Newswise — Nurse practitioners and nurse practitioner students from across New York State will travel to Albany on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, to call for passage of important legislation that has far-reaching impact on patients and families in the state. They will urge passage of advanced directive legislation that authorizes nurse practitioners to execute Do Not Resuscitate orders, commonly knows as DNRs. They will also ask lawmakers to pass legislation authorizing nurse practitioners to enter into agreements to make life-saving automatic defibrillators available.
“Both of these pieces of legislation speak directly to the important and necessary role of nurse practitioners in our health care system,” says Stephen Ferrara, associate dean of clinical affairs at Columbia University School of Nursing and executive director of the Nurse Practitioner Association New York State.
“Decisions regarding life-sustaining treatment or other orders not to resuscitate are deeply personal ones. Patients should be able to contemplate such decisions in consultation with their primary care provider who, in many instances, is a nurse practitioner, Ferrara says.
Speaking of the defibrillator legislation Ferrara says, “There is simply no reason why nurse practitioners, given their extensive education and expertise, should be limited in their ability to increase access to life-saving automatic defibrillators.”
Nurse Practitioner Association New York State Annual Capital Day, April 25th
Photo and Interview Opportunities
• Stephen Ferrara, available via phone and in-person.
• Tuesday, April 25, 6:00am, Columbia Nurse Practitioners Students Board Buses to Albany. Location: Columbia Nursing School, 617 W. 168th Street in Manhattan.
• Tuesday, April 25, 9:30-11am, Nurse Practitioners Gather in Albany. Location: Hilton Albany, 40 Lodge Street. 11am Nurse Practitioners Walk to Capitol Building for Legislative Visits.
The Nurse Practitioner Association New York State
Nurse Practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses who have completed advanced education, at a Master’s or Doctorate level, plus additional preparation. These professionals are authorized to independently diagnose illness and physical conditions, perform therapeutic and corrective measures, order tests, prescribe medications, devices and immunizing agents, and refer patients to other health care providers. The Nurse Practitioner Association New York State (NPA), the only statewide professional association of nurse practitioners, promotes high standards of healthcare delivery through the empowerment of Nurse Practitioners and the profession throughout New York State.
Contact: Myrna Manners, Manners Dotson Group, 718-986-7255, [email protected]