December 1, 1997, Tip Sheet

Annals of Internal Medicine is published by the American College of Physicians (ACP), more than 100,000 physicians trained in internal medicine. The following highlights are not intended to substitute for articles as sources of information. For a copy of an article, call 1-800-523-1546, ext. 2656 or 215-351-2656. The full text of selected articles can be accessed on the Internet at http://www.acponline.org/journals/annals/annaltoc/htm. * * *

Current Controversies in Breast Cancer Explored in This Issue of Annals of Internal Medicine

1. Mammographic screening for women in their forties
a. How cost-effective is it?
b. Do patients understand the numbers -- benefits of mammography vs. risk for death from breast cancer?
c. The role of single-issue advocacy and gender politics in the debate.
d. Can agreeing on principles end dysfunctional debates over mammography in younger women?

2. How much more breast cancer can we find?

3. Should women with a family history of breast cancer take hormone replacement therapy?

4. Appropriate treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ, the most rapidly increasing form of breast cancer

"Much confusion and many strong feelings surround the detection and management of breast cancer, particularly in younger women," says Frank Davidoff, MD, Annals editor. "We think the information in this issue helps clarify some of these difficult points." Among authors contributing to this issue are David M. Eddy, MD; David F. Ransohoff, MD; Russell P. Harris, MD; H. Gilbert Welch, MD; William C. Black, MD; Lynn C. Hartmann, MD; Lisa M. Schwartz, MD; Thomas A. Sellers, PhD, and Karla Kerlikowske, MD.

Call for copies of these articles:

1-a. "Cost-Effectiveness of Extending Screening Mammography Guidelines to Include Women 40 to 49 Years of Age" (Article, p. 955.)

1-b. "The Role of Numeracy in Understanding the Benefit of Screening Mammography" (P. 966.)

1-c. "Lessons from the Mammography Screening Controversy: Can We Improve the Debate?" (Perspective, p. 1029.) 1-d. "Breast Cancer Screening in Women Younger than 50 Years of Age: What's Next?" (P. 1035.)

2. "Using Autopsy Series to Estimate the Disease 'Reservoir' for Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast: How Much More Breast Cancer Can We Find?" (Review, p. 1023.)

3. "The Role of Hormone Replacement Therapy in the Risk for Breast Cancer and Total Mortality in Women with a Family History of Breast Cancer" (Article, p. 973.)

4. "Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast" (Review, p. 1013.)

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