Latest News from: North Carolina State University

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Released: 11-Jan-2001 12:00 AM EST
Grasslands Can Act as Carbon Sinks
North Carolina State University

Scientists have long known that forests sometimes act as "carbon sinks," absorbing more of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide than they release. Now, a team of researchers has identified a mechanism through which grasslands appear to demonstrate the same property. (Nature, 1-11-01)

Released: 4-Jan-2001 12:00 AM EST
Researcher Finds Fault with Middle School Science Textbooks
North Carolina State University

A new examination of some of the most widely used middle school physical science textbooks has found texts that incorrectly state Newton's first law of motion and show the equator passing through the southern United States.

Released: 15-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
Process Yields Better, Longer Lasting Water-Resistant Coatings
North Carolina State University

Using a simple process, North Carolina State University chemical engineers have discovered a way to make flexible coating materials more durable and water-resistant, without the use of environmentally harmful solvents. (Science, 12-15-00)

Released: 14-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
Wetlands System Recycles Building's Wastewater
North Carolina State University

Halford House believes wastewater is too precious to dump down the drain. So House, a NC State University water quality specialist, has created North Carolina's first and only self-contained wastewater treatment system for an office building.

Released: 7-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
Researchers Tackle Threat to Christmas Tree Industry
North Carolina State University

A fungus from Asia is capable of decimating North Carolina Fraser fir plantations -- and threatening the long-term health of the state's $100M annual Christmas tree industry. A team of researchers at NC State University is working to prevent that from happening.

Released: 5-Dec-2000 12:00 AM EST
Like a Dimmer Switch, Turning a Nanotube Can Control Electrical Flow
North Carolina State University

For the first time, scientists have been able to show that by rotating a nanostructure they can control its ability to conduct electrical current to another material, just as you can control the flow of electricity to lights by turning a dimmer switch. (Science, 12-1-00)

Released: 30-Nov-2000 12:00 AM EST
Racial Profiling Expert Available to Discuss New Jersey Situation
North Carolina State University

Records released about traffic stops by state troopers in New Jersey indicate the extent of the racial profiling problem there, says an NC State University criminologist. But, he adds, profiling does not appear to be a policy among most law enforcement agencies nationwide.

Released: 28-Nov-2000 12:00 AM EST
U.S. Food Consumption Largely Unaffected by StarLink Corn Recall
North Carolina State University

Americans have not altered their food consumption habits in the face of recent, highly publicized reports that taco shells were found to contain unapproved bioengineered corn, according to a new survey by North Carolina State University sociologist Dr. Tom Hoban.

Released: 17-Nov-2000 12:00 AM EST
Formula for Predicting Predator-Prey Populations
North Carolina State University

The complicated population interactions of predator and prey species have long intrigued scientists. A team of scientists at Cornell University and NC State University has now demonstrated that a mathematical model reflects the reality of such population dynamics. (Science, 11-16-00)

Released: 15-Nov-2000 12:00 AM EST
Aerospace Engineers Use Tiny Jets of Air to Steer Plane
North Carolina State University

New technology developed by engineers at North Carolina State University helps to steer an aircraft and keeps it from stalling by using small jets of air pulsed through small holes near the back of a wing.

Released: 11-Nov-2000 12:00 AM EST
Palm Beach Ballots Flawed, Says Document Design Researcher
North Carolina State University

A North Carolina State University information design researcher says the controversial Palm Beach County, Fla., presidential election ballot violates several well-researched principles of sound document design.

7-Nov-2000 12:00 AM EST
First Glimpse of Nanoscale Molecular Behavior
North Carolina State University

A team of North Carolina State University physicists has discovered a new method for measuring the molecular properties of materials, which could assist in the development of a wide variety of cutting-edge nanostructure technologies. (Physical Review Letters, 11-6-00)

Released: 1-Nov-2000 12:00 AM EST
Environmentally Safe Hog Waste Disposal Methods
North Carolina State University

Researchers at NC State University are taking the lead role in developing new technologies that will enable hog farms to protect environmental quality while providing jobs and agricultural income for North Carolina and other hog-producing states.

Released: 31-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EST
Engineer: Better Building Standards Needed in Hurricane Zones
North Carolina State University

The United States appears to have dodged the hurricane bullet this year. An NC State University structural engineer, however, believes few homes are built well enough to withstand the powerful winds of powerful storms destined to someday pound the U.S. Southeast.

Released: 25-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Population Boom May Not Benefit Rural Areas
North Carolina State University

Throughout the United States, people are moving in great numbers to rural areas just outside urban centers. An economist at NC State University has found -- in North Carolina at least -- that trend could be more of a drain than a benefit to rural counties.

Released: 21-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Experts Can Discuss NC West Nile Virus Case
North Carolina State University

North Carolina public health officials on Friday, Oct. 20, announced that the first case of West Nile virus has been documented in the state. NC State experts are available to the media to answer questions about the mosquito-spread virus and its transmission.

Released: 14-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Flawed Peace Process to Blame for Violence
North Carolina State University

The ongoing eruption of violence in the Middle East is the result of a flawed peace process that must be reinvigorated by putting Palestinians and Israelis on equal footing, says Dr. Akram Khater of North Carolina State University.

Released: 30-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
$2.6M to Study Pest-Crop Genetics
North Carolina State University

A $2.6 million grant from NSF will allow North Carolina State University to lead research on the genetics of a common parasite that causes billions of dollars in damage to U.S. crops every year.

Released: 27-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Documentary on Linguistic Heritage of NC's Lumbee Indians
North Carolina State University

Their dialect is all the Lumbee Indians of North Carolina have left of a native language that has disappeared over the last 200 years. But they are sucessfully preserving this part of their heritage, says a North Carolina State University linguist.

Released: 22-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Environmentally Friendly Farming Practices
North Carolina State University

North Carolina State University is home to one of the nation's largest centers for the study of environmentally sustainable farming practices.

Released: 22-Sep-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Forestry Conserves Endangered Tropical Trees
North Carolina State University

Overcutting and clearing of tropical forests could eliminate hundreds of rare tree species from their native habitats, but an international forestry program based at North Carolina State University is ensuring that those tree populations won't vanish.

Released: 26-Aug-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Canine Leishmaniasis Cases Confirmed in 21 States
North Carolina State University

Results of DNA and blood tests by scientists at North Carolina State University and the CDC have confirmed cases of visceral canine leishmaniasis - a rare, often fatal disease that can be transmitted to humans and other animals - in 21 U.S. states and southern Canada.

Released: 23-Aug-2000 12:00 AM EDT
New Method for Preventing Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
North Carolina State University

A new surgical method to prevent hip dysplasia in dogs has been developed. The new procedure is less costly and invasive than other methods and shows promise as a permanent preventive measure.

Released: 15-Jun-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Elements of Modern Racism in Mainstream Media
North Carolina State University

"Jerry Maguire" and "Independence Day" were big blockbusters for movie stars Cuba Gooding Jr. and Will Smith; but look closely at the characters portrayed by the African-American actors and you'll see that stereotypes persist, according to two scholars who have written a book about race and media.

Released: 9-Jun-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Impact of Forest Disturbance on National Park Birds
North Carolina State University

Scientists have long wondered whether undisturbed, ancient forests in the eastern United States offer better habitat for birds than forests that have recovered from logging. A team of researchers at North Carolina State University has determined that the answer is both "no" and "yes" in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Released: 9-Jun-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Research Aids Recovery of Endangered Parrot
North Carolina State University

With only 40 Puerto Rican parrots left in the wild, the species hovers precariously close to extinction. Research by an ornithologist at North Carolina State University, however, has laid the groundwork for the first large-scale release of captive-bred Puerto Rican parrots into the wild ñ a move aimed at improving the species' chance of survival.

Released: 8-Jun-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Microsoft Break-Up Will Raise Prices, Harm Innovation
North Carolina State University

Carving Microsoft into two, three or four pieces will likely hurt consumers and Microsoft shareholders alike, says a North Carolina State University economist who has studied the world's largest software company.

Released: 26-Apr-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Donna Shalala to Speak at NC State's Commencement
North Carolina State University

Donna E. Shalala, secretary of U.S. Health and Human Services, will deliver the North Carolina State University Commencement address on Saturday, May 20, at the Entertainment and Sports Arena in Raleigh.

21-Apr-2000 12:00 AM EDT
66-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur with a Heart
North Carolina State University

The world's first dinosaur specimen with a fossilized heart has been discovered by North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences scientists (Science, 4-21-00).

31-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
New Drugs, Ancient Uses; Learning from the Past
North Carolina State University

Modern medicine can learn new tricks from ancient history, believes a professor of history at N.C. State University who is an expert on the historic use of medicines derived from plants.

Released: 11-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Second Toxic Pfiesteria Species Confirmed
North Carolina State University

The existence of a second species of Pfiesteria, a toxic microbe linked to fish kills along the mid-Atlantic coast, has been confirmed by North Carolina State University scientists.

Released: 26-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
DNA May Reveal Cause of Great Irish Potato Famine
North Carolina State University

The source of the potato late blight pathogen that caused the great Irish potato famine of the 1840s may soon be found by a North Carolina State University scientist and the tiny fragments of DNA she's extracting from dried potato leaves.

Released: 26-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
New Imaging Technique Improves X-Rays of Breast Tissue
North Carolina State University

A new X-ray imaging method that produces significantly better pictures of breast tissue than conventional X-rays and could make mammography more effective in revealing tumors has been developed by a research team led by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University scientists (Radiology, 3-00).

Released: 12-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Program to Trace Web Site Attacks
North Carolina State University

A software program that can trace the source of Denial of Service attacks -- such as those that shut down Web sites earlier this week -- has been developed by a North Carolina State University computer scientist.

Released: 1-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Gene Study of Hibernation: Transplants and Hypothermia
North Carolina State University

An NC State University research team has identified and mapped two genes for enzymes that play important roles in hibernation in ground squirrels and, because the genes are nearly identical to ones found in nonhibernating mammals, the findings could have implications for areas such as organ transplants and hypothermia.

Released: 14-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
African-American Race Traitor "Black Judas" Revealed
North Carolina State University

A new book by a North Carolina State University historian sheds new light on William Hannibal Thomas and his significant influence on the nation's racial debate. Thomas published a scathing attack in 1901 titled The American Negro and drew fire from prominent African-American reformers for turning against his own race. They called him "Black Judas."

Released: 10-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
NC State Venture Fund, One Year of Investments
North Carolina State University

In the year since its birth, a $10 million venture capital fund started by North Carolina State University has helped launch 10 research start-ups associated with the university.

Released: 17-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Pinch of Iodine Helps Young Turkeys Survive, Thrive
North Carolina State University

A team of NC State researchers has found that adding a tiny amount of iodine to a female turkey's feed can boost the number of eggs that hatch successfully, and also promote healthier, faster growing young birds.

Released: 10-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Instructor to Sing at Hatteras Relighting
North Carolina State University

This summer, a North Carolina State University guitar instructor produced the CD Hatteras: If a Lighthouse Could Speak... to celebrate the successful relocation of North Carolina's famous Outer Banks sentinel.

Released: 5-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
NC State University Business Tips
North Carolina State University

Stories include: 1- the connection between the economy and homicide rates; 2- NC State inventor reaches 100th patent; 3- industry and government partners double at NC State's Centennial Campus.

Released: 5-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Southeast's Climate, Slight Cooling Trend
North Carolina State University

Despite record-breaking heat this summer and increased levels of greenhouse gases in our air, the climate in the southeastern United States actually has cooled slightly over the past 50 years. North Carolina State University atmospheric scientists have found that annual mean daily temperatures across the region have decreased, on average, 0.10 degree Celsius.

Released: 5-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
NC State University Med News Tips
North Carolina State University

1- link between Bisphenol A and early onset on puberty; 2- stress and prostate disease; 3- bandages made from crab shells; 4- a vacine for bovine diarrhea that may help humans; and 5- the Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank.

Released: 5-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
NC State University Science News Tips
North Carolina State University

1- hurricane surge forecasting; 2- robotic rescuers; 3- digital cameras; 4- vehicle emissions; gene silencing; and 5- thin-film materials.

Released: 21-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Care for Furry Victims of Flood Disaster
North Carolina State University

In an old warehouse in West Raleigh, hundreds of dogs and cats and a lone pig wait patiently for a dish of food or a brisk walk from the army of volunteers.The pets are victims of post-hurricane flooding in Eastern North Carolina.

Released: 21-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Fetal Exposure to "Bisphenol A," Altered Growth, Early Puberty
North Carolina State University

A study by researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of Missouri at Columbia has found that prenatal exposure to Bisphenol A, a chemical found in baby bottle liners, tin can linings and other products made from soft plastics, can speed postnatal growth and the onset of puberty in female mice.

Released: 8-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Creation of New Thin-Film Materials
North Carolina State University

Research by physicists at North Carolina State University, in partnership with materials scientists at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, is helping to create new polymer thin-films by using blends of polymers.

Released: 28-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Pipe-Crawling Robots for Finding Earthquake, Bomb Survivors
North Carolina State University

After an earthquake or bombing, rescuers who climb into the rubble of collapsed buildings searching for survivors may place their own lives at risk, as well as the lives of unseen survivors hidden deeper beneath the rubble. But a team of North Carolina State University engineers is building a robot to help solve this quandary.

Released: 4-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Digital Camera Senses Only UV Light
North Carolina State University

Scientists and students at North Carolina State University have teamed with researchers at the Night Vision Laboratory at Fort Belvoir, Va., and the Honeywell Technology Center to demonstrate the world's first digital camera that senses only ultraviolet light.

Released: 4-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Emerging Marine Diseases
North Carolina State University

The world's leading Pfiesteria expert, Dr. JoAnn Burkholder, of North Carolina State University, has co-authored "Emerging Marine Disease -- Climate Links and Anthropogenic Factors," published Friday, Sept. 3, in the journal Science. The article examines the recent rise of mass mortalities in ocean-dwelling plants and animals due to disease outbreaks.

Released: 31-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
3-D Model to Forecast Hurricane Storm Surge
North Carolina State University

North Carolina State University scientists, working with the National Weather Service office in Raleigh, have developed a three-dimensional forecasting model that accurately predicts coastal flooding caused by a hurricane's storm surge and rainfall.
