Antarctica contains 90 percent of the ice on Earth and could raise sea levels worldwide if it were to melt. Using satellite data, scientists recently discovered rapid changes in the West Antarctic region, yet there has been no substantial atmospheric science or climatological fieldwork there since the 1950s. Atmospheric data are needed to improve Earth system models to predict how the climate in the region will continue to change.
“Characterizing the remote environment is an essential part of predicting how climate will change, and few places are as remote as the West Antarctic Ice Sheet,” said Scripps Institution of Oceanography atmospheric chemist Lynn Russell, who joins Scripps Oceanography researcher Dan Lubin as a co-principal investigator of AWARE.
Over 14 months, AWARE scientists and technical experts are using a suite of cutting-edge instruments to collect and analyze detailed atmospheric and cloud data in the region. The never-before-collected data from AWARE will be globally beneficial and will be vital in creating the first well-calibrated measurements of this kind acquired from Antarctica.
Workshop participants will include Russell; Andy Vogelmann, an atmospheric scientist from Brookhaven National Laboratory and a former Scripps researcher; and Jim Mather, Technical Director at the U.S. Department of Energy ARM Climate Research Facility.
RELATED PRESENTATIONS: A11D-0088 • Monday, Dec. 14, 2015, 8 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. • Moscone South Poster HallLynn Russell, Amanda Frossard, Kevin Sanchez Paola Massoli, Scott Elliott, Susannah Burrows, Timothy Bates, Patricia Quinn, “COMPARING ORGANIC AEROSOL COMPOSITION FROM MARINE BIOGENIC SOURCES TO SEAWATER AND TO PHYSICAL SEA SPRAY MODELS”
A42D-01 • Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015, 10:20 a.m. – 10:35 a.m. • Moscone West 3010Patricia Quinn, Timothy Bates, Derek Coffman, Lynn Russell, “DO PRIMARY MARINE AEROSOL ORGANICS PLAY A ROLE IN THE BIOLOGICAL REGULATION OF CLIMATE?”
A43C • Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015, 1:40 p.m. – 6 p.m. • Moscone South Poster HallNicholas Meskhidze, Susannah Burrows, Lynn Russell, Tim Bertram, “MARINE AEROSOLS AND TRACE GASES II POSTERS”