Latest News from: Rutgers University-New Brunswick

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Released: 25-Sep-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Can I Get the Flu From Touching Surfaces? Rutgers Researcher Says No.
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the coronavirus was everywhere – stuck to our cellphone screens, smeared on our mail, dangling from doorknobs, even clinging to our cereal boxes. Except that it wasn’t. Despite public health guidance suggesting surfaces be disinfected to stop the spread of COVID-19, the virus wasn’t significantly transmitted through inanimate surfaces and objects, what microbiologists call “fomites.” As with all respiratory viruses – from the flu to the common cold – transmission was and remains almost exclusively airborne. Emanuel Goldman, a professor of microbiology at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, was among the first scientists to challenge conventional wisdom by warning that hygiene theater – overzealous disinfection of surfaces – had “become counterproductive” for public health.

Released: 23-Sep-2022 8:05 AM EDT
CDC Reports Rise in Hospitalizations of Children With Respiratory Virus Associated With Rare Polio-Like Illness
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a health advisory about an increase in children being hospitalized with severe respiratory illness who also tested positive for the rhinovirus or enterovirus EV-D68. That particular enterovirus has been associated with acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) – a rare polio-like illness that affects the nerve cells in the gray matter of the spinal cord and could lead to permanent paralysis.

Released: 19-Sep-2022 10:05 AM EDT
It’s a Matter of When: Getting Ready for “Pathogen X”
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

What will the next pandemic look like? Health officials from across the globe gathered in Geneva in late August at a World Health Organization meeting to focus on how lessons learned from COVID-19 might best prepare civilization for the next one.” Titled “Scientific Strategies from Recent Outbreaks to Help Us Prepare for Pathogen X,” the conference brought together leaders in research, pharma, government and nonprofits. Among the speakers was Jun Wang, an associate professor in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the Rutgers Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy.

Released: 19-Sep-2022 9:00 AM EDT
Why the Flu Vaccine is More Important Than Ever This Year
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

A Rutgers infectious disease expert explains why getting the annual flu shot is important to individual and public health

Released: 31-Aug-2022 12:35 PM EDT
Gun Ownership in New Jersey: Who Owns Them and How Safely Do They Store Them?
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

The Rutgers New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center has gathered data to determine how common gun ownership has become in New Jersey and how gun owners store and use their weapons.

Released: 27-Jun-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Diabetes Drugs Could Soon Transform the Treatment of Obesity
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

An obesity specialist from Robert Wood Johnson Medical School discusses a decade of progress in weight-management drugs and a game-changing study.

Released: 20-Jun-2022 10:45 AM EDT
Monkeypox: Normal Precautions — but No Special Precautions — Are Needed to Combat Virus
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Guidelines formulated to stop the spread of other diseases will protect people from the ongoing monkeypox outbreak, says Rutgers medical expert

Released: 14-Jun-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Substances Other Than Alcohol, Like Cannabis, Can Impair Driving
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rutgers poison control experts discuss legal substances beyond alcohol that can impair driving

Released: 2-Jun-2022 4:05 PM EDT
A Ban on Menthol Cigarettes Is a Step Toward Health Equity and Social Justice
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rutgers researchers say backing the FDA proposed ban will lower national smoking rates and help vulnerable groups

Released: 2-Jun-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Rutgers Gun Violence Research Center Hosts a Twitter Space Discussion on How to Change the Way We Respond to Mass Shootings
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rutgers Gun Violence Research Center Hosts a Twitter Space Discussion on How to Change the Way We Respond to Mass Shootings

Released: 27-May-2022 8:45 AM EDT
Homemade Recipes Aren’t a Safe Solution for Baby Formula Shortage
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

A Rutgers Poison Control Center expert discusses how parents can safely navigate feeding infants amid the scarcity of baby formula

Released: 23-May-2022 9:50 AM EDT
Expert Available to Comment on Sweeping SIDS Study Claims
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rutgers neonatal pediatricians are available to comment on claims that new study identifies a test for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Released: 24-Mar-2022 4:15 PM EDT
Health Effects of Premium Cigars Impacted by How Often They are Smoked and Depth of Inhalation
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Several experts at the Center for Tobacco Studies at Rutgers participated in Premium Cigar Study by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine funded by FDA and NIH

Released: 28-Feb-2022 8:05 AM EST
Why are Fentanyl Deaths Rising?
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

A Rutgers expert discusses the rise of fentanyl deaths nationwide—and how they can be averted

Released: 3-Feb-2022 3:30 PM EST
If You Have Edibles at Home Lock Them Up
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

For the fourth year in a row the NJ Poison Control Center has seen an increase in calls concerning children who accidentally consumed cannabis (marijuana, THC) edibles. Last year (2021), the NJ Poison Control Center assisted in the medical treatment of more than 150 children who were accidentally exposed to cannabis edibles — nearly 100 children 5-years-old and younger; more than 55 children between the ages of 6 and 12.
