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Released: 30-Oct-2008 2:00 PM EDT
Communications Experts Offer Analysis of Obama’s Televised Address
Temple University

Communications experts respond to Barack Obama's 30-minute televised address.

Released: 30-Oct-2008 1:30 PM EDT
Late-Night Comedy's Effect on Voters
University of Delaware

University of Delaware professor explains the psychology of late-night comedy's effects on the public.

Released: 30-Oct-2008 8:45 AM EDT
Historian’s Arctic Research Has Him Sitting on Top of the World
Florida State University

It's one of the coldest and most remote areas on Earth, but the Arctic region has long held great strategic interest for a number of nations. Now, a Florida State University researcher is leading an international team that is working to produce one of the most comprehensive histories to date of the northernmost part of the world from the late 19th century to the present.

Released: 29-Oct-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Google and a Group of Publishers Announce a $125 Million Settlement
University of Virginia

Google and a group of publishers announce a $125 million settlement of the publishers' suit, which sought compensation for Google's digitization of copyrighted material without permission of the authors.

Released: 29-Oct-2008 2:00 PM EDT
Exorbitant CEO Compensation: Just Reward Or Grand Theft?
Halstead Communications

"Walking into a bank with a gun and demanding money from a teller is one way to steal money," says David O. Friedrichs, Professor and Distinguished University Fellow, Sociology/Criminal Justice, The University of Scranton. "Walking into a corporate boardroom and securing from the board's compensation committee, made up of cronies, paid consultants, and even relatives, compensation of millions "“ sometimes tens of millions or hundreds of millions "“ is another way to steal money.

Released: 28-Oct-2008 3:45 PM EDT
Pediatrician Offers Ways to Treat Kids’ Symptoms without Using Over-the-Counter Pediatric Cough and Cold Meds
Rutgers University

University pediatrician offers tips on treating cough and cold symptoms in children without using over-the-counter medications.

Released: 28-Oct-2008 2:55 PM EDT
Risky Business: Discussing Politics at Work
Saint Joseph's University

With the election days away, politics is currently a major topic of conversation everywhere. Political conversations will soon become even more charged after the November election when there are clear winners and losers. But do politics make for safe water-cooler conversation? Such talk can be risky, according to Eric Patton, Ph.D., assistant professor of management at Saint Joseph's University.

Released: 28-Oct-2008 12:10 PM EDT
Physics Lab Becoming A Frontrunner in Ultrafast Laser Research
Kansas State University

The J.R. Macdonald Laboratory at Kansas State University has shifted its research focus to ultrafast laser science. This change in emphasis could lead to innovations benefiting medicine, energy and other technologies.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 4:30 PM EDT
Whoever Best "Micro Targets" Voters in the 2008 Grassroots Presidential Campaign Should Win
University at Buffalo

A key element in winning elections is successfully identifying citizens for targeted campaign communications. This is an example of what Abraham Lincoln used to speak of as his ideal "“ it is still referred to as "Lincoln's perfect list," says University at Buffalo political scientist Joshua Dyck, Ph.D.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 3:45 PM EDT
Political Experts: Race, Gender, Advertising, Policy, International Relations, Asian Politics
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Political experts at the University of North Carolina Wilmington can provide insight into the approaching historic 2008 American presidential election and international politics.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Federal Reserve Veteran: 2009 Economic Recovery Will Be Sluggish, Unemployment Will Rise
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Expert Tom Simpson, Federal Reserve Board veteran and University of North Carolina Wilmington executive in residence explains why global economic recovery will be slow in 2009, the elements that lead to our declining economic situation and the reasons why our current crisis is not as severe as the depression of the 1930s.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 2:30 PM EDT
November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Rutgers Cancer Institute

Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cancer killer in the country. Experts are available to discuss risks, treatment and prevention options during this National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, including immune therapy and the benefits of comprehensive care.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 2:25 PM EDT
November is National Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Rutgers Cancer Institute

Some 161,000 lung cancer deaths are expected in the U.S. in 2008, which accounts for nearly a third of all cancer deaths. Experts can discuss risks, treatment and prevention options during this Lung Cancer Awareness Month, including the topics of palliative care and genetic marker study.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Joe Biden, Abortion and the Catholic Vote
Washington University in St. Louis

Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Biden is telling the Catholics in his audiences that St. Thomas Aquinas had a different teaching on abortion than the current pope and his immediate predecessors. Many Catholics are saying, "He simply cannot be right." Well, the short answer is: Biden is right, says Frank K. Flinn, Ph.D., adjunct professor of religious studies at Washington University in St. Louis.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 12:05 PM EDT
Expert Commentary: Layaway Consumer Alternative to Tight Credit, Competitive Advantage for Retailers
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Retailers like Kmart and TJ Maxx have experienced a sharp increase in customer demand for their layaway programs, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Holiday consumers see layaway as a payment alternative at a time when credit card companies are reducing purchase limits and access to loans is tightening amid the country's ongoing financial crisis.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 11:50 AM EDT
Election 2008: Experts Available for Interview
University of Indianapolis

As this historic election season heads into its final week, faculty experts at the University of Indianapolis are available to discuss the political process and the top issues on voters' minds.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 8:55 AM EDT
What To Expect From The Nation's New First Lady
Dick Jones Communications

What can the nation expect of its new first lady? Three things and maybe a fourth, says Laura van Assendelft, professor of political science at Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, VA and a scholar on the role of women in politics.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Less Gore is More with Horror Films
University of New Hampshire

With the approach of Halloween, those seeking a scary thrill might want to watch the classic horror movie "Psycho" instead of modern gore-filled slasher movies. When it comes to horror films, less gore is more, according to a cinematic studies expert at the University of New Hampshire.

Released: 24-Oct-2008 4:20 PM EDT
Voter Fraud Allegations Are Bluster, Says Election Law Expert
Washington University in St. Louis

"No evidence exists of any serious threat of voter fraud, at present or in any recent election cycle," says Greg Magarian, J.D., election law expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. "Filing false registration forms does not constitute voter fraud," he says. "Voter fraud requires voting by a person who is not legally entitled to vote. That is a difficult trick to pull off, and simply turning in a registration form for 'Captain Crunch' does almost nothing to enable it."

Released: 24-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Diabetes Education Experts Available
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist

Experts in diabetes patient education are available to talk about diabetes prevention and management of diabetes through healthy lifestyle and medication. Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center's Endrocrinology service is ranked among the nation's top 50 by US News & World Report.

Released: 24-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Diabetes Research Expert Available
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist

The director of the Diabetes Research Center at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center is available to talk about the leading edge of multidisciplinary research to overcome diabetes mellitus -- the pandemic of this millennium. Wake Forest Baptist researchers are studying genetics of diabetes, diabetes in minority populations, diabetes and aging, childhood obesity and diabetes prevention, and applying the possibilities of stem cell research and regenerative medicine. WFUBMC is ranked one of America's top hospitals for Endocrinology by USNews & World Report.

Released: 24-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Researcher Helps Hispanics Find Better Ways to Live With Diabetes
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)

University of Texas at Austin nursing researcher says diabetes among Hispanics has reached epidemic levels. Her research in south Texas helps them deal with the disease through education and support systems.

Released: 24-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Diabetes is Growing Field of Treatment for Pharmacists
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)

As more and more pharmacists become consultants on diseases, learning about diabetes is crucial, says University of Texas at Austin pharmacy faculty member.

Released: 23-Oct-2008 7:00 AM EDT
Human Motivation the Key to Unlocking the American Dream, Not Big Government
Misericordia University

Here it comes. The United States is poised to undertake the largest expansion of government in recent history. If Barack Obama is elected president on Nov. 4, as current polling suggests, he will come into office with something few presidents get and all envy: both houses of Congress controlled by his own party.

Released: 22-Oct-2008 2:20 PM EDT
Expert Sources on the Global Economic Crisis
 Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins economists and other experts who can talk about aspects of the world finance and economic crisis.

Released: 22-Oct-2008 8:45 AM EDT
“Scary” Source Alert
University of Southern California (USC)

Working on a Halloween-related story? USC experts have studied the aerodynamics of bats, the appeal of vampires and the role of horror in literature and film. Here is a list of experts for stories pegged to scary topics.

Released: 21-Oct-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Expert Commentary on Polling
University of Alabama at Birmingham

University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Professor Larry Powell, Ph.D., discusses a phenomenon known as the Bradley Effect and why predicting this year's presidential race may be harder than ever:

Released: 20-Oct-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Experts Available to Comment on Bisphenol a Ban in Canada
University of Saskatchewan

World-renowned toxicologists at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada are available to comment on Health Canada's announcement that Canada will become the first country to declare chemical bisphenol A hazardous and ban it from baby bottles.

Released: 17-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Alternative Home Energy Appliance Helps Homeowners & Small Businesses Monetize Energy Consumption While Reducing Carbon Footprint

With electrical consumption in the U.S. up 54% in the past twenty years, rising fuel costs, and growing concerns about the environment, who wouldn't want to make better use of one's energy while saving money and reducing one's CO2 emissions?

Released: 17-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Grinnell College Faculty Experts Available
Grinnell College

Grinnell College experts available to discuss climate change, sustainability and green campus efforts, and effects of chronic disease on couples.

Released: 17-Oct-2008 11:00 AM EDT
College is Still Affordable Despite Economic Woes
Kansas State University

K-State student financial aid expert discusses ways to pay for college in challenging economic times.

Released: 17-Oct-2008 10:00 AM EDT
Expert Sources for 2008 Election Stories
 Johns Hopkins University

For coverage in the final days of the 2008 presidential campaign, consider expert sources from The Johns Hopkins University.

Released: 16-Oct-2008 11:30 AM EDT
Fighting Financial Angst: Seven Ways to Take Control
Menninger Clinic

With the economy in crisis and foreclosures at an all time high, financial anxiety among Americans seems to be soaring to new heights. In a poll distributed by the American Psychological Association (APA) to more than 1,700 U.S. adults, eight out of 10 surveyed said the economy is a significant cause of stress. Menninger clinicians offer seven tips to ease financial anxiety.

Released: 16-Oct-2008 11:00 AM EDT
Research on Clothing Temperature Ratings to Make It Easier to Pick the Right Winter Coat
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University professor is working to develop a standard formula for determining the temperature ratings for cold-weather clothing. The goal is to have all manufacturers doing the same testing so a consumer can compare one product to another.

Released: 16-Oct-2008 11:00 AM EDT
Textiles Professor Says Layering, Hats Key to Staying Warm
Kansas State University

A K-State textiles professor says layering clothing, wearing a hat and using thick fabrics is key to keeping warm.

Released: 15-Oct-2008 12:20 PM EDT
Patchwork at the Polls: Should We Decide Democracy on the Fly?
University of Vermont

Voting"”we think"”is a national, constitution-based right. But that's not how it's exercised. According to political scientist Alec Ewald, author of the forthcoming The Way We Vote: The Local Dimension of American Suffrage, the Constitution means what your county elections board says it does. In such a heterogeneous system can elections be fair?

Released: 14-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Reclaiming a Share in the Philadelphia Sports Market
Saint Joseph's University

October baseball is not something to which fans of the Philadelphia Phillies are well accustomed. As recently as two years ago, the sight of someone wearing a red hat emblazoned with a white "P" after the first of the month would have raised eyebrows in Philadelphia; after all, autumn is Eagles season. But after last year's playoff appearance "“ the first for the Phillies in 14 years "“ interest in the team is extending well beyond the dog days of summer.

Released: 14-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Iowa State Economists Assess Recessionary Conditions, Provide Tips for Tough Economic Times Ahead
Iowa State University

While the United States economy has yet to hit the official benchmark of a recession, two Iowa State University economists agree that it appears headed there fast, particularly in the wake of the financial crisis. And they warn that businesses and consumers should make plans for tougher economic times ahead.

Released: 14-Oct-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Four-Day Work Week Saves Money, But at What Cost?
Saint Joseph's University

With operating costs rising, employers around the country are entertaining the advantages of a four-day work week. Proponents of the abbreviated schedule boast benefits of cost savings, easier commutes, increased leisure time, and its viability as an alternative to layoffs. So why isn't this trend becoming widespread?

Released: 14-Oct-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Landing a Job After College: The Four-Year Plan
Saint Joseph's University

Waiting until late in your college life to visit the campus career center can make a job search overwhelming. According to Matthew Brink, a University career counselor, students who make the trip as freshmen and continue to visit all through their college years, are more likely to land a job out of college. At Saint Joseph's University , Brink outlines a four-year plan for all students.

Released: 13-Oct-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Expert Commentary: Economic Crisis May Change Southern Politics, Says History Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Sam Webb, Ph.D., a UAB associate professor of history, says the Great Depression caused southern voters in the 1930s to choose more liberal political candidates, and the same could happen again today as a result of the current economic crisis.

Released: 13-Oct-2008 3:20 PM EDT
Professor Explains Why Financial Crises Occur in Autumn
Dick Jones Communications

For centuries, autumn has been the season for financial disaster. Modern practices of managing our credit system were supposed to have changed all that. But the panic of 2008 and the market crash of 1987 are possible signs that autumn may still be the weakest link in the financial chain.

Released: 13-Oct-2008 11:00 AM EDT
Connecting with the Great Depression
Saint Joseph's University

Political leaders, economic analysts and journalists are comparing the current financial meltdown to the Great Depression. "Worst Crisis Since the '30s, With No End Yet in Sight" was a recent baleful headline from The Wall Street Journal. But while many senior citizens who lived during that time have personal memories of the Depression, for most Americans, the events that occurred between 1929 and the early 40s seem long ago and far away, and they are difficult to imagine as a likely eventuality for the near future.

Released: 13-Oct-2008 10:40 AM EDT
From Main Street to Wall Street - Experts Offer Perspective on Financial Crisis
Saint Joseph's University

Members of the Erivan K. Haub School of Business faculty at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia are available to speak about the financial crisis: consumer psychology as it relates to personal finance; impact on business education; mechanics of what's happening on Wall Street; ethical mistakes made at every stage of the subprime-mortgage debacle; taxpayer reaction to the "bailout"; and the job market for graduates.

Released: 12-Oct-2008 8:15 PM EDT
More TV/Radio Use Likely During Financial Crisis
University of Maryland, College Park

TV and radio use will likely increase during a prolonged recession, predicts University of Maryland media economist Douglas Gomery. He bases his comments of current audience behavior as well as Great Depression era trends.

Released: 10-Oct-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Gosh Darnit! Fey’s Palin Impersonations No Laughing Matter for McCain
American University

Tina Fey's humorous impersonations of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live (SNL) may be no laughing matter for Palin's running mate, Senator John McCain, says Lauren Feldman, an expert on the political effects of late-night comedy.

Released: 10-Oct-2008 11:05 AM EDT
History Professor Compares/Contrasts Current Economic Crisis with Great Depression
Temple University

Bryant Simon, professor of history and director of American studies at Temple University, says that there are some obvious similarities and differences between today's crisis and the Great Depression. But one key difference, said Simon, is that society in the 1930s was better organized, and social groups -- such as labor and even small business groups -- were better able to push back against Congress.

Released: 10-Oct-2008 10:20 AM EDT
Economic Crisis: Story Ideas and Expert Commentary
University of Alabama at Birmingham

With questions over the economy's future becoming more numerous by the day, the business, management and finance experts at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Business are able to provide answers on a range of issues. Six UAB experts offer expert commentary on six topics connected to the country's economic crisis. All are available for print and broadcast interview.

Released: 9-Oct-2008 7:00 AM EDT
Economic Meltdown Creates New Independence For Brokers
National Securities Corporation

The recent collapse of several major financial institutions"”A.I.G., Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Wachovia, and Washington Mutual"”has left the world's financial markets reeling, with no one knowing when the dust will settle.

Released: 8-Oct-2008 1:45 PM EDT
University Offers Experts for Comment on Economic Crisis
Tulane University

Tulane University offers experts for comment on economic crisis.
