Latest News from: Baylor University

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Released: 16-Aug-2011 2:05 PM EDT
Reality TV Mom Isn’t Down for the Count, Despite Cancellation of Her Television Show, Baylor Journalism Researcher Predicts
Baylor University

Reality TV mom Kate Gosselin’s show has been canceled, but the single mother of eight is masterful at re-inventing herself and will weather the setback — in large part because of her savvy with social media, predicts a Baylor University expert on image repair.

Released: 16-Aug-2011 1:00 PM EDT
You Can’t Leave It at the Office: Consequences of Co-Worker Rudeness Are Far-Reaching
Baylor University

A co-worker’s rudeness can have a great impact on relationships far beyond the workplace, according to a Baylor University study published online in the Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Released: 11-Aug-2011 4:45 PM EDT
Seminary at Baylor University Ventures into Sports Ministry Education
Baylor University

A growing need for ministry to professional athletes, youth athletic leagues and church recreation groups has prompted Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary to establish a new graduate program and emphasis on sports chaplaincy.

Released: 11-Aug-2011 10:40 AM EDT
How You Read the Bible is Linked to Whether Your Fellow Worshippers Went to College
Baylor University

Regardless of a person's educational background, he or she is less likely to approach the Bible in a literal word-for-word fashion when surrounded by a greater number of church members who went to college.

Released: 10-Aug-2011 10:30 AM EDT
Popular Muscle-Boosting Supplement Does Not Increase Blood Flow
Baylor University

A Baylor University study has found that a popular nutritional supplement that is marketed to lead to greater muscle strength through increasing blood flow to the muscle does not increase blood flow as claimed on the bottle.

Released: 2-Aug-2011 10:00 AM EDT
Study Finds Satisfaction in Body Function, Body Appearance Differs in Older Men and Women
Baylor University

When it comes to satisfaction with body function and body appearance, older men and women have different opinions, although physical activity does improve satisfaction in both sexes, according to new study by a Baylor University researcher.

Released: 26-Jul-2011 10:50 AM EDT
Quality of Life for Children with ADHD and Their Families Worsens With Greater Disease Severity
Baylor University

The greater the severity of a child’s Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms, the more negative impacts on the child’s health-related quality of life from the perspective of the child and the parent, a new study by a Baylor University psychologist has found.

Released: 19-Jul-2011 3:15 PM EDT
Beware of Bogus Internet Claims that Raw Eggs Are Safe, Food Expert Warns
Baylor University

A flurry of Internet sites are touting raw egg drinks, shakes and snacks as “primal and powerful," with no risk of salmonella, but a national food expert says otherwise.

Released: 19-Jul-2011 10:15 AM EDT
Some Desert Birds Less Affected By Wildfires and Climate Change
Baylor University

A new Baylor University study has found that some bird species in the desert southwest are less affected, and in some cases positively influenced, by widespread fire through their habitat. In fact, the Baylor researchers say that fire actually helps some bird species because of the habitat that is formed after a fire is positive for the bird’s prey needs.

Released: 7-Jul-2011 11:00 AM EDT
Organizational Climate Drives Commercialization of Scientific and Engineering Discoveries
Baylor University

Research universities with an organizational climate that actively supports commercialization and encourages interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers are more likely to produce invention disclosures and patent applications, according to a Baylor University study.

Released: 5-Jul-2011 9:00 AM EDT
Harry Potter Expert at Baylor University Is Available to Talk About Final Potter Film, Which Premieres July 15
Baylor University

The award-winning author of One Fine Potion: The Literary Magic of Harry Potter says the final film in the Harry Potter series, which premieres July 15, "marks the end of an era."

Released: 28-Jun-2011 4:10 PM EDT
Commemorative Stamp Honors Anti-Racist Mark Twain, but Scholar Says Few People Know the Author's Past
Baylor University

In the wake of the unveiling of a commemorative stamp depicting Mark Twain, a Baylor University scholar says there was more to anti-racist Twain than most people know — including a stint as a Confederate soldier.

Released: 28-Jun-2011 2:00 PM EDT
Climate Change Makes Some Chemicals More Toxic to Aquatic Life
Baylor University

Some areas of the southern United States are suffering from the longest dry spell since 1887 and a new Baylor University study shows that could prove problematic for aquatic organisms.

Released: 22-Jun-2011 10:00 AM EDT
Study Finds Church Congregations Blind to Mental Illness
Baylor University

Mental illness of a family member destroys the family’s connection with the religious community, a new study by Baylor University psychologists has found, leading many affected families to leave the church and their faith behind.

Released: 21-Jun-2011 11:00 AM EDT
Flexible Schedule is Key to Keeping Working Moms on the Job
Baylor University

Women who return to work after giving birth are more likely to stay on the job if they have greater control over their work schedules, according to a Baylor University study. Researchers also found that job security and the ability to make use of a variety of their job skills leads to greater retention of working moms, while the impact of work-related stress on their physical and mental health causes greater turnover.

Released: 15-Jun-2011 4:30 PM EDT
$2 Million Gift Funds Competition for Student Entrepreneurs
Baylor University

Baylor University announced today a $2 million gift, given anonymously to Baylor's Hankamer School of Business, to endow the Baylor Entrepreneurship Innovation Challenge, a business plan competition for students from all over the nation as they seek to develop their business ideas.

Released: 15-Jun-2011 2:40 PM EDT
Study Finds Golden Algae Responsible for Killing Millions of Fish Less Toxic in Sunlight
Baylor University

A new Baylor University study has found that sunlight decreases the toxicity of golden algae, which kills millions of fish in the southern United States every year.

Released: 14-Jun-2011 10:00 AM EDT
Baylor University Researcher Available to Speak about Wildfires and Climate Change
Baylor University

A Baylor University expert is available to journalists for interviews about how climate change in the desert southwest will decrease the likelihood of widespread and intense wildfires, such as the one in Arizona, over the next 50 years.

Released: 14-Jun-2011 8:00 AM EDT
The Scoop on Ice Cream and the Skinny on Snow Cones: Dietitian Assesses Frozen Treats
Baylor University

National food expert and dietitican Suzy Weems of Baylor University analyzes nutrition and rehydration value of frozen treats during the summer.

Released: 13-Jun-2011 1:00 PM EDT
Teacher Unions That Have Lost Collective Bargaining Will Use Money to Flex Political Muscle
Baylor University

While several states have recently limited the ability for teacher unions to collectively bargain for their members, teachers will continue to flex their political muscle in a way scholars of policymaking have overlooked: through their pocketbooks, says a Baylor University political scientist.

Released: 8-Jun-2011 10:45 AM EDT
Study Finds Widespread Stream Biodiversity Declines at Low Levels of Urban Development
Baylor University

A new study from biology researchers at Baylor University and the University of Maryland-Baltimore has found that there are consistent and widespread declines in stream biodiversity at lower levels of urban development more damaging than what was previously believed.

Released: 7-Jun-2011 4:00 PM EDT
Food Guide “Pyramid” Topples — and Why That’s a Good Thing
Baylor University

The USDA's new nutrition icon -- MyPlate -- and accompanying guidelines are more practical and "socially friendly" than the longtime food pyramid, nutrition expert says.

Released: 6-Jun-2011 4:35 PM EDT
Mark Twain: Staunch Confederate? Once Upon a Time, 150 Years Ago, Professor Says
Baylor University

Scholars have whitewashed Mark Twain's Southern-leaning writings of the 1850s and 1860s, Baylor researcher says.

Released: 1-Jun-2011 12:55 PM EDT
Study Finds Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy May Be Safe for Soil Animals
Baylor University

A new study has found that an emerging tool for combating climate change may cause less harm to some soil animals than initial studies suggested.

Released: 31-May-2011 4:10 PM EDT
Secrets of Ancient Egypt Revealed through Modern Science at Baylor University Exhibit
Baylor University

A new exhibition -- LOST EGYPT: ANCIENT SECRETS, MODERN SCIENCE -- at Baylor University explores how modern science and technology are uncovering the lives and culture of ancient Egyptians.

Released: 25-May-2011 4:00 PM EDT
Western Swing’s Mystery Man — and Why It’s Time He Got His Due
Baylor University

Western swing has been declared Texas' official music, but a musician who played a huge role in the genre has been ignored too long, a Baylor researcher says.

Released: 24-May-2011 12:35 PM EDT
Female Rappers Brag about Being Sexy but Keep Mum about Their Domestic Skills
Baylor University

Male rappers see the “independent woman” as an educated bill-payer who will care for an average guy, while female rappers stress their sexiness and stay silent about their domestic skills, says a Baylor University researcher.

Released: 24-May-2011 11:30 AM EDT
Study Finds Common Fire Retardant Harmful to Aquatic Life
Baylor University

A new study by Baylor University environmental health researchers found that zebra fish exposed to several different technical mixtures of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) – a common fire retardant – during early development can cause developmental malformations, changes in behavior and death.

Released: 23-May-2011 12:10 PM EDT
Baylor University Researcher Available to Speak about How People and Communities Respond To Climate Disasters
Baylor University

A Baylor University expert is available to comment to journalists about how people and communities respond to extreme weather related shocks like the recent deadly tornado outbreak in Missouri.

Released: 18-May-2011 10:15 AM EDT
Like that Wetland Near You? New Study Predicts Risk of Wetland Habitat Loss in Southern United States
Baylor University

Baylor University, in collaboration with the U.S Forest Service (USFS) Rocky Mountain Research Station, has developed a model that predicts the risk of wetland habitat loss based on local wetland features and characteristics of the landscape surrounding the wetland. The new model was used to predict the fate of wetland habitats over a 13-state area in the southern United States.

Released: 10-May-2011 10:00 AM EDT
Chemistry Researchers Receive Patent for New Scientific Measurement Instrument
Baylor University

Two Baylor University chemistry professors have invented a new polarimeter, a basic scientific instrument used to measure and interpret the polarization of transverse waves, such as light waves, that could prove useful in determining the purity of pharmaceuticals. Baylor has now patented the device.

Released: 9-May-2011 5:00 PM EDT
Doomsday in May? Don't Bet On It, Baylor Professor Says
Baylor University

Jesus told his followers that no one knows the time of his return. But that hasn’t stopped folks from putting it on their calendars ever since, said Dr. Doug Weaver, associate professor of religion at Baylor University.

Released: 5-May-2011 2:00 PM EDT
Short-Term Mission Trips: Are They Worth the Investment?
Baylor University

Short-term mission trips of less than a year are burgeoning, with more than $2 billion spent last year. Is the spiritual profit worth it? A Baylor University researcher gives a qualified "Yes."

Released: 5-May-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Life Satisfaction and State Intervention Go Hand in Hand
Baylor University

People living in countries with governments that have a greater number of social services report being more satisfied with life, according to a study by a Baylor University researcher. Dr. Patrick Flavin, assistant professor of political science at Baylor, said the effect of state intervention into the economy equaled or exceeded marriage when it came to satisfaction. The study is published in the spring issue of the journal Politics & Policy.

Released: 2-May-2011 5:00 PM EDT
Baylor University Resources on Death of Osama bin Laden
Baylor University

Baylor University has experts in terrorism, national security, ethics and religion available to comment on the death of Osama bin Laden.

Released: 18-Apr-2011 3:05 PM EDT
Using Leaves’ Characteristics Improves Accuracy Measuring Past Climates
Baylor University

A study led by Baylor University geologists shows that a new method that uses different size and shape traits of leaves to reconstruct past climates over the last 120 million years is more accurate than other current methods.

Released: 14-Apr-2011 10:15 AM EDT
Finalists Selected for Baylor’s $250,000 Cherry Award for Great Teaching
Baylor University

Three preeminent scholar/teachers from U.S. universities have been selected as finalists for Baylor University’s 2012 Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching.

Released: 14-Apr-2011 10:15 AM EDT
Baylor Releases Three-Year Status Report on Sustainability
Baylor University

Baylor University has released the first report that details its numerous environmental achievements in waste reduction, recycling and energy conservation since 2007.

Released: 11-Apr-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Baylor Invites Central Texas To Help Break Zumba World Record
Baylor University

On April 18, 1996, Baylor University lifted its 151-year-old ban on dancing with great fanfare. Fifteen years later, Baylor hopes its collective dance fever will set a Guinness World Record. And Central Texas is invited to join the party.

Released: 11-Apr-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Satisfied People Are More Likely to Vote
Baylor University

Contented people are more likely to vote than unhappy ones, according to a study co-authored by a Baylor University researcher. Dr. Patrick Flavin, an assistant professor of political science at Baylor, also found that discontented individuals are no more likely to take part in political protests.

Released: 5-Apr-2011 3:35 PM EDT
The Case of the Missing “R’s”
Baylor University

Some students at Baylor University haven’t been minding their “P’s” and “Q’s.” Instead, they’ve been tending to “R’s” — and finding they crop up in Central Texas conversations much more than they did decades ago. The finding is significant because of pronunciation of "R" is a socioenomic indicator.

Released: 4-Apr-2011 4:15 PM EDT
Experts Available to Discuss King James Version of the Bible — the Bestseller that has been Banned, Burned and Revered — as It Marks its 400th anniversary
Baylor University

Before making their way to Vatican City, more than 100 priceless items from a private collection — among them rare Bibles, Hebrew scrolls and medieval manuscripts — will be shown Thursday, April 7, through Saturday, April 9, at Baylor University’s Armstrong Browning Library in a free exhibit.

Released: 25-Mar-2011 10:50 AM EDT
Researchers Find Earliest People to Inhabit the Americas
Baylor University

Baylor University geology researchers, along with scientists from Texas A&M University and around the country, have found the oldest archaeological evidence of human occupation in the Americas at a Central Texas archaeological site located about 40 miles northwest of Austin.

Released: 22-Mar-2011 11:00 AM EDT
Conference Brings Experts to Discuss Global Energy Issues at Baylor University
Baylor University

The 2011 Global Business Forum will take place at Baylor University's Hankamer School of Business March 21-30. The focus of the forum, "Global Energy: Sufficiency and Sustainability," hopes to inform and inspire discussion about the future of the energy industry among students, industry professionals and executives.

Released: 21-Mar-2011 3:30 PM EDT
400th Anniversary of the King James Version Will Be Marked by Baylor University with a Conference and Exhibit of Rare Bibles and Manuscripts
Baylor University

Baylor University will host an international conference and exhibit of rare Bibles, scrolls and manuscriptsApril 7-9 to commemorate 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible.

Released: 21-Mar-2011 11:00 AM EDT
Native Americans Significantly Modified American Landscape Years Prior to the Arrival of Europeans
Baylor University

A new study by Baylor University geology researchers shows that Native Americans’ land use nearly a century ago produced a widespread impact on the eastern North American landscape and floodplain development several hundred years prior to the arrival of major European settlements.

Released: 7-Mar-2011 2:45 PM EST
The Fine Art of Healing: Pre-Med Students Immerse Themselves in ‘Healing Art’ Class
Baylor University

Baylor University is venturing into new territory with an ambitious undergraduate class called Visual Arts and Healing. The class — intended to serve as a model for other universities and medical schools — explores virtually every way art has a bearing on medicine, its creators say.

Released: 1-Mar-2011 11:30 AM EST
Higher Job Performance Linked to People Who are More Honest and Humble
Baylor University

The more honesty and humility an employee may have, the higher their job performance, as rated by the employees’ supervisor. That’s the new finding from a Baylor University study that found the honesty-humility personality trait was a unique predictor of job performance.

Released: 28-Feb-2011 1:45 PM EST
Small Groups Are Not a Cure-All for Megachurches
Baylor University

Establishing small groups within a megachurch — heralded by some as a remedy to the drawbacks of burgeoning congregation size — is “good medicine,” but not a cure-all, according to a national study by Baylor sociologists.

Released: 22-Feb-2011 8:00 AM EST
Baylor University’s Institute for Oral History Wins State Award for Historic Preservation
Baylor University

Baylor University’s Institute for Oral History has won the Texas Historical Commission’s 2011 Award of Excellence in Preserving History.
