For Immediate Release; MEDIA ADVISORY

Contact: Barbara Halpern
Phone: (202) 332-7353

Contact: Liz Shaw
Phone: (703) 527-0260

African-American Healthy Heart Month


WHAT: February is African-American Healthy Heart Month
WHO: WATTSHealth Systems, Inc., Los Angeles, California
WHEN: Thursday, February 5, 1998, 12:00-1:00pm
WHERE: The National Press Club, Washington DC -- Zenger Room

WHY: American Heart Month and Black History Month, both long-standing February traditions, advocate the self-awareness of a healthy body and healthy mind, respectively.

In the last 12 years, African-Americans have celebrated their heritage through focusing on their unique contributions to the history of our country. However, during the same time period, black Americans have continued to suffer from heart disease at rates significantly higher than other ethnic groups. Accordingly, WATTSHealth Systems is announcing its plans to designate February African-American Healthy Heart Month, a time when all 22.7 million African-Americans should examine their heart health and their risk for cardiovascular disease.

What's Killing Black America? Compared to their white counterparts, African-Americans suffer cardiovascular disease (CVD), including stroke and high blood pressure, at much higher rates:

-- The death rate from CVD among black men is 47.4% higher, and 69.1% higher among black women.
-- African-American men are nearly 94% more likely and African-American women are 77% more likely to die from stroke.
-- Death from high blood pressure is 361% higher for black men and 370% higher for black women.

African-American Healthy Heart Month is sponsored by WATTSHealth Systems, the largest community-based health care system of its kind in the nation. Established in 1967, it has grown from its initial site in a riot-torn area to serve over 200,000 residents of greater Los Angeles with its HMO, UHP Healthcare, and its numerous non-profit programs. A $25,000 educational grant will be donated to WATTSHealth Systems from Barr Laboratories.

*Health statistics are based on findings from the American Heart Association

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