Latest News from: University of Alabama Huntsville

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Newswise: UAH Researcher Wins $608k SHINE Grant to Study Joule Heating in the Sun’s Atmosphere for Clues to the Biggest Mystery in Heliophysics
Released: 19-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
UAH Researcher Wins $608k SHINE Grant to Study Joule Heating in the Sun’s Atmosphere for Clues to the Biggest Mystery in Heliophysics
University of Alabama Huntsville

Dr. Mehmet Sarp Yalim, a research scientist in the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR) at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, has won a $608,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) Solar, Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) grant to study a process known as Joule, or Cowling, heating.

Newswise: UAH researcher gains $1M Air Force grant to develop artificial neural networks to combat dangerous radio frequency spoofing
Released: 10-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
UAH researcher gains $1M Air Force grant to develop artificial neural networks to combat dangerous radio frequency spoofing
University of Alabama Huntsville

With the ever-increasing use of wireless communication technologies and cellular networks, radio frequency (RF) based attacks such as “spoofing” have become a significant concern due to the privacy and security risks in both military and civilian communication networks. Dr. Chaity Banerjee Mukherjee, an assistant professor at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, has won a $1 million Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) grant to develop frameworks for artificial neural networks that will help combat these attacks.

Newswise: One of the First of Its Kind, Uah Study Characterizes Urinary Microbes in Children
Released: 6-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT
One of the First of Its Kind, Uah Study Characterizes Urinary Microbes in Children
University of Alabama Huntsville

Until recently, it was believed that human urine is sterile, but advanced culturing techniques and DNA sequencing have revealed that bacteria and other microbes – such as viruses and fungi – inhabit the human bladder and urinary tract, known collectively as the “urobiome.” Now in study that is one of the first of its kind, Dr.

Newswise: UAH researcher wins NASA FINESST scholarship to study connection between solar wind turbulence and energetic particles
Released: 3-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT
UAH researcher wins NASA FINESST scholarship to study connection between solar wind turbulence and energetic particles
University of Alabama Huntsville

Ashok Silwal, a doctoral candidate and graduate research assistant at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, has been chosen to receive a NASA Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) scholarship to study stream interaction regions (SIRs) in the heliosphere.

Newswise: UAH TERMINUS student team successfully launches NASA RockSat-X payload into space
Released: 29-Aug-2024 4:05 PM EDT
UAH TERMINUS student team successfully launches NASA RockSat-X payload into space
University of Alabama Huntsville

Team TERMINUS from The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, successfully launched a student-developed payload aboard a Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket that featured two experiments designed by the UAH Space Hardware Club (SHC).

Newswise: UAH HERC rover team makes STEM outreach trip to Dominican Republic hosted by INTEC University
Released: 22-Aug-2024 5:05 PM EDT
UAH HERC rover team makes STEM outreach trip to Dominican Republic hosted by INTEC University
University of Alabama Huntsville

Winning the 2024 Human Rover Explorer Challenge (HERC) provided an engineering student team at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, the opportunity to perform STEM outreach in the Dominican Republic (DR) this summer.

Newswise: UAH researcher wins 2024 ORAU Powe Junior Faculty Award to explore novel method of synthesizing ammonia with potentially global implications
Released: 16-Aug-2024 5:05 PM EDT
UAH researcher wins 2024 ORAU Powe Junior Faculty Award to explore novel method of synthesizing ammonia with potentially global implications
University of Alabama Huntsville

Dr. Agnieszka Truszkowska, an assistant professor in the College of Engineering at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, has won the 2024 Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award. The national honor is a one-year $5,000 commitment aimed at enriching the research skills and professional growth of young faculty members at ORAU member institutions.

Newswise: UAH student wins national 2024 Department of Energy CyberForce® competition
Released: 14-Aug-2024 4:05 PM EDT
UAH student wins national 2024 Department of Energy CyberForce® competition
University of Alabama Huntsville

A student at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has won the 2024 Department of Energy (DOE) CyberForce competition®, a national contest designed to hone cybersecurity skills and visibility by challenging students to face off in simulated cyber-focused scenarios centered on securing operational energy technology from adversarial forces.

Newswise: UAH researcher wins $750K EPSCoR grant to support STROBE-X explorations of gravitational wave sources, black holes and dark matter
Released: 5-Aug-2024 12:05 PM EDT
UAH researcher wins $750K EPSCoR grant to support STROBE-X explorations of gravitational wave sources, black holes and dark matter
University of Alabama Huntsville

Dr. Sukanya Chakrabarti at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has won a $750,000 Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) award to support STROBE-X, a planned $1 billion probe-class NASA observatory that aims to unlock the secrets of some of the most extreme conditions in the universe.

Newswise: First-time UAH study sheds new light on mystery of why solar corona is so much hotter than Sun’s surface
Released: 26-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
First-time UAH study sheds new light on mystery of why solar corona is so much hotter than Sun’s surface
University of Alabama Huntsville

In a new study published in the The Astrophysical Journal, a researcher from The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, explores critical aspects of a phenomenon called kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) to provide fresh insights into an age-old heliophysics mystery. Syed Ayaz, a graduate research assistant at the UAH Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR), examined the potentially pivotal role of KAWs in heating the solar corona, moving science one step closer to solving the puzzle of why the corona is many times hotter than the surface of the Sun itself.

Newswise: UAH TERMINUS student group set to launch biggest, most advanced spacecraft with NASA
Released: 25-Jul-2024 3:05 PM EDT
UAH TERMINUS student group set to launch biggest, most advanced spacecraft with NASA
University of Alabama Huntsville

This August, a student team at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, is set to launch its biggest payload yet into the upper atmosphere from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va.

Newswise: UAH-led coalition building new statewide plasma industry in Alabama, backed by National Science Foundation
Released: 24-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
UAH-led coalition building new statewide plasma industry in Alabama, backed by National Science Foundation
University of Alabama Huntsville

A 10-year, $40 million federal investment in plasma science and engineering (PSE) efforts in Alabama managed at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has produced tangible results that are very encouraging, according to Dr. Sandra Richardson, the section head for the Research Capacity and Competitiveness Section in the Office of Integrative Activities at the U.

Newswise: UAH helps Alabama lead charge to meet surging battery needs
Released: 22-Jul-2024 2:05 PM EDT
UAH helps Alabama lead charge to meet surging battery needs
University of Alabama Huntsville

With the number of electric vehicles (EVs) in the United States projected to skyrocket to 26.4 million by 2030, the need is great for not only producing, but improving, the safety and efficiency of the batteries that power them, as well as cell phones, autonomous unmanned vehicles and smart electronics. Researchers at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, are doing their part to ensure Alabama is leading the way to power this coming revolution.

Newswise: UAH researcher promotes “digital wellness” by studying ways consumers are detoxing from addictive technology
Released: 10-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
UAH researcher promotes “digital wellness” by studying ways consumers are detoxing from addictive technology
University of Alabama Huntsville

In this digital age, there is growing concern that the overconsumption of digital media through smartphones, apps and social sites can impact mental and physical health, as well as increase social dysconnectivity.

Newswise: UAH researcher publishes study tapping social media and AI to speed supply chain assistance during disasters
Released: 3-Jul-2024 12:05 PM EDT
UAH researcher publishes study tapping social media and AI to speed supply chain assistance during disasters
University of Alabama Huntsville

A doctoral candidate at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) is lead author of a new study in the International Journal of Production Research investigating the ways social media platforms can be leveraged with artificial intelligence (AI) to provide vital communication connecting victims of disaster to outside aid and support.

Newswise: Federico-Fraternale-1440.jpg
Released: 18-Jun-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Research scientist’s “one-of-a-kind” model of the heliosphere wins $824k NASA heliophysics grant
University of Alabama Huntsville

Dr. Federico Fraternale at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, has been awarded a $824,132 NASA heliophysics grant to develop new global models of the heliosphere that incorporate interstellar neutral atoms that can help reveal the properties of space beyond the farthest reaches of the Sun’s influence.

Newswise: galactic-wrinkles-1440.jpg
Released: 6-Jun-2024 4:05 PM EDT
UAH researcher demonstrates Milky Way’s last major galactic collision happened much more recently than previously thought
University of Alabama Huntsville

Dr. Tom Donlon, a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, is the lead author of a new paper published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society that reveals the Milky Way Galaxy’s last major collision occurred billions of years later than previously thought.

Newswise: UAH researcher shows, for the first time, gravity can exist without mass, mitigating the need for hypothetical dark matter
Released: 6-Jun-2024 11:05 AM EDT
UAH researcher shows, for the first time, gravity can exist without mass, mitigating the need for hypothetical dark matter
University of Alabama Huntsville

Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is implied by gravitational effects that can’t be explained by general relativity unless more matter is present in the universe than can be seen.

Newswise: UAH researcher leads groundbreaking paper that demonstrates for the first time a subluminal warp drive is possible through known physics
Released: 29-May-2024 5:05 PM EDT
UAH researcher leads groundbreaking paper that demonstrates for the first time a subluminal warp drive is possible through known physics
University of Alabama Huntsville

Two researchers at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) have published a paper that demonstrates for the first time that a subluminal warp drive is possible within the bounds of known physics without the need to employ exotic unknown forms of matter or energy, while also advancing our understanding of gravity. UAH alumnus Dr.

Newswise: UAH-led FTPP recognized nationally as National Science Foundation ranks in top 10 best places to work
Released: 22-May-2024 4:05 PM EDT
UAH-led FTPP recognized nationally as National Science Foundation ranks in top 10 best places to work
University of Alabama Huntsville

The $20 million, five-year Future Technologies and Enabling Plasma Processes (FTPP) initiative led by The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, is cited in “The Washington Post” as a key contributor toward the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) top-10 ranking in the 2023 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) of the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government.
