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Released: 18-Dec-2013 6:00 PM EST
Spot-on NSA Ruling Rightfully Questions Effectiveness of Phone Surveillance, Says Privacy Law Expert
Washington University in St. Louis

Federal Judge Richard J. Leon’s recent decision ruling the National Security Agency phone surveillance program unconstitutional is absolutely correct as a matter of law, says Neil M. Richards, JD, privacy law expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. “The bulk data collection at issue in the case reveals a tremendous amount about us – who we know, who we confide in, where we go, and with whom,” he says. “It’s exactly the sort of information that should require a warrant before the government obtains it.” Richards was struck by Judge Leon’s willingness to question whether this surveillance program was effective.

Released: 18-Dec-2013 1:00 PM EST
Expert on Eye Exams for Infants Demonstrates Non-Invasive Technique
Pacific University (Ore.)

Dr. JP Lowery is one of hundreds of optometrists across the country who provide free comprehensive eye exams to infants as part of a nationwide program. The exams can detect eye problems early enough to prevent vision loss and learning disabilities.

Released: 16-Dec-2013 5:00 PM EST
Visual Stimuli and Motion Sickness Expert
Pacific University (Ore.)

Shun-Nan Yang is also an expert in eye movement control as it relates to reading and sports performance.
