Latest News from: University of Florida

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Released: 20-Sep-2006 4:00 PM EDT
New Study Ranks UF Top Public University in Tech Transfer
University of Florida

The University of Florida is the top-performing public institution at transferring its research to the marketplace, according to a major new study by the prestigious Milken Institute.

Released: 7-Sep-2006 3:30 PM EDT
Girls Perform Better on Tests When Feuding Parents Divorce
University of Florida

A clean break from a bad marriage is actually better for the couple's school-age daughters than a troubled union, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 5-Sep-2006 4:45 PM EDT
When the Magazine Girl Begs 'Come Hither,' the (Female) Reader Yawns
University of Florida

For female magazine readers, sex doesn't sell so much as it -- bores.

Released: 31-Aug-2006 7:45 PM EDT
Scientists: Wildlife Corridors Benefit Plant Biodiversity, Native Plants
University of Florida

Wildlife corridors appear to support not only wildlife but also plants "”especially the oft-threatened native variety.

Released: 29-Aug-2006 5:30 PM EDT
Consumer Confidence in August Dips to Lowest Level in 13 Years
University of Florida

High energy costs, volatility in the stock market and especially the housing slump are to blame for consumer confidence among Floridians plummeting 11 points to 76 in August, its lowest level in more than a decade, University of Florida economists report.

Released: 24-Aug-2006 5:15 PM EDT
Recreational Shoppers Don’t Just Browse but Spend More than Others
University of Florida

Leisure shoppers are bullish on buying, says a University of Florida researcher whose study finds these recreational consumers are intensely involved in the sport of bargain hunting and creative purchasing.

Released: 21-Aug-2006 4:00 PM EDT
Astronomers: Dark, Normal Matter Forced Apart in Massive Collision
University of Florida

Dark matter and normal matter have been wrenched apart by the tremendous collision of two large clusters of galaxies, providing the strongest support yet for the existence of dark matter "” the mysterious stuff said to comprise most of the universe yet only so far inferred based on its gravitational effect.

Released: 15-Aug-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Experts Available to Comment on Fifth Anniversary of Sept. 11 Attacks
University of Florida

The following sources at the University of Florida are available to speak to the news media on a variety of topics related to the upcoming anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, as well as the war on terrorism and U.S. relations with Iraq.

Released: 15-Aug-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Ready for School? Good Readers Formed Before First Day of Kindergarten
University of Florida

So you've bought your child a lunchbox, a backpack, new shoes and hand soap for the teacher's closet "“ but did you remember to give your kindergartener the literacy skills he or she needs to begin school?

Released: 7-Aug-2006 1:45 PM EDT
Palm Deaths Accelerating on Florida Coast; Likely Cause Is Rising Seas
University of Florida

Palm trees on Florida's west coast appear to be dying more rapidly than in previous years because of sea level rise tied to global warming.

Released: 2-Aug-2006 5:45 PM EDT
New System Provides Power, Water, Refrigeration from One Source
University of Florida

When hurricanes, wars or other emergencies force authorities to respond, three essentials top their list of must-haves: water, electricity and refrigeration.

Released: 1-Aug-2006 6:10 PM EDT
At an Underwater Volcano, Evidence of Man’s Environmental Impact
University of Florida

Scientists studying hydrothermal vents, those underwater geysers that are home to bizarre geological structures and unique marine species, have discovered something all too familiar: pollution.

Released: 27-Jul-2006 5:50 PM EDT
New, Molecular Approach to Early Cancer Detection
University of Florida

Scientists have pioneered a new approach to detecting cancer cells, one that could eventually allow doctors to discover many malignancies earlier than currently possible.

Released: 25-Jul-2006 12:30 PM EDT
‘Grandtravel’ Popular Bonding Experience for Grandparents
University of Florida

Seniors who like to "spoil the grandchild" without interference from the parents have discovered that the safest bets are long trips to theme parks, historical sites and even on safaris, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 25-Jul-2006 12:25 PM EDT
Consumer Confidence Rises in July, but Likely to Fall in Next Few Months
University of Florida

Consumer confidence among Floridians rose one point to 89 in July, but the slumping real estate market is likely to cause it to decline over the next several months, University of Florida economists report.

Released: 19-Jul-2006 3:20 PM EDT
Lack of Sleep Impairs Job Satisfaction, Especially for Women
University of Florida

As America becomes a nation of caffeinated insomniacs, a new University of Florida study shows lack of sleep not only makes people tired and cranky but also causes them to dislike and even hate their jobs the next morning.

Released: 19-Jul-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Expert Offers Tips on Avoiding Backpack Injuries in Children
University of Florida

In the rush to buy back-to-school supplies for their children, parents may unknowingly purchase backpacks that do more harm than good, warns a University of Florida occupational therapist.

Released: 13-Jul-2006 4:30 PM EDT
Women More Likely to be Perpetrators of Abuse as Well as Victims
University of Florida

Women are more likely than men to stalk, attack and psychologically abuse their partners, according to a University of Florida study that finds college women have a new view of the dating scene.

Released: 28-Jun-2006 4:10 PM EDT
Pirates Pursued Democracy, Helped American Colonies Survive
University of Florida

Blackbeard and Ben Franklin deserve equal billing for founding democracy in the United States and New World, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 27-Jun-2006 5:20 PM EDT
Consumer Confidence Rises in June for No Apparent Explainable Reason
University of Florida

Consumer confidence among Floridians in June rose four points to 90, reflecting optimism about the long-term future of the U.S. economy, but University of Florida economists say they are unsure exactly why.

Released: 20-Jun-2006 4:45 PM EDT
Armed with Cannons, Cranes and Wind Machines, Engineers Test Houses
University of Florida

The wind roared against the house. Shingles and tar paper flew off the roof, exposing bare plywood. The front window buckled, then shattered, shooting glass shards into the living room.

Released: 7-Jun-2006 5:00 PM EDT
Altered Breast Tissue Development in Young Girls Linked to Pesticides
University of Florida

Exposure to pesticides crosses the generations, according to a new University of Florida study that finds daughters of mothers who lived near areas of heavy agricultural spraying may be unable to nurse their children.

Released: 5-Jun-2006 3:50 PM EDT
Astronomers Find Hundreds of Young, Distant Galaxy Clusters
University of Florida

Astronomers have found the largest number of the most distant, youngest galaxy clusters yet, a feat that will help them observe the developing universe when it was less than half its current age and still in its formative stages.

Released: 30-May-2006 3:45 PM EDT
Low Home Sales and High Fuel Prices Hit Consumer Confidence
University of Florida

Consumer confidence among Floridians in May did not budge from its April level of 86, the likely result of a downturn in the housing market and continued high fuel prices, University of Florida economists report.

Released: 24-May-2006 4:40 PM EDT
For the Future Hydrogen Economy, a Tiny, Self-Powered Sensor
University of Florida

Hydrogen has been called "the fuel of the future." But the gas is invisible, odorless and explosive at high concentrations, posing a safety problem for hydrogen-powered cars, filling stations and other aspects of the so-called hydrogen economy.

Released: 18-May-2006 5:15 PM EDT
Support for Israel Not Universal Among American Jews
University of Florida

Despite the view that Zionists dominate U.S. policy toward Israel, American Jews vary markedly in their support for the Middle Eastern nation depending on age, religious practices and ethnic pride, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 17-May-2006 5:10 PM EDT
"Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You" Class Tool May Aid Math Students
University of Florida

It's a feeling nearly everyone remembers experiencing at least once: sitting in class unprepared, silently praying the teacher won't call your name.

Released: 11-May-2006 3:35 PM EDT
Female and Minority Experts Most Effective in HIV Prevention
University of Florida

Contrary to popular belief, experts are more effective than peers in successful HIV prevention campaigns, a University of Florida study found. However, the most effective resources are experts whose gender and ethnicity match the patients seeking guidance.

Released: 10-May-2006 5:40 PM EDT
World’s Tiniest Test Tubes Get Teensiest Corks
University of Florida

Now all they need is a really, really small corkscrew. Like Lilliputian chemists, scientists have found a way to "cork" infinitesimally small nano test tubes. The goal is a better way to deliver drugs, for example, for cancer treatment. Scientists want to fill the teeny tubes with drugs and inject them into the body, where they will seek diseased or cancerous cells, uncork and spill their therapeutic contents in the right place.

Released: 27-Apr-2006 5:55 PM EDT
Experts Available to Comment on Illegal Immigration Issues
University of Florida

As immigrants' rights groups are organizing a work stoppage, economic boycott and marches for May 1, the following experts are available at the University of Florida to provide insight and comment on related topics.

Released: 26-Apr-2006 8:45 PM EDT
Professor’s New Book Looks at Where Guys Go -- Just to be Guys
University of Florida

From strip clubs and golf courses to barber shops and garages, a University of Florida English professor has pulled back the curtain on the last oases of unfettered masculinity and written a new book aimed at explaining just what makes those places so attractive to the burlier sex.

Released: 25-Apr-2006 2:20 PM EDT
Higher Gas Prices Cause Dip in Florida Consumer Confidence
University of Florida

Rising gas prices were the likely cause of a two-point dip in consumer confidence in April to 89, following a four-point hike in March, University of Florida economists report.

Released: 20-Apr-2006 5:00 PM EDT
Opening of Passage May be Tied to Antarctic Cooling
University of Florida

Ancient fish teeth are yielding clues about when Antarctica became the icy continent it is today, highlighting how ocean currents affect climate change.

Released: 18-Apr-2006 7:25 PM EDT
Religious Orientation Influences Elderly’s Fear of Death
University of Florida

As they approach death, the churchgoing elderly are likely to find little solace in religion if they had little personal commitment to God during the rest of their lives, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 13-Apr-2006 4:05 PM EDT
New Student-Designed System Tracks Firefighters, Special Forces
University of Florida

The old technique of using push pins and maps to track troop movements just got a radical new upgrade for soldiers or firefighters in rugged terrains.

Released: 6-Apr-2006 4:55 PM EDT
Even Good Employees Act Up If Supervisors Mistreat Them
University of Florida

Even model employees can become negative and unproductive if their bosses are rude or mean-spirited, according to a new University of Florida study.

Released: 29-Mar-2006 4:55 PM EST
Phone Service Discount Benefits Few Low-income Floridians
University of Florida

Most low-income Florida households do not take advantage of a discount for telephone service offered through a government and telephone company collaboration, a University of Florida study found.

Released: 23-Mar-2006 4:00 PM EST
Professor Examines Role of Race, Fame in Public Scandals
University of Florida

How did O.J. Simpson "“ hardly an activist on black issues before his arrest "“ become a hero to some in the black community after being charged with murder? And why is the black community less likely to extend similar support to noncelebrity blacks who face prosecution for crimes?

Released: 15-Mar-2006 6:50 PM EST
Student Entrepreneurs: New Sensor Will Help Guarantee Freshness
University of Florida

Grocers, florists and even pharmacists may soon have a better way to monitor the quality of the products they get from suppliers: a sensor that will tell how long before a product spoils or passes its expiration date.

Released: 14-Mar-2006 9:00 AM EST
New Study Ranks States’ Constitutions for Access Provisions
University of Florida

Constitutional provisions for access to government in Florida, California, Louisiana, Montana, and Rhode Island provide the best protection for the public, according to new findings.

Released: 7-Mar-2006 8:40 PM EST
Jazzy Store Environments Not Always Best for Consumers
University of Florida

Attention shoppers: A new University of Florida study finds that buyers want stores to be turn-ons when they browse for fun but prefer sedate environments when seeking mundane merchandise for everyday life.

Released: 23-Feb-2006 6:35 PM EST
A Better Tool to Study Role of Iron in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s
University of Florida

Engineers have found a way to pinpoint and identify the tiny iron oxide particles associated with Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases in the brain.

Released: 21-Feb-2006 12:10 PM EST
Excuses Hurt Job Productivity When Performing Simple Tasks
University of Florida

Giving employees a built-in excuse for lousy performance in humdrum or nasty tasks also gives them a way out of doing a good job, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 13-Feb-2006 1:40 PM EST
World Shark Attacks Dipped in 2005, Part of Long-Term Trend
University of Florida

Assertive and even aggressive human behavior could explain why shark attacks worldwide dipped last year, continuing a five-year downward trend in close encounters with the oceanic predators, new University of Florida research suggests.

Released: 10-Feb-2006 1:30 PM EST
Researchers Develop Ways to Keep the Bloom on the Rose
University of Florida

They may not be able to make love last, but a team of University of Florida researchers has figured out how to at least make the flowers go the distance.

Released: 9-Feb-2006 1:20 PM EST
UF Engineer Develops Tiny, Easily Mass-Produced Motion Sensor
University of Florida

A University of Florida engineer is the latest researcher to design a tiny, easy-to-manufacture motion sensor, a development that could help popularize the sensors as standard equipment in personal electronics, medical devices and other applications.

Released: 30-Jan-2006 2:55 PM EST
Risk of Victimization Increases with Early Puberty
University of Florida

Adolescents who experience puberty earlier than their peers are more likely to be physically victimized through fights or offending behaviors such as bullying.

Released: 25-Jan-2006 2:00 PM EST
Abortion-Rights and Anti-Abortion Groups Share Some Values
University of Florida

People with strong views on abortion and other controversial issues tend to exaggerate differences of opinion they have with their opponents, a new University of Florida study finds.

Released: 25-Jan-2006 1:00 PM EST
Hunt for Planets Outside Solar System Uncovers a Small One
University of Florida

Perhaps edging closer to finding planets that harbor life, astronomers have discovered the smallest planet yet identified outside our solar system.

Released: 20-Jan-2006 4:10 PM EST
For Orthopedic Injuries, a Robot That Follows Patients as They Move
University of Florida

The MRI and CT scan may one day have a robotic cousin capable of following and peering into patients as they move around.
