Kids under 5 and COVID-19

As COVID-19 restrictions lift, parents of children under 5 still wait for a vaccine. Pediatrician Poj Lysouvakon, MD, can speak about how to keep young children safe in this next phase of the pandemic and can address vaccine hesitancy among parents of older children.

Pregnancy and the COVID-19 vaccine

Vaccine hesitancy remains high among pregnant people, a population that’s more vulnerable to serious disease caused by COVID-19. Maternal-fetal medicine specialist Joana Lopes Perdigao, MD, can speak on vaccine safety and what we’ve learned about the protection the vaccine offers to babies in utero.

COVID-19 impact on marginalized communities

Health disparities researcher Elizabeth Tung, MD, MS, can speak on the impact of COVID-19 on marginalized communities. A practicing internist, her research focuses on disparities in chronic disease management, and she was recently part of a study that found that housing intervention reduced COVID-19 rates among people experiencing homelessness.

Healthcare disparities and the pandemic

Internist and public health researcher Monica Peek, MD, MPH, works to reduce healthcare disparities among African American patients. She can speak on how the pandemic exposed long-existing disparities and what the future of healthcare looks like for communities of color.

Ethics of medical resource allocation

Medical ethicist and critical care physician William Parker, MD, Phd, studies the allocation of scarce medical resources. He can speak on lessons learned throughout the pandemic, including more recently from the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

Vitamin D and COVID-19

Among the new research that emerged from the pandemic was a study that found that vitamin D may protect against COVID-19, especially in Black people. Lead author David Meltzer, MD, PhD, a hospitalist and active clinical researcher, can speak on the importance of adequate vitamin D in preventing disease.

Mental health effects of the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an undeniable impact on mental health. Psychiatrist Royce Lee, MD, can speak on a range of mental health issues that have emerged from the pandemic – including grief, PTSD and burnout – and impacts that will be felt long after masks come off.

Sexual health and the pandemic

Infectious disease specialist Aniruddha Hazra, MD, focuses on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and their impact on gender and sexual minorities. He can speak on the effects of the pandemic on sexual health, particularly on HIV and STI screening and positivity rates.