The latest social media trend comparing your first profile picture to your latest profile picture raises the question — “Just how well have you aged?” Are you all doing a story on this trend?

Aging researcher, Steve Austad, Ph.D., — who has a 16-year old bet with a fellow researcher that someone born before 2001 will reach the age of 150 (the stakes of which could net hundreds of millions dollars to the winner’s descendants in 2150 … seriously) — is available to discuss signs of aging well, signs you haven’t aged well as well as his research on delaying disease and prolonging health.

Now that the comparisons are being made, how do we slow the aging process? In a recent story highlighting Dr. Austad’s work, prevention and therapy may be the key to slowing down how we age successfully. His research shows that addressing the aging process itself is key to alleviating many health-related issues associated with aging.

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