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Released: 31-May-2013 3:15 PM EDT
Hurricane Experts Available to Provide Analysis Throughout the Season
Florida State University

From prediction to recovery, Florida State University’s experts are among the best in the nation when it comes to the study of hurricanes and their impact on people and property. These experts are available to answer media questions and provide perspective to news stories throughout the 2013 hurricane season, which begins June 1 and ends Nov. 30.

Released: 29-May-2013 4:30 PM EDT
U.Va. Nursing Professor Developing Rape Kit Dye That Will Work for All Skin Colors
University of Virginia

University of Virginia Nursing professor Kathryn Laughon is testing a new dye that will better reveal tissue lacerations and abrasions for women of color who have been raped. The blue dye currently used on all women examined after a suspected sexual assault works well on light-skinned women, but not as well on dark-skinned women.
