Latest News from: McMaster University

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15-Dec-2015 9:10 AM EST
Researchers Discover Six New African Frog Species, Uncover Far More Diversity Than Previously Known
McMaster University

Researchers have discovered half a dozen new species of the African clawed frog, and added back another to the list of known species, in the process uncovering striking new characteristics of one of the most widely studied amphibians in the world.

Released: 15-Dec-2015 11:05 AM EST
Saline Water Better Than Soap and Water for Cleaning Wounds, Researchers Find
McMaster University

Researchers found that very low water pressure was an acceptable, low-cost alternative for washing out open fractures, and that the reoperation rate was higher in the group that used soap.

Released: 12-Nov-2015 9:05 AM EST
Canada Has the Tools to Boost Number of Refugees and History Suggests They Would Thrive: Expert
McMaster University

By redirecting resources and streamlining the processes that govern refugee admissions to Canada, the federal government can and should dramatically increase the number of refugees admitted, says a McMaster University expert.

10-Nov-2015 11:05 AM EST
Canadian Researchers Improve Safety, Decrease Risks of New Blood Thinners
McMaster University

Bleeding complications present the most common risk for patients taking blood thinners. Without an antidote, there is no way to quickly reverse the effects of a blood thinner in emergency situations.

6-Nov-2015 9:05 AM EST
Prescription Painkillers Source of Addiction for Most Women
McMaster University

More than half (52%) of women and a third (38%) of men reported doctor-prescribed painkillers as their first contact with opioid drugs, a family of drugs which include prescription medicines such OxyContin and codeine, as well as illicit drugs such as heroin.

3-Nov-2015 10:30 AM EST
Female Birds Can’t Shake Their Colorful Fathers, and Other Lessons From Studying 6,000 Species
McMaster University

The evolution of male songbirds as the colorful consorts of drab female partners is more complicated than long thought, says a McMaster researcher on a team that looked at nearly 6,000 species for a massive study published in the journal Nature.

Released: 2-Nov-2015 10:05 AM EST
Chopin, Bach Used Human Speech ‘Cues’ to Express Emotion in Music
McMaster University

Music has long been described, anecdotally, as a universal language. This may not be entirely true, but we're one step closer to understanding why humans are so deeply affected by certain melodies and modes.

Released: 8-Oct-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Gut Reaction: Bacteria May Play an Important Role in How the Body Processes Gluten, Research
McMaster University

A team of researchers has discovered that bacteria found in the gut may contribute to the body’s response to gluten, an important finding that could lead to new treatments for celiac disease. The findings, published today in The American Journal of Pathology, address a lingering question that has preoccupied scientists: why only a small amount – 2 to 5 per cent — of individuals who are genetically susceptible go on to develop the disease.

Released: 29-Sep-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Among South Asians, Risks of Developing Diabetes Begins at Birth, Says Research
McMaster University

Researchers compared nearly 800 pregnant South Asian and white Caucasian women. While the South Asian mothers—who were smaller in stature than their white counterparts—gave birth to significantly smaller babies, those newborns had more adipose or fat tissue, termed the “thin-fat” phenotype and a higher waist circumference.

15-Sep-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Harmful Alcohol Use Increases Health Risks in All Countries
McMaster University

Data support the call to increase global awareness of the harmful use of alcohol and the need to further identify and target the modifiable determinants of harmful alcohol use. The authors also identified differences between countries of different levels of prosperity.

Released: 16-Sep-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Drawing Conclusions: Scientists Look Inside the Works of Great Artists
McMaster University

A new exhibit at the McMaster Museum of Art brings together years of painstaking research by an international team of scientists, engineers, conservators and art historians who have used sophisticated equipment and techniques to uncover new details—once hidden to the human eye—by some of history’s greatest artists.

Released: 15-Sep-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Study Identifies Why More People Die After Hip Fracture Surgery Than Hip Replacement Surgery
McMaster University

The researchers studied almost 700,000 hip surgery patients more than 45 years old in France between 2010 and 2013, and found that the total hip replacement patients were younger, more commonly men and had less other medical problems than hip fracture patients.

10-Aug-2015 2:05 PM EDT
McMaster Hematologist Identifies New Limb Loss Syndromes
McMaster University

Symmetric peripheral gangrene and venous limb gangrene are identified and a rational approach to treating these conditions explored.

7-Aug-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Trans Fats, but Not Saturated Fats, Linked to Greater Risk of Death and Heart Disease
McMaster University

Contrary to prevailing dietary advice, a recent evidence review found no excess cardiovascular risk associated with intake of saturated fat. In contrast, research suggests that industrial trans fats may increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

6-Aug-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Study Finds Steroid Therapy Benefits Patients with Pneumonia
McMaster University

The study showed that patients with community-acquired pneumonia who received corticosteroids were discharged from hospital sooner, and results showed a reduction in the need for mechanical ventilation and the likelihood of life-threatening complications.

24-Jul-2015 12:15 PM EDT
McMaster Scientists Show a Link Between Intestinal Bacteria and Depression
McMaster University

The research explains the complex mechanisms of interaction and dynamics between the gut microbiota and its host. Data show that relatively minor changes in microbiota profiles or its metabolic activity induced by neonatal stress can have profound effects on host behaviour in adulthood.

20-Jul-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Additional Radiation Reduces Breast-Cancer Recurrence for Some Patients
McMaster University

A study at McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences has found a reduction in breast cancer recurrence when additional radiation is given to the lymph nodes as well as the standard treatment of whole-breast irradiation after breast-conserving surgery.

21-Jul-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Study Shows Targeting Bacteria Causing Ulcers May Prevent Stomach Cancer
McMaster University

A research review for the Cochrane Library, led by McMaster University researchers, has found that eliminating Helicobacter pylori bacterium— the main cause of stomach ulcers - with a short course of therapy of two commonly used medicines may help to reduce the risk of gastric cancer.

Released: 14-Jul-2015 1:05 PM EDT
'Three Wishes Project’ Helps to Create Meaning, Memories, and Closure at Death
McMaster University

Eliciting and honoring the last wishes of patients helps to humanize dying in the ICU, according to research from McMaster University. Overall, 98% of the wishes were implemented at a cost ranging from $0 to $200 per patient.

Released: 10-Jul-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Cancer Patients Treated in World-First Clinical Trial of Canadian Viral Therapy
McMaster University

Canadian researchers have launched the world’s first clinical trial of a novel investigational therapy that uses a combination of two viruses to attack and kill cancer cells, and stimulate an anti-cancer immune response.

Released: 6-Jul-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Researchers Develop World’s Most Sensitive Test to Detect and Diagnose Infectious Disease, Superbugs
McMaster University

Infectious diseases such as hepatitis C and some of the world’s deadliest superbugs—C. difficile and MRSA among them—could soon be detected much earlier by a unique diagnostic test, designed to easily and quickly identify dangerous pathogens.

Released: 2-Jul-2015 12:05 PM EDT
McMaster Researchers Test Fecal Transplantation to Treat Ulcerative Colitis
McMaster University

The McMaster team recruited 75 patients with a flare up of their ulcerative colitis and randomized them to fecal transplant therapy given as an enema derived from stool donated by an anonymous healthy donor, and placebo.

28-May-2015 4:05 PM EDT
McMaster Researchers Discover Key to Maintaining Muscle Strength While We Age
McMaster University

By knowing that AMPK is vital for maintaining muscle mass with aging, researchers can now try to adapt exercise regimes and existing drugs to switch on AMPK in muscle more effectively. The development of new selective activators of the AMPK pathway in muscle may also be effective to prevent muscle loss with aging.

Released: 28-May-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Smelly Spectacle: Second Corpse Flower Blooms at McMaster
McMaster University

The rare corpse flower, widely known as the world’s smelliest plant, has started to bloom McMaster, one of only a handful in the world to do so this year.

19-May-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Blood to Feeling: McMaster Scientists Turn Blood Into Neural Cells
McMaster University

Stem cell scientists at McMaster can now directly convert adult human blood cells to both central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) neurons as well as neurons in the peripheral nervous system (rest of the body) that are responsible for pain, temperature and itch perception. This means that how a person’s nervous system cells react and respond to stimuli, can be determined from his blood.

Released: 20-May-2015 8:00 AM EDT
Is There Life Out There? Distant Moons May Provide the Answer, Researchers Say
McMaster University

McMaster researchers who have modelled planetary systems far beyond our own solar system have found that massive moons larger than Mars might be the best bet in the search for life beyond Earth.

13-May-2015 9:00 AM EDT
Your Handshake Tells the Story of Your Health
McMaster University

The study followed almost 140,000 adults aged 35 to 70 over four years in 17 countries. Their muscle strength was measured using a handgrip dynamometer. They were taking part in the institute’s Prospective Urban-Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study.

Released: 7-May-2015 5:05 PM EDT
It Doesn’t Take a Brain Injury to Have Headache, Dizziness and Cognitive Impairment
McMaster University

The study provides an explanation for why many people with even very trivial head injuries, or even injuries to other parts of their bodies, experience incapacitating post-concussion like syndromes.

20-Apr-2015 9:55 AM EDT
Researchers Map Entire Genomes of Woolly Mammoths, Revealing More Clues to Cause of Extinction, Raising Possibility of Bringing Mammoths Back
McMaster University

An international team of researchers has sequenced the nearly complete genome of two Siberian woolly mammoths—revealing the most complete picture to date—including new information about the species’ evolutionary history and the conditions that led to its mass extinction at the end of the Ice Age.

Released: 7-Apr-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Just Hit “Print”: Office Inkjet Printer Could Produce Simple Tool to Identify Infectious Disease, Food Contaminants
McMaster University

Consumers are one step closer to benefiting from packaging that could give simple text warnings when food is contaminated with deadly pathogens like E. coli and Salmonella, and patients could soon receive real-time diagnoses of infections such as C. difficile right in their doctors’ offices, saving critical time and trips to the lab. Researchers at McMaster University have developed a new way to print paper biosensors, simplifying the diagnosis of many bacterial and respiratory infections.

27-Mar-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Researchers Find New Link Between Neurodegenerative Diseases and Abnormal Immune Responses
McMaster University

The study offers new insight into the link between neurodegenerative disorders and inflammation, and provides a framework to explore more fully the possibility that viral infection may lead to onset of these diseases.

Released: 27-Mar-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Canadian Leaders in Antibiotic Resistance Welcome US Plan, Say It Drives Momentum in Critical Global Fight
McMaster University

A new five-year plan to fight the critical problem of antibiotic resistance brings welcome momentum and attention to a fight that demands a global effort, say leading Canadian researchers in the field, who are available to comment this afternoon.

Released: 17-Mar-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Women Retain Insulin Sensitivity Better Than Men
McMaster University

As people become overweight, their skeletal muscle develops insulin resistance that can lead to type two diabetes. Researchers found the activity of this protein, called PTEN (for Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10), is different between men and women.

12-Mar-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Routine Clot Removal After Heart Attack Not Beneficial, May Have Risk
McMaster University

Routine strategy of blood clot removal during treatment for heart attacks not beneficial and associated with an increased risk of stroke.

23-Feb-2015 11:00 AM EST
It’s Tough to Shift That Weight, McMaster Studies Show
McMaster University

The McMaster Evidence Review and Synthesis Centre reviewed hundreds of recent studies about overweight and obesity published in the past decade. The last of its five related papers was published today.

Released: 17-Feb-2015 9:35 AM EST
The Science Behind Commonly Used Anti-Depressants Appears to Be Backwards, Researchers Say
McMaster University

The science behind many anti-depressant medications appears to be backwards, say the authors of a paper that challenges the prevailing ideas about the nature of depression and some of the world’s most commonly prescribed medications.

Released: 11-Feb-2015 9:00 AM EST
New Technology Could Help Patients Make Better Decisions on Care
McMaster University

Traditional decision aids to help patient-doctor discussions have drawbacks, but a new electronic model developed by McMaster University researchers holds promise of revolutionizing shared decision-making in the doctor’s office with the touch of an electronic tablet.

6-Feb-2015 8:00 AM EST
Preemies May Have Psychiatric Problems as Adults
McMaster University

The study found that extremely low birth weight babies whose mothers received a full course of steroids prior to giving birth are at even greater risk for psychiatric disorders.

29-Jan-2015 3:30 PM EST
Barriers to End-of-Life Care Discussions Identified
McMaster University

Two issues emerged: Conversations about death and dying need to be normalized so that people can be more comfortable having advance care planning discussions within families before there’s a crisis. And, clinicians need more training to be highly skilled and sensitive communicators.

22-Jan-2015 10:00 AM EST
Morphine Following Common Childhood Surgery May Be Life Threatening
McMaster University

The study has identified a significant risk for potentially-fatal breathing disruption when morphine is administered at home after surgery to treat pain in children who undergo tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy.

Released: 14-Jan-2015 3:00 PM EST
One Punch to Knock Out Flu
McMaster University

Researchers show that when comparing the potency of an isolated strain-specific flu antibody (the type that current vaccines generate) with an isolated broadly-neutralizing flu antibody (the type generated by universal vaccines) in a lab setting, the latter have much weaker neutralization activity than the strain-specific antibodies.

4-Dec-2014 11:00 AM EST
McMaster Researchers Identify Hormone That Reduces Calorie Burning and Contributes to Obesity, Diabetes
McMaster University

Brown adipose tissue, widely known as brown fat, is located around the collarbone and acts as the body’s furnace to burn calories. It also keeps the body warm. Obese people have less of it, and its activity is decreased with age. Until now, researchers haven’t understood why.

1-Dec-2014 1:00 PM EST
Not All Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Are Made Equal
McMaster University

Human stem cells made from adult donor cells “remember” where they came from and that’s what they prefer to become again. This means the type of cell obtained from an individual patient to make pluripotent stem cells, determines what can be best done with them.

Released: 26-Nov-2014 10:00 AM EST
Minimally Invasive Disc Surgery Is a Pain in the Neck
McMaster University

In comparison with open surgery, while minimally invasive surgery for cervical or lumbar discectomy may speed up recovery and reduce post-operative pain, it does not improve long-term function or reduce long-term extremity pain.

Released: 21-Nov-2014 1:00 PM EST
Only Half of Patients Take Their Medications as Prescribed: Are There Interventions That Will Help Them?
McMaster University

The vast amount of research that has been done has not moved us further forward in our understanding of how to address this problem. We don't know how to get patients to take their medications, despite many studies looking at the issue.

Released: 19-Nov-2014 11:00 AM EST
A New Test Measures Analytical Thinking Linked to Depression, Fueling the Idea That Depression May Be a Form of Adaptation
McMaster University

Researchers studying the roots of depression have developed a test to measure analytical thinking and rumination, that are hallmarks of the condition, leading them closer to the idea that depression may actually be an adaptation meant to help people cope with complex problems such as chronic illnesses or marriage breakups.
