Latest News from: Stony Brook University

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Newswise: Computer Simulations of Proteins Help Unravel Why Chemotherapy Resistance Occurs
Released: 21-Jun-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Computer Simulations of Proteins Help Unravel Why Chemotherapy Resistance Occurs
Stony Brook University

Understanding why and how chemotherapy resistance occurs is a major step toward optimizing treatments for cancer. A team of scientists including Markus Seeliger, PhD, of the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, believe they have found a new process through which drug resistance happens.

Released: 16-Jun-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Leading Experts, Officials to Discuss Threats and Solutions for Clean Water
Stony Brook University

A full day of dialogue and scientific presentations by national experts concerning problems and solutions associated with wastewater, nitrogen pollution, PFAS forever chemicals, treatment of drinking water, next generation clean water technologies and other topics will take place during the Clean Water Symposium.

Newswise: Patients With Chronic Illnesses From WTC Exposures More Likely to Suffer “Long-Term” Covid
Released: 13-Jun-2022 2:55 PM EDT
Patients With Chronic Illnesses From WTC Exposures More Likely to Suffer “Long-Term” Covid
Stony Brook University

A study of 1,280 patients treated and monitored at the Stony Brook World Trade Center Health and Wellness Program who also contracted Covid-19 reveals that responders who have suffered from chronic conditions from WTC exposures more often have "Long-Covid" than those responders without chronic illnesses.

Newswise: Study of Anti-Cancer Mitochondrial Drug Shows Additional Clinical Promise
Released: 9-Jun-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Study of Anti-Cancer Mitochondrial Drug Shows Additional Clinical Promise
Stony Brook University

A study of the lead agent (CPI-613) in a class of anticancer drugs undergoing Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved clinical trials reveals that CPI-613 is effective against most carcinoma cell lines, and, used in combination, could have efficacy against reducing some tumors.

Newswise: Shinnecock Bay Recognized as A New Global “Hope Spot”
3-Jun-2022 10:00 AM EDT
Shinnecock Bay Recognized as A New Global “Hope Spot”
Stony Brook University

Shinnecock Bay on the south shore of Long Island, New York, is being named a new “Hope Spot” by Mission Blue, an international organization that supports the protection of oceans worldwide. This distinction is the result of a decade of restorative work led by Stony Brook University scientists.

Newswise: Kelp Mitigates Ocean Acidification, a Key to the Health and Abundance of Important Shellfish
Released: 25-May-2022 9:35 AM EDT
Kelp Mitigates Ocean Acidification, a Key to the Health and Abundance of Important Shellfish
Stony Brook University

A new study led by Christopher Gobler, PhD, and a team of scientists at the Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) shows that the presence of kelp significantly reduces ocean acidification, a result of climate change.

Newswise: Facebook Posts May Reveal Individuals at Risk for Excessive Drinking
Released: 19-May-2022 3:25 PM EDT
Facebook Posts May Reveal Individuals at Risk for Excessive Drinking
Stony Brook University

In a newly published study, co-author H. Andrew Schwartz, PhD, of the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University, and colleagues determined that the language people used in Facebook posts can identify those at risk for hazardous drinking habits and alcohol use disorders.

Newswise: U.S. Must Ramp up Ocean Conservation to Meet Global MPA Standards
17-May-2022 2:45 PM EDT
U.S. Must Ramp up Ocean Conservation to Meet Global MPA Standards
Stony Brook University

A new analysis of marine protected areas (MPAs) reveals that many important ocean regions off mainland United States are significantly unprotected – with large portions of the coast having only five percent or less of its area conserved and a vast majority of the Mid-Atlantic coast unprotected.

Newswise: Novel Course on Medical Device Innovation Adds to Skills of Future Physicians
Released: 9-May-2022 2:35 PM EDT
Novel Course on Medical Device Innovation Adds to Skills of Future Physicians
Stony Brook University

In a paper in Academic Medicine, educators at the Renaissance School of Medicine (RSOM) at Stony Brook University highlighted the success of their three-year, elective course in biodesign that has enabled students to expand their abilities as medical device innovators.

Newswise: Modeling Study Projects 21st Century Droughts Will Increase Human Migration
Released: 26-Apr-2022 8:05 AM EDT
Modeling Study Projects 21st Century Droughts Will Increase Human Migration
Stony Brook University

Drought and the potential increase in the number of droughts worldwide due to climate change remains a concern for scientists. A recent study led by Stony Brook University researchers suggests that human migration due to droughts will increase by at least 200 percent as we move through the 21st Century.

Newswise: Does Medical Publishing Have a Bias Against Women Faculty?
18-Apr-2022 6:00 PM EDT
Does Medical Publishing Have a Bias Against Women Faculty?
Stony Brook University

A novel study that surveyed more than 1,000 author citations in the top three peer-reviewed international medical journals showed a significant disparity regarding women and men faculty and authorship. The findings will be published in PLOS ONE.

Newswise: Targeting “Cell Clustering” by Gene Deletion Reduces Drug Resistance
Released: 15-Apr-2022 7:05 AM EDT
Targeting “Cell Clustering” by Gene Deletion Reduces Drug Resistance
Stony Brook University

A recent study published in the journal Communications Biology shows manipulating and deleting a specific gene (AMN1) from yeast could provide a foundation for a new approach to combatting drug resistance when treating microbial infections or cancer.

Newswise: Human-Induced Climate Change is Increasing Tropical Storm Rainfall Totals
11-Apr-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Human-Induced Climate Change is Increasing Tropical Storm Rainfall Totals
Stony Brook University

A Stony Brook University-led study that analyzed the entire 2020 North Atlantic hurricane season, in conjunction with human activity that affects climate change, found that hourly hurricane rainfall totals were up to 10 percent higher compared to hurricanes that took place in the pre-industrial (1850) era.

Newswise: Discovery of Matter-Wave Polaritons Sheds New Light on Photonic Quantum Technologies
Released: 6-Apr-2022 8:05 PM EDT
Discovery of Matter-Wave Polaritons Sheds New Light on Photonic Quantum Technologies
Stony Brook University

In a paper in Nature Physics, researchers at Stony Brook University report the formation of matter-wave polaritons in an optical lattice, an experimental discovery that enables studies of a central quantum science and technology paradigm through direct quantum simulation using ultracold atoms.

Newswise: Findings From Brain Studies Shed Light on the Mystery of Consciousness After Brain Injury
Released: 30-Mar-2022 7:05 PM EDT
Findings From Brain Studies Shed Light on the Mystery of Consciousness After Brain Injury
Stony Brook University

Researchers in the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University have found that by using technologies to monitor brain functions after traumatic brain injury, scientists may be able to better predict who will “wake up” after TBI and what brain circuits to target to potentially treat disorders of consciousness.

Newswise: Stony Brook to Lead Translational Biomedical Research Network
Released: 16-Mar-2022 12:35 PM EDT
Stony Brook to Lead Translational Biomedical Research Network
Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University will lead a new, innovative network of regional biomedical research institutions to accelerate translational research that will impact and advance clinical care for many physical and mental health conditions -- called the Long Island Network for Clinical and Translational Science (LINCATS).

Newswise: A New Approach to Predict Stable Species in Liquid Can Guide the Design of Optimal Solution Performance
Released: 9-Mar-2022 12:15 PM EST
A New Approach to Predict Stable Species in Liquid Can Guide the Design of Optimal Solution Performance
Stony Brook University

A team of researchers led by Nav Nidhi Rajput, PhD, at Stony Brook University, have found a way to computationally predict stable molecular species in liquid solutions. The new method, detailed in a paper published in the journal Nature Computational Science.

Newswise: Are MAIT Cells Key to the Next Wave of Immunotherapy and Vaccine Development?
Released: 24-Feb-2022 11:15 AM EST
Are MAIT Cells Key to the Next Wave of Immunotherapy and Vaccine Development?
Stony Brook University

A Stony Brook University physician-scientist has identified that mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells exercise several complex roles during healthy and disease states. The published findings may help to serve as a benchmark for future research on MAIT cells as targets for immunotherapies and vaccines.

Newswise: New Genetic Analysis of Ancient Africans Creates a Clearer Picture of Life 50,000 Years Ago
18-Feb-2022 10:35 AM EST
New Genetic Analysis of Ancient Africans Creates a Clearer Picture of Life 50,000 Years Ago
Stony Brook University

Ancient DNA from the remains of nearly three dozen African foragers sheds new light on how groups across sub-Saharan Africa lived, traveled and settled prior to the spread of herding and farming. The study findings, to be published in Nature, produced the earliest DNA of humans on the continent.

Newswise: 10-Year Study Results Find Patient Outcomes Similar for Two CABG Procedures
Released: 17-Feb-2022 1:25 PM EST
10-Year Study Results Find Patient Outcomes Similar for Two CABG Procedures
Stony Brook University

A new study that monitors patients who received “on-pump” or “off-pump” coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) over a 10-year period reveals that outcomes between the two forms of heart bypass surgery are not much different. The findings are published in JAMA Surgery.

Newswise: First Modern Humans Arrived in Europe Earlier Than Previously Known
Released: 10-Feb-2022 11:10 AM EST
First Modern Humans Arrived in Europe Earlier Than Previously Known
Stony Brook University

Some 30 years of archeological and other types of scientific research around the ancient artifacts and human remains in the Grotte Mandrin, located in the Rhone River Valley in southern France, has revealed that humans may have arrived in Europe about 10,000 years earlier than originally thought.

Newswise: New Research May Pave Way to Better Treatments for Crohn’s Disease
Released: 9-Feb-2022 1:40 PM EST
New Research May Pave Way to Better Treatments for Crohn’s Disease
Stony Brook University

A paper published this week in the journal Immunity lays the groundwork to better understand and treat Crohn’s disease. The research identified a new role for Interleukin-17A (IL-17A), an immune cell-derived cytokine, in promoting selective epithelial cell development and limiting inflammation during colitis.

Newswise: Calling for Action in the Face of Climate Change Events
Released: 1-Feb-2022 2:25 PM EST
Calling for Action in the Face of Climate Change Events
Stony Brook University

A new commentary in the inaugural issue of PLOS Climate by two researchers, including Stony Brook University’s Professor Kevin A. Reed, calls for developed nations to direct resources toward operationalizing extreme weather events and impact attribution.

Newswise: Dry Heat Disinfecting of N95 Mask Works, Preserves Fit
Released: 5-Jan-2022 2:35 PM EST
Dry Heat Disinfecting of N95 Mask Works, Preserves Fit
Stony Brook University

A study led by Stony Brook University researchers discovered that a readily available method using dry ovens can be used to disinfect N95s for reuse, in settings where new masks may not be available. Their findings are published in PLOS ONE.

Newswise: Study Reveals Brief Online Interventions Help Reduce Teen Depression
Released: 9-Dec-2021 2:00 PM EST
Study Reveals Brief Online Interventions Help Reduce Teen Depression
Stony Brook University

A published study of more than 2,400 adolescents ages 13 to 16 shows two online, single-session interventions designed to help curb teen depression works, a tool very much needed given a rise in teen depression and loss of some in-person mental health services during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Released: 30-Nov-2021 12:20 PM EST
Windy Days May Be Good Against Covid-19
Stony Brook University

A new study led by Stony Brook University researchers indicates that low wind speeds and stale air are associated with a higher incidence of contracting Covid-19 when people socialize outside – perhaps as much as 45 percent more compared to when winds are stronger.

Released: 29-Nov-2021 4:40 PM EST
SBU awarded $9 million to develop soil technology that could replace cement, address erosion impact
Stony Brook University

Leading a team of researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Dilip Gersappe has secured two grants, totaling $9 million over the next four years to explore and validate the potential of replacing cement, which is environmentally expensive, with naturally derived biopolymers to increase the structural stability of soil.

Released: 29-Nov-2021 2:40 PM EST
Don’t be Fooled: Bots Talk Like Humans but Their Cloned Personalities Give Them Away
Stony Brook University

A study by Stony Brook University and University of Pennsylvania researchers attempts to look at how human social spambots really are by estimating 17 human attributes of the bot. The study sheds light on how bots behave on social media platforms and interact with genuine accounts.

Released: 23-Nov-2021 9:40 AM EST
Zeroing in on New Technologies to Better Define Tropical Storms
Stony Brook University

Pavlos Kollias, PhD, of Stony Brook University, is part of a new NASA Earth Science mission that aims to yield new information about tropical storm clouds –data that will help scientists better understand and predict the behavior of dangerous tropical storms and address a significant issue of climate change.

Newswise: Impact of Pandemic, Discrimination Contribute to Fewer Infant Vaccinations
19-Nov-2021 11:40 AM EST
Impact of Pandemic, Discrimination Contribute to Fewer Infant Vaccinations
Stony Brook University

A new study summarized in a research letter to be published in JAMA Pediatrics reveals that a number of factors, including negative impacts from the pandemic during pregnancy and reports of discrimination, made it less likely that infants received their recommended vaccinations in the first months of their lives.

Newswise: Helping Others Breaks the Isolation and Fatigue of Pandemic Times
Released: 19-Nov-2021 4:05 PM EST
Helping Others Breaks the Isolation and Fatigue of Pandemic Times
Stony Brook University

We have heard the message that giving is good for us, adds to our well-being and health, and our understanding of gratitude. Bioethicist, author and Stony Brook University Professor Stephen Post, PhD, heightens this message as we embark on the second holiday season during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Released: 12-Nov-2021 2:50 PM EST
Technology that Measures Cell-by-Cell Variation in Growth Rates Could Impact Many Fields
Stony Brook University

Few techniques exist to measure cell-by-cell metabolic variations, a powerful way to understand cell responses. Researchers from Stony Brook University demonstrated in a published study that Raman microspectroscopy can accurately measure cell-by-cell variations in growth rates of the bacterium E. coli.

10-Nov-2021 5:00 PM EST
Study Reveals First-Time Data on Protection of China’s Marine Habitats
Stony Brook University

A new study by an international team of scientists provides the first comprehensive and publicly available database of area-based marine conservation in China’s waters. The study in Science Advances provides insight into the country’s progress toward meeting global commitments to protect marine waters.

Released: 26-Oct-2021 4:05 PM EDT
Additively Manufacturing a Better Steel: The Key Could be in Synchrotron X-ray Techniques
Stony Brook University

A study led by Stony Brook University sheds light on the connection between the corrosion behavior and underlying materials structure in laser additively manufactured 316L stainless steel – a corrosion resistant metal. The findings may help to map pathways for engineering an even better printed alloy.

Released: 21-Oct-2021 2:15 PM EDT
To Mask or Not to Mask: Study Provides Mechanism to Test Materials
Stony Brook University

In a study that used inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry to mimic respiratory droplets that can carry viruses, researchers demonstrated a mechanism that enables multiple mask materials to be protective. Led by Stony Brook University, the study findings are published in The paper is published in the journal Applied Materials & Interfaces.

15-Oct-2021 2:45 PM EDT
Global Standards Created for the Ethics of Ancient DNA Research
Stony Brook University

Ancient DNA (aDNA) research enables scientists to uncover more information than ever on past peoples. But this wide availability of aDNA brings ethical questions to the forefront. Now a team of more than 60 scholars have created a set of ethical guidelines regarding aDNA as a way to govern such research.

Released: 19-Oct-2021 4:45 PM EDT
Study Reveals Motor Cortex Could Have Larger Role in Parkinson’s Disease
Stony Brook University

Researchers at Stony Brook University demonstrated that a loss of midbrain dopaminergic centers impairs the ability of the primary motor cortex neurons to transform inputs into appropriate output. The finding, published in eNeuro, supports a new line of research on the role of the motor cortex in Parkinson's Disease.

Released: 14-Oct-2021 12:35 PM EDT
High Ferritin in Severe Covid-19 Pneumonia is Linked to Improved Outcomes After Steroid Treatment
Stony Brook University

Physicians from the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University discovered that for patients with severe Covid-19 pneumonia who had higher ferritin in their blood and were treated with a corticosteroid, fewer intubations and deaths resulted. Their findings are reported in JAMA Network Open.

Newswise: Could Climate Change be Altering the Marine Food Web?
Released: 28-Sep-2021 11:45 AM EDT
Could Climate Change be Altering the Marine Food Web?
Stony Brook University

Research by scientists at Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) reveals that climate velocity is affecting where large marine mammals are distributed relative to their prey species, which could have important implications for marine food web dynamics.

Newswise: Harold L. Paz Named EVP for Health Sciences at Stony Brook University
Released: 23-Sep-2021 1:35 PM EDT
Harold L. Paz Named EVP for Health Sciences at Stony Brook University
Stony Brook University

Harold “Hal” Paz, M.D., M.S., currently Executive Vice President and chancellor for health affairs at The Ohio State University and Chief Executive Officer of the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, has been named Executive Vice President for Health Sciences at Stony Brook University, effective October 4, 2021.

Newswise: Study Unravels the Structure of Bacterial P Pili
Released: 22-Sep-2021 9:30 AM EDT
Study Unravels the Structure of Bacterial P Pili
Stony Brook University

A research team led by Stony Brook University has used molecular biology and cryoelectron microscopy to successfully unravel the structure of bacterial appendages called P pili. The finding, published in Nature Communications, is a key step in order to target P pili in the infection process.

7-Sep-2021 12:55 PM EDT
New MPA Guide Maps Out Ways to Effectively Protect 30 Percent of Ocean by 2030
Stony Brook University

A novel scientific framework to consistently understand, plan, establish, evaluate and monitor ocean protection in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) developed by an international team of scientists including Ellen Pikitch, PhD, of Stony Brook University, is published in Science.

20-Aug-2021 1:30 PM EDT
Molecular Mechanism for COVID-19 Mortality Identified
Stony Brook University

An enzyme with an elusive role in severe inflammation may be a key mechanism driving COVID-19 severity and could provide a new therapeutic target to reduce COVID-19 mortality. This finding by a team of researchers is detailed in a study to be published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Released: 18-Jun-2021 5:25 PM EDT
Do Stickleback Fish Provide a Roadmap of Rapid Species Evolution?
Stony Brook University

The Threespine stickleback fish is known to have evolved independently from its marine ancestors, a process called parallel evolution. A new study details the genomic changes that drive their rapid evolution, the findings from which may shed light on the process of natural selection in other species.

Released: 18-Jun-2021 7:05 AM EDT
Study Identifies a Neural Signal that May Help Explain Social-Cognitive Ability in Autism
Stony Brook University

An electroencephalogram (EEG) study of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) identified a neural signal that may help explain the variation of how those with ASD perceive or understand the mental states of others (called “Theory of Mind”).

Released: 8-Jun-2021 4:50 PM EDT
Justin Fincher, PhD, Appointed Vice President for Advancement and Executive Director of the Stony Brook Foundation
Stony Brook University

Justin Fincher, PhD, vice president for advancement at The Ohio State University, has been appointed vice president for advancement, effective August 23, 2021, announced Stony Brook University President, Maurie McInnis. Reporting directly to President McInnis and serving as a member of her senior management team, Fincher will provide leadership for the University’s development and alumni relations operations and serve as executive director of the Stony Brook Foundation.
