间更换清新空气所需的时间。

Released: 10-May-2021 3:30 PM EDT
تقلل منقيات جزيئات الهواء عالية الكفاءة من الجزيئات التنفسية المنقولة بالهواء المتولدة أثناء ممارسة التمارين الشاقة
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — رذاذ الأيروسول التنفسي مكون شائع للنفس، وطريقة شائعة لنشر فيروسات الجهاز التنفسي مثل فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19) إلى الأشخاص والأسطح الأخرى. وجد الباحثون الذين أجروا اختبارات الإجهاد المتعلقة بالتمارين لمرضى القلب في مايو كلينك أن ممارسة الرياضة بمستويات متزايدة من المجهود تزيد من تركيز الأيروسول في الغرفة المحيطة. ووجدوا أيضًا أن منقيات جزيئات الهواء عالية الكفاءة (HEPA) ترشح رذاذ الأيروسول بشكل فعال وتقلل الوقت اللازم لتنقية الهواء بين المرضى.

Released: 10-May-2021 1:55 PM EDT
O filtro HEPA reduz as partículas respiratórias transportadas pelo ar geradas durante exercícios intensos
Mayo Clinic

Aerossóis respiratórios são um componente comum da respiração e são uma forma comum de vírus respiratórios, como o COVID-19 , se espalharem para outras pessoas e superfícies. Os pesquisadores que realizam testes de esforço físico para pacientes cardíacos na Mayo Clinic descobriram que praticar exercícios em níveis crescentes de esforço aumentava a concentração de aerossol no ambiente ao redor. Eles também descobriram que um filtro de ar particulado de alta eficiência (HEPA) filtrou de forma eficaz os aerossóis e diminuiu o tempo necessário para limpar o ar entre os pacientes.

Released: 10-May-2021 1:05 PM EDT
El filtro HEPA reduce las partículas respiratorias transmitidas por el aire que se generan durante el ejercicio intenso
Mayo Clinic

Los aerosoles respiratorios son un componente común de la respiración y constituyen una vía común de propagación de virus respiratorios como la COVID-19 a personas y superficies. Los investigadores que realizan pruebas de esfuerzo físico en pacientes con problemas cardíacos en Mayo Clinic hallaron que el ejercicio a niveles mayores de esfuerzo aumentaba la concentración de aerosoles en el entorno circundante. Además, descubrieron que el filtro recogedor de partículas de alta eficiencia (HEPA, por sus siglas en inglés) descartaba de manera eficaz los aerosoles y disminuía el tiempo necesario para purificar el aire entre los pacientes.

Released: 4-May-2021 1:10 PM EDT
HEPA filter effectively reduces airborne respiratory particles generated during vigorous exercise that can transmit viruses
Mayo Clinic

A pair of Mayo Clinic studies shed light on something that is typically difficult to see with the eye: respiratory aerosols. Such aerosol particles of varying sizes are a common component of breath, and they are a typical mode of transmission for respiratory viruses like COVID-19 to spread to other people and surfaces.

Released: 4-May-2021 9:00 AM EDT
How Communities Can Use Monday to Get Their Members Moving
Monday Campaigns

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension and Move It Monday initiative’s launch of “Walk Across Wakulla” program is the focus of the webinar, brought to you by eXtension, The Monday Campaigns, and UF IFAS Extension.

Released: 28-Apr-2021 2:50 PM EDT
A simple exercise goal protects against unhealthy weight gain
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

New research shows that physical activity equivalent to 100 PAI a week can counteract excessive weight gain.

Released: 28-Apr-2021 2:35 PM EDT
Lifestyle Improvement Program Found to Increase Physical Activity

Researchers at the Rush Institute of Healthy Aging have found that D-CLIP, a lifestyle education program to prevent diabetes in South Asians with prediabetes increased physical activity by nearly an hour a week.

Released: 28-Apr-2021 12:05 AM EDT
More sleep or more exercise: the best time trade-offs for children’s health
University of South Australia

More sleep could offset children’s excess indulgence over the school holidays as new research from the University of South Australia shows that the same decline in body mass index may be achieved by either extra sleep or extra exercise.

20-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Dab on Deep Heat Cream to Improve Exercise Performance
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

Deep heat creams widely used by athletes to soothe sore muscles may also boost performance when applied before exercise, according to new research presented virtually this week at the American Physiological Society’s (APS) annual meeting at Experimental Biology 2021.

20-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Got 10 Minutes? That’s All You Need for this High-intensity Workout
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

High-intensity cycling in very short bursts can lead to performance and health benefits in just 10 minutes a day, according to a new study to be presented virtually this week at the American Physiological Society’s (APS) annual meeting at Experimental Biology 2021.

Released: 25-Apr-2021 11:05 PM EDT
تنبيه خبير: 5 نصائح للعودة إلى اللعبة الرياضية
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا ― يتطلع الناس إلى العودة إلى رياضاتهم وأنشطتهم هذا العام، وربما أكثر من ذلك وسط جائحة فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19). سواءً عادوا إلى نشاطهم بعد الإصابة أو فترة تسريح طويلة، يمكن للرياضيين اتخاذ خطوات لتسهيل عودتهم إلى اللعبة الرياضية.

Released: 25-Apr-2021 11:05 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic


Released: 25-Apr-2021 11:05 PM EDT
Advertencia del experto: 5 sugerencias para reanudar los deportes
Mayo Clinic

La gente está anticipando volver este año a hacer deporte y otras actividades, quizás más que antes debido a la pandemia de la COVID-19. Cuando los deportistas reanudan su actividad después de una lesión o de un período prolongado de descanso, hay algunas medidas que pueden tomar para que la transición se produzca sin contratiempos.

Released: 25-Apr-2021 11:05 PM EDT
Alerta dos especialistas: 5 dicas para o retorno às atividades esportivas
Mayo Clinic

As pessoas estão ansiosas para voltar a praticar esportes e outras atividades nesse ano, talvez ainda mais em meio à pandemia de COVID-19. Seja no retorno após uma lesão ou um longo período de afastamento, os atletas podem tomar medidas para tornar essa transição mais suave.

Released: 20-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Experimental Biology 2021 Press Materials Available Now
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

Embargoed press materials are now available for the virtual Experimental Biology (EB) 2021 meeting, featuring cutting-edge multidisciplinary research from across the life sciences. EB 2021, to be held April 27–30, is the annual meeting of five scientific societies bringing together thousands of scientists and 25 guest societies in one interdisciplinary community.

Released: 16-Apr-2021 1:50 PM EDT
Take it easy: How to gradually, and safely, approach running workouts after long periods of physical inactivity
LifeBridge Health

Sedentary lifestyles have been common during the COVID-19 pandemic. But with the availability of vaccines increasing and restrictions starting to ease, it might be a good time to (safely) get into the workout groove.
